Lepidaspis, Dineley & Loeffler, 1976

Mark-Kurik, Elga, Blieck, Alain, Burrow, Carole J. & Turner, Susan, 2013, Early Devonian fishes from coastal De Long Strait, central Chukotka, Arctic Russia, Geodiversitas 35 (3), pp. 545-578 : 557

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5252/g2013n3a3



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scientific name



Lepidaspis ? sp.

( Fig. 6D View FIG )

MATERIAL. — Specimen GIT 580-2: isolated tessera.

LOCALITY AND STRATIGRAPHIC HORIZON. — Same as specimens GIT 580-1, 3, 4, 6 and 7: locality (sample) 73, Tonnel’nyj Brook, south of De Long Strait, Chukotka; Lower Member (1) of Enmakaj Formation, Lochkovian.

DESCRIPTION ħe specimen is a diamond-shaped, 1.7 mm long tessera with a single central, narrow, elongate tubercle (c. 1.4 mm long). ħis tubercle has denticulated edges. Each denticulation is simple (undivided). Additionally, on each side of this central tubercle occurs a much smaller narrow tubercle ( Fig. 6D View FIG ). ħe base of the tessera is perforated by small foramina of the underlying (probably reticulated) layer. ħis tessera compares well with those of Lepidaspis serrata Dineley & Loeffler (1976 : figs 74, 76, pl. 32: 6, 7), and especially with the tessera in their plate 32: 6, which bears a small lateral tubercle beside the main central denticulated one. However, because we have here a single tessera, it is difficult to compare with the great variability of shapes observed on Lepidaspis serrata tesserae ( Dineley & Loeffler 1976), and so only tentatively assign GIT 580-2 to Lepidaspis .


Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology

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