Trigonoschema negrosensis Crispolon & Yap, 2021

Crispolon, Elorde Jr. S., Guilbert, Eric, Yap, Sheryl A. & Soulier-Perkins, Adeline, 2021, New genus and new species of spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) from the Philippines, European Journal of Taxonomy 778, pp. 90-135 : 120-123

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Felipe (2021-11-16 13:13:07, last updated 2024-12-04 22:17:16)

scientific name

Trigonoschema negrosensis Crispolon & Yap

gen. et sp. nov.

Trigonoschema negrosensis Crispolon & Yap gen. et sp. nov.

Fig. 14 View Fig


In general shape, T. negrosensis is similar to T. rubercella but their coloration is distinctly different. T. negrosensis in dorsal view presents a dirty yellow pronotum followed by a light orange scutellum framed by yellow irregular patches on clavus of tegmen while T. rubercella presents a bright yellow pronotum followed by a red band running on basal parts of tegmen and across scutellum.


The species is named after the island where it was found: Negros.

Material examined

Holotype PHILIPPINES • ♂; “ Philippines , Negros volcan Canlaon , champ de coqs ; 10º25'29" N, 123º05.23" E ”; “Muséum Paris, Piège lumineux, 932 m; 28 Oct. 2010; A. Soulier-Perkins rec.”, “ UPLBMNH HEM- 05055 ”; UPLBMNH.

Paratypes PHILIPPINES • 4 ♂♂; “ Philippines , Negros volcan Canlaon , champ de coqs ; 10º25'29" N, 123º05'36" E ”; “Muséum Paris, 1050 m; 28 Oct. 2010; D. Ouvrard Rec. ”, “Muséum Paris, MNHN ( EH) 23639 , 24825 to 24827 ”; MNHN GoogleMaps 5 ♂♂; “ Philippines , Negros volcan Canlaon , champ de coqs , 10º25'29" N, 123º05.23" E ”; “Muséum Paris, Piège lumineux 932 m; 28 Oct. 2010; A. Soulier-Perkins rec.”, “Muséum Paris, MNHN ( EH) 24828 ”, “Muséum Paris, MNHN ( EH) 24829 to 24830 ”, “séquençage par Elorde Crispolon, C-00076, C-00077”, “Muséum Paris, MNHN ( EH) 24831 ”; MNHN. “ UPLBMNH HEM- 05056 ”; UPLBMNH ♀; “ Philippines , Negros volcan Canlaon , forêt , 10º25'31" N, 123º05'40" E ”; “Muséum Paris, Piège lumineux 1098 m; 29 Oct. 2010; A. Soulier-Perkins rec.”, “Muséum Paris, MNHN ( EH) 24832 ”; MNHN GoogleMaps ♀; “ Philippines , Negros volcan Canlaon , forêt , 10º25'31" N, 123º05'43" E ” “ Muséum Paris, 1098 m, 30 Oct. 2010, D. Ouvrard Rec. ”, “Muséum Paris, MNHN ( EH) 24833 ”; MNHN GoogleMaps ♂; “Philippines, Negros volcan Canlaon , forêt ; 10º25'31" N, 123º05'43" E ”; “Muséum Paris, Piège lumineux 1098 m; 30 Oct. 2010; A. Soulier-Perkins rec.”, “Muséum Paris, MNHN ( EH) 24834 ”; MNHN GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂; “Philippines, Negros volcan Canlaon , forêt , 10º25'36" N, 123º05'37" E ”; “Muséum Paris, Piège lumineux 1057 m, 31 Oct. 2010; A. Soulier-Perkins rec.”, “Muséum Paris, MNHN ( EH) 24835 to 24837 ” “séquençage par Elorde Crispolon C-00167”, “Muséum Paris, MNHN ( EH) 24838 ”; MNHN GoogleMaps ♀; “Philippines, Negros volcan Canlaon , forêt , 10º25'23" N, 123º04'46" E; “Muséum Paris, Piège lumineux 745 m; 3 Nov. 2010; A. Soulier-Perkins rec.”, “Muséum Paris, MNHN ( EH) 24839 ”; MNHN GoogleMaps . • 2 ♂♂; “Philippines, Luzon , mount Isarog , Light trap ”, “Muséum Paris; 31 May 2011; S. Yap Rec. ” “Muséum Paris, MNHN ( EH) 24840 to 24841 ”; MNHN .


BODY. Length 11–12.5 mm (tegmina included), width 4–5 mm.

HEAD ( Figs 1 View Fig , 14B View Fig ). In dorsal view, ocelli small, distance between eyes 9.5 times ocellus diameter ( Figs 1 View Fig , 14B View Fig ). Distance between ocellus and compound eye less than 3 times ocellus diameter ( Figs 1 View Fig , 14B View Fig ). Distance between ocelli 1.5 ocellus diameter ( Figs 1 View Fig , 14B View Fig ). Eyes not prominent, length 1.33 times than wide. Vertex with longitudinal median carina, as long as wide. Frons without median carina. Postclypeus with dimple below margin of frons and a longitudinal furrow clearly marked in males, swollen laterally and slightly ovoid shape in frontal view, widest part close to frons, not receding and prior to anteclypeus where it bends rounded in lateral view ( Figs 1B View Fig , 14A View Fig ). Rostrum long, reaching but not surpassing mesocoxae. Thorax ( Figs 2B View Fig , 14A–C View Fig ). In dorsal view, pronotum with anterior deep concavities on each side, much clearly marked in female, longitudinal median carina absent. Anterior margin of pronotum as wide as posterior margin of head including eyes, anterolateral margins curved, posterior margin grooved, postero-lateral margins slightly concave, slightly longer than anterolateral margins, humeral angle rounded. In lateral view, pronotum angle around 45º ( Figs 2B View Fig , 14A View Fig ). Scutellum as long as wide with large median dimple ( Fig. 14C View Fig ). Tegmen ( Fig. 14A, C View Fig ). R bifurcates on apical half, M bifurcate on basal third, apical reticulation not well developed without concave apical cells. Posterior wing ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). Rp separating from SC+Ra nearly at midlength, M reaches ambient vein, Cua and Cup fused at base and m-cu links M to Cua before Cua bifurcation, 7 longitudinal veins and 5 apical cells between SC+Ra and Cup, angular protrusion of costal margin near its base. Metafemur with apical spine in inner margin, metatibiae bearing 1 lateral spine.

MALE TERMINALIA. In lateral view, posterior margin of pygofer ( Fig. 14E View Fig ) convex in middle and clearly concave on last third. Subgenital plates ( Fig. 14F View Fig ) slightly longer relative to height of pygofer with fine appendage shorter forming acute angle with main plate, dorsal and ventral margin of main plate roughly straight. Sterno-lateral plate present and slightly elongated. Intermediate plates present, boomerangshaped, linking internal sides of lateral plate and subgenital plate. Paramere ( Fig. 14G View Fig ) globose, dorsal margin convex then curving regularly and finishing with a sharp spine pointed antero dorsally, lateral margin with process in middle part pointing dorsally, ventral margin regularly rounded with subapical part largely protruding posteriorly then finishing with two sharp spines pointing postero-ventrally. Aedeagus ( Fig. 14H View Fig ) with basal fourth almost straight then bending vertically and slightly wave-shape up to postero-dorsal protrusion, apical extension pointing dorsally, posterior protrusion thick, beakshaped, in posterior view, very slim at the top and petal shaped and foliaceous toward the base ( Fig. 14I View Fig ), postero-dorsal protrusion present.

COLOR. Head including postclypeus and rostrum, legs and abdomen orange, pronotum orange white anterior half, greenish on apical part, scutellum greenish white with orange coloration, antennal scape and pedicel

orange, flagellum with brown coloration. Tegmen translucid yellow, basal third with white coloration in costal margin and clavus and with orange coloration in between white coloration, last 2 ⁄ 3 yellowish brown.

Type Locality

Philippines: Visayas, Negros Occidental, Mount Kanlaon.


Philippines, Visayas, Negros Island; Luzon Island.

Gallery Image

Fig. 14. Trigonoschema negrosensis Crispolon & Yap sp. nov., holotype, habitus and ♂ terminalia in lateral view. A. Lateral view. B. Frontal view. C. Dorsal view. D. Labels. E. Terminalia. F. Sternolateral, intermediate and subgenital plates. G. Paramere. H. Aedeagus. I. Shape of pp in posterior view.

Gallery Image

Fig. 1. Head schematic representation with diameter of ocelli compared to distance between them and between ocellus and compound eye. A. Mioscarta Breddin, 1901. B. Trigonoschema Crispolon & Soulier-Perkins gen. nov. C. Poeciloterpa Stål, 1870.

Gallery Image

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the pronotum angle. A. Mioscarta Breddin, 1901. B. Trigonoschema Crispolon & Soulier-Perkins gen. nov. C. Poeciloterpa Stål, 1870.

Gallery Image

Fig. 3. Posterior wings. A. Mioscarta sp. B. Poeciloterpa sp.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle











