Syrphus sargoides, Macquart, 1850
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Plazi (2018-10-12 09:23:46, last updated 2024-11-29 11:11:38) |
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Syrphus sargoides |
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sargoides Macquart, 1850 View in CoL [incertae sedis]
Figs 38, 39 View FIGURES 38–45. 38 , 111 View FIGURES 106–111. 106 .
Syrphus sargoides Macquart, 1850: 455 View in CoL . Type-locality: Brazil [T ♂ UMO].
Doros disjuncta Sack, 1921: 132 . Type locality: Paraguay, St. Trinidad [LT ♂ DEI] . Lectotype ♂ here designated. New synonym.
Baccha flata Hull, 1940: 433 View in CoL . Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petropolis [HT ♂ CNC]. New synonym.
Baccha lopesae Curran, 1941: 269 . Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Tijuca [HT ♂ AMNH]. Synonym of Baccha flata Hull View in CoL by Thompson et al. (1976: 18).
Ocyptamus disjunctus View in CoL . Thompson et al. (1976: 17).
Ocyptamus flatus . Thompson et al. (1976: 18).
Ocyptamus sargoides View in CoL . Thompson et al. (1976: 27).
Redescription. MALE: Head. Face yellowish with a poorly defined median orange vitta restricted to tubercle, sparsely white pollinose laterally, pollen expanding dorsally to level of antenna insertion, white pilose ventrolaterally to tubercle and progressively darker laterally until level of antenna insertion, anterior oral margin sparsely white pilose; gena narrow, yellow; lunule shiny, with distinct depression dorsad each antenna insertion, yellow with median black spot connected to black oval spot dorsad lunule by narrow black vitta (vitta might be absent); frontal triangle dull yellow with median black triangular spot connected ventrally to lunule macula by narrow black vitta, black pilose, pile sparse directly ventrad triangular macula; antenna base protuberant, yellow but brownish dark laterally, black pilose; vertical triangle black, with five posterior to three anterior irregular compact rows of black pile ending before frontal ocellus; ocellar triangle distanced 1.5 times its length from the posterior eye margin; eye contiguity shorter than vertical triangle length; eye margin with no distinct indentation on posterior margin, at most slightly subtriangular ventrad level of antenna insertion; antenna insertions separated by median sclerotized band, antenna yellowish orange, black pilose with long pile dorsally and ventrally on the basal antennal segments, scape and pedicel of the same length, basoflagellomere oval and long, longer than length of scape plus pedicel, darker dorsally and apically, arista reddish brown; occiput silvery-white pollinose, with white pile in two to three regular rows on ventral 2/3 and in two regular rows on dorsal 1/3, anterior rows slightly shorter than posterior ones. Thorax ( Fig. 38 View FIGURES 38–45. 38 ). Prothorax yellow, sparse white pollinose; scutum generally dull black pollinose with yellow lateral sides except darker immediately posterior to transverse suture, with complete submedian pair and single median vittae of golden pollen, sub-median pair vittae slightly tapering and curving posterolaterally, each vitta of the pair connected to yellow lateral sides by narrow fascia of golden pollen at transverse suture, median vitta constricted at level of transverse suture and slightly expanded at posterior apex, with light golden erect pile, slightly orange laterally, pile longer anteriorly, laterally and posteriorly, pile forming distinct compact irregular rows anteriorly and a posteriorly oriented fringe of compact regular rows dorsal to wing insertion and anterior to post-alar callus; scutellum light yellow with large median hyaline fascia, pile long and golden dark to dark, basal pile light golden, ventral scutellar fringe with two to three rows of long light yellow pile; pleuron yellow, slightly reddish on ventral katepisternum and meron, darker on anatergum and ventral-posterior 1/ 5 of katatergum, sparsely white pollinose, with long, erect, golden orange pile on posterior 1/2 of posterior anepisternum, anterior anepimeron and slightly shorter on dorsal anterior anepisternum, with long erect light golden pile on ventral anepisternum, on an anterior and posterior patch dorsally on the katepisternum and ventrally on the katepisternum, and on katepimeron, slightly shorter ventrad posterior spiracle on metaepisternum, meron might have a few long light golden pile dorsally, posteroventral 2/3 of katatergum with very short, thin, densely arranged white pile; metasternum yellow, with very few hairs, may appear bare; metaepimeron flared laterally on posterior 1/2; postmetacoxal bridge incomplete, metathoracic epimera widely separated; plumula long, yellow; ventral wing sclerite black; dorsal calypter greyish black, margin black, fringe short and black, ventral calypter yellow, margin dark yellow, fringe long and yellow; halter yellow. Wing: mostly hyaline except for dark anterior margin (dark on cells c, sc, r1, r2+3 and most of anterior 1/2 of r), completely microtrichose; alula mostly hyaline, base slightly yellowish, completely microtrichose, large, 2× (basally) to 2.5× (apically) larger than c cell. Legs ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 38–45. 38 ): proleg yellowish, apical 1/2 of profemur light orange, yellow pilose but slightly orange on orange region, pile more abundant on procoxa, pile longer on procoxa, protrochanter, laterally and ventrally on basal 1/2 of profemur, apex of profemur with slightly longer pile laterally; mesoleg yellow, mesofemur with sub-apical ring of light orange, pile yellow but slightly orange on orange region, longer on mesocoxa, mesotrochanter and mesofemur, densely arranged on apical 2/3 of mesofemur, with an irregular row of erect pile on ventro-posterior apical 2/3 of mesofemur, ventral apex of mesotibia and ventral side of mesobasitarsomere with longer, thicker and darker pile, mesobasitarsomere as wide as mesotibia, longer than, but of same width as, remaining tarsomeres; metaleg orange, yellow on apex of metafemur and basal 1/2 of metatibia, orange pilose but also black pilose anterobasally on metacoxa and ventrally on metatrochanter (or completely black on both segments and on ventral base of metafemur), long and densely arranged on metacoxa, metatrochanter and metafemur, metabasitarsomere as on mesoleg, but longer; tarsal claws with basal 1/2 yellow, apical 1/2 black. Abdomen ( Fig. 38 View FIGURES 38–45. 38 ). Slightly oval, slightly longer than thorax. Tergum 1 short, with wider and rounded lateral sides, yellow, slightly black on apical margin, with long black pile, light yellow basally, with sparse short pile to bare medially. Tergum 2 subquadrate, slightly constricted basally, usually orange with two large hyaline quadrangular spots on basal 1/2, separated by narrow yellow vitta (tergum might also be slightly pale apically), pile yellow, long, erect and sparse on basal 1/2, orange to black and appressed on apical 1/2, shorter and sparse medially on apical 1/2. Tergum 3 rectangular wider than long, orange to dark brown (might also be narrowly pale apically and with a median complete pale vitta), with light orange appressed pile, darker laterally. Tergum 4 as tergum 3 but slightly trapezoidal, with wide base. Tergum 5 as tergum 4 but smaller, apex not so pale and without median pale vitta. Sternum 1 distinctly sclerotized, orange, with densely arranged, long, black pile, except shorter laterally; sternum 2 rectangular long, basal 2/3 hyaline, apical 1/3 orange, bare on basal 1/3, with long, erect, yellow pile on median 1/3, slightly shorter and orange pile on apical 1/3; sterna 3–5 similar to respective terga. Genitalia: surstylus narrow and elongated, with long pile on dorsobasal 1/4 and ventrobasal 1/2, with a few sparse ventral setulae on apical 1/2; subepandrial sclerite rectangular wider than long, with convex anterior margin, concave lateral margins, and posteriorly elongated basolateral corners. Hypandrium short oval, slightly longer than wide in dorsal view, ventral notch extending for most of the length of the hypandrium, with concave basal margin; phallapodeme mostly unsclerotized; basiphallus drop-shaped in ventral view, posterior projection short, apical 1/2 much higher than the tapering basal 1/2, anterior sclerotized surface of the distiphallus almost straight, tapering apically, base slightly extending laterally but not joining ventrally, with wider membranous area on apex, ventral surface completely membranous and with sparse microtrichia; postgonite with basal margin straight and apical margin mostly straight, with apicoventral extremity as an acute projection, with pile on basal 3/4 of the ventral margin.
FEMALE. Similar to male except frons widens from vertex, median black triangular spot connected dorsally to vertex by a median black vitta; vertex slightly shining, black with color slightly advancing ventrally on lateral sides forming a rounded margin with yellow lateral sides of frons, with shorter pile; ocellar triangle 3× its length in front of the posterior eye margin; internal lateral side of scape slightly extending into the base of the basoflagellomere; occiput not so enlarged. Genitalia: Tergum 7 sclerotized, lighter on a medial vitta, pilose on apical 1/3; sternum 7 membranous, wholly pilose, with some longer pile apically. Tergum 8 subtriangular and sclerotized, lighter on a medial vitta, with sparse pile restricted to apical 1/3; sternum 8 mostly membranous except sclerotized laterally, wholly pilose. Epiproct as a pair of quadrangular plates, with a few pile apically, apodeme twice the length of the epiproct; hypoproct triangular and membranous, pilose. Cerci membranous, pilose, positioned apically and on a perpendicular plane to the epiproct. With three mostly round spermathecae, with a short acute projection in one side.
Biology. Sack (1921) reared the species from a small cicada ( Hemiptera : Cicadidae ) on Pilocarpus sellovii [probably a misspelling of Podocarpus sellowii Klotzsch ex Endl. ]. Rojo et al. (2003) reported a citation of this species feeding on Pseudococcus pertusus McKenzie ( Hemiptera : Pseudococcidae ) from Brazil. The studied material from Trinidad and Tobago was reared from predaceous larvae on membracid nymphs on Inga sp. ( Fabaceae ).
Other material examined: BRAZIL: Amazonas, Tabatinga , 11.vii.1991, M. Rosa & J. Vidal (1♀ INPA) ; Espírito Santo, Santa Teresa , 24.ix.1966, C. T. & C. Elias (1♂ DZUP, DZUP-Diptera 342985) ; Rio de Janeiro, Corcovado, vi.1932, L.T. (1♂ MNRJ); Tijucas, 29.viii.1939, Freitas & Lopes (1♂ MNRJ); Jardim Botânico ,, D. Mendes (1♀ MNRJ) ; Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia , 27°11' S 52°23' W, 300–500 m, ii.1968, F. Plaumann (1♂ CNC) GoogleMaps . COSTA RICA: Alajuela, Sector San Ramón, L_N 318100_ 381900, 800 m, 11–15.iv.1994, M. Zumbado , #2857 (1♂ USNM, INBIOCRI001820338 ) . TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: Parrylands, 13.i.1981, M.J.W. Cock, CIE Coll. A. 13628 (1♂ 1♀, 2 puparia, BMNH).
Comments. Syrphus sargoides Macquart was described from an unspecified number of males from Brazil, one of which was illustrated. The syntype now in the Oxford Museum, without an abdomen and labeled “ sargoides ♂ / / ♂ Macq. n. sp. ” [Macquart handwritten label glued on to a Bigot label of] “Brazi. D. exot.” is here designated as lectotype.
Doros disjuncta Sack was described from a male and a female. A male labeled “ Paraguay // Sa. Trinidad // VIII.1913 ” “R545” [in Red handwriting] “ Doros // disjunctus S. ” [in Sack's hand] is here designated lectotype and has been so labeled. This lectotype designation is made in order to fix the concept of disjuncta and to ensure universal and consistent interpretation of the same.
The holotypes of Baccha flata Hull , now in the Canadian National Collection, and of Baccha lopesae Curran , in the American Museum of Natural History, were also examined. Doros disjuncta Sack and Baccha flata Hull are new synonyms of Syrphus sargoides Macquart , a very distinctive large species with a broad abdomen and large metatibial pile brushes, which ranges from Costa Rica to Brazil. Based on preliminary morphological analysis, it does not fit in the current Ocyptamus definition but, based on some morphological characteristics, might belong within Mimocalla .
FIGURES 38–45. 38: Syrphus sargoides Macquart [male, DZUP-Diptera 342599], habitus, dorsal view. 39: Syrphus sargoides [female, GFGM-MNRJ0003], metafemur and metatibia, lateral view. Scale = 1 mm. 40: Baccha grata Curran [male, USNMENT 00022542], habitus, lateral view. Scale = 2 mm. Note: framed with white, a zoom-in of the antennae. 41: Baccha grata [male, USNM], male, habitus, lateral view. 42: Baccha grata [male, USNM], male, habitus, dorsal view. 43: Baccha grata [female, USNMENT 00022543], spermatheca. Scale = 100 µm. 44: Syrphus conjunctus, female, by Steve Marshall. 45: Ocyptamus dimidiatus (Fabricius) [female, INPA-DIP0000808], antenna. Scale = 0.2 mm. Note: Arrow indicates the narrow pedicel projection over the basoflagellomere.
FIGURES 106–111. 106: Pelecinobaccha alicia [female, CNC], occiput, detail, photo previously published in Miranda et al. (2014): ar: anterior row of occipital pile; pr: posterior row of occipital pile. 107: Relictanum johnsoni (Curran) [female, CNC], occiput, detail, photo previously published in Miranda et al. (2014): sr: single row of occipital pile. 108: Ocyptamus myiophagus Thompson sp. nov. [male holotype, USNMENT 01288295], habitus, dorsal view. Scale = 1 mm. 109: Ocyptamus myiophagus Thompson sp. nov. [male holotype, USNMENT 01288295], head, frontal view. Scale = 1 mm. 110: Ocyptamus myiophagus Thompson sp. nov. [male holotype, USNMENT 01288295], habitus, lateral view. Scale = 1 mm. 111: Syrphus sargoides [male, GFGM-MNRJ0002], hypandrium, lateral view.
Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut |
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia |
Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure |
Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro |
Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes |
Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
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Genus |
Syrphus sargoides
Mengual, Ximo, Miranda, Gil Felipe G. & Thompson, F. Christian 2018 |
Syrphus sargoides
Macquart, 1850 : 455 |
Doros disjuncta
Sack, 1921 : 132 |
Baccha flata
Hull, 1940 : 433 |
Baccha lopesae
Curran, 1941 : 269 |
Thompson et al. (1976 : 18 |
Ocyptamus disjunctus
Thompson et al. (1976 : 17 |
Ocyptamus flatus
Thompson et al. (1976 : 18 |
Ocyptamus sargoides
Thompson et al. (1976 : 27 |
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