Wahydra curtis Mielke, Henao, Carneiro & Casagrade

Henao, Efrain R., Carneiro, Eduardo, Mielke, Olaf H. H. & Casagrade, Mirna M., 2015, Taxonomic notes on Wahydra Steinhauser (Hesperiidae, Hesperiinae, Anthoptini) with description of four new species, Zootaxa 4040 (1), pp. 59-73 : 68-69

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4040.1.5

publication LSID




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scientific name

Wahydra curtis Mielke, Henao, Carneiro & Casagrade

sp. nov.

Wahydra curtis Mielke, Henao, Carneiro & Casagrade sp. nov.

( Figs 19, 20 View FIGURES 1 – 26 , 35 View FIGURES 27 – 40 , 49 View FIGURES 47 – 53 )

Diagnosis. Male: Forewing length 12–13mm. Nudum 14. DFW brand thin; subapical spot orange in R5-M1. VFW costal area, apical spot and marginal band homogeneous yellowish. VHW with faint yellowish discal bands and reddish discal spots. Median apophyses of tegumen developed, large, proximally constricted, simple; lateral projections pointed. Harpe thin, curved.

Description. Male: DFW orange spots present in costal area, R5-M1, from M2 to slightly beyond CuA1, and from posterior half of CuA2 area to anal margin; sparse dark orange scales present on costal and discal cell areas. Brand black, bipartite and constantly thin, anterior part elongated, emarginated with CuA1 and slightly angled towards CuA2, posterior part also elongated and equally thin, emarginated anteriorly with CuA2. DHW orange spot large, from Rs to slightly beyond CuA2; also with a faint elongate orange longitudinal spot along 2A, from base to margin; elongated sparse orange bristles, mainly concentrated in discal cell and anal areas. VFW ground color dark brown; costal area and apical spots dark orange; orange spots in R4-M1 absent, but space flanked by two reddish spots; orange spots in M3 to CuA2 developed; VHW ground color orange, with reduced reddish spots in discal area between Rs-2A, one in discal cell, and several fainted on submarginal area in Rs-CuA2; anal fold dark brown. Genitalia: median apophyses of tegumen slightly longer than the fenestra, larger than half of fenestra; fenestra semicircular, wider than long; lateral apophyses of tegumen symmetrically pointed. Saccus shorter than tegumen's lenght, lobed. Uncus symmetric; arms separated from each other Valvae symmetrical; harpe projection thin, apex truncate; sacculus short, triangular. Aedeagus as long as the valva + saccus length; coecum slightly curved dorsally; dorso-posterior end of aedeagus hollowed, hollow long, extending anteriorly and contiguous with the opening of bulbus duct; ventro-posterior end of aedeagus with large sclerotized foldings, the left one with an additional folding turned upwards. Fultura inferior as lateral fusiform lobes united medially by a thin bar. Female unknown.

Studied material: HOLOTYPE male with the following label: / Holotypus / 21-IX-1997, W[est] Chulumani, La Paz, Bolivia, 2500m, Callaghan leg. / OM 49.268 / Holotypus Wahydra curtis Mielke, Henao, Carneiro & Casagrade det. 2014/ (OM). PARATYPE: 1 male, same labels as holotype, OM 49420 (OM).

Etymology. This species honors Dr. John Curtis Callaghan, for his significant contribution to butterfly biodiversity, not only for his special contribution to the Riodinidae , but also to his collecting efforts of Neotropical Hesperiidae .















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