Eurymesosa Breuning, 1938

Huang, Gui-Qiang, Xu, Ling-Rui, Zhou, Xian & Zhang, Gui-Mei, 2024, A revision of the genus Eurymesosa Breuning, 1938 (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Mesosini), ZooKeys 1193, pp. 111-123 : 111

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scientific name

Eurymesosa Breuning, 1938


Eurymesosa Breuning, 1938 View in CoL

Eurymesosa Breuning, 1938: 366 (key), 391 (original description); Breuning 1959: 49 (catalogue); Rondon and Breuning 1970: 319 (catalogue); Yamasako and Lin 2016: 194 (diagnosis, distribution); Lin and Yang 2019: 331 (catalogue); Danilevsky 2020: 390 (catalogue).

Type species.

Ereis ventralis Pascoe, 1865.


Breuning (1938) described detailed characters in his original description of Eurymesosa , but we found it is necessary to improve the description of this genus after examining types of all species and additional material. Thus, we redescribe Eurymesosa based on the original description provided by Breuning.

Body elongated oval and robust. Head with single narrow and medial shallow sulcus extending from base of frons to posterior of vertex. Eyes coarsely faceted. Antennae moderately thin, sparsely fringed with long dark brown pubescence beneath, antennae more than 1/2 length of body in males, about 1/4 longer than body in females, apical cicatrix of antennal scape opened, 3rd antennomere significantly longer than scape and 4th antennomere respectively. Pronotum transverse and slightly rounded laterally, with three irregular calluses (two located at sides of center and one near basal middle), with single anterior transverse groove (middle part nearly missing) and single posterior transverse groove; disc sparsely covered with short white setae. Prosternal process narrow and distinctly lower than procoxae; procoxal cavity closed posteriorly. Scutellum linguiform. Elytra elongated, distinctly wider than pronotum, expanded in middle, widely rounded at apex, with two large, oblique bumps behind middle of base; disc sparsely with coarse granules at base and punctation (punctation slightly coarse at about basal 2/3 of elytra and slightly fine at about apical 1/3 of elytra); each elytron sparsely covered with short white setae; with single sub-rounded or sub-oval dark brown haired spot on above bump, single irregular dark brown haired spot behind humeri and close to margin, single sub-rounded dark brown haired spot before middle, several dark brown haired spots behind middle (number and shape of maculae are different in different species), and with several patchy dark brown maculae near apex. Mesosternal process with single tubercle in center, midcoxal cavity open to epimeron externally. Femora strongly claviform, mid-tibiae without groove.

Differential diagnosis.

Based on the descriptions of the genera Eurymesosa and Mesosa Latreille, 1829 provided by Breuning (1938), we found that Eurymesosa is similar to Mesosa in its elongated oval body, the antennae thin and fringed beneath, the apical cicatrix of antennal scape opened, the 3rd antennomere significantly longer than scape, the elytra widely rounded at apex, the prosternal process lower than procoxae, and the mid-tibiae without a groove. However, Eurymesosa differs from Mesosa in having the eyes strongly reniform (upper lobe and lower lobe of eyes subdivided in Mesosa ), the elytra with two large, oblique bumps behind the middle of the base (without two large, oblique bumps behind middle of base in Mesosa ), the mesosternal process with a single tubercle in the middle (without tubercles in middle in Mesosa ).


Cambodia, China, Indonesia (parts of Borneo), Laos, Malaysia (Peninsular Malayasia, parts of Borneo), Vietnam.












Eurymesosa Breuning, 1938

Huang, Gui-Qiang, Xu, Ling-Rui, Zhou, Xian & Zhang, Gui-Mei 2024


Breuning 1938