Triportheus orinocensis, Malabarba, 2004

Malabarba, Maria Claudia S. L., 2004, Revision of the Neotropical genus Triportheus Cope, 1872 (Characiformes: Characidae), Neotropical Ichthyology 2 (4), pp. 167-204 : 198-200

publication ID 10.1590/S1679-62252004000400001

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scientific name

Triportheus orinocensis

sp. nov.

Triportheus orinocensis View in CoL , new species

Fig. 25 View Fig

Holotype. MZUSP 85804 View Materials , 85.49 mm SL. Venezuela, Guarico, caño to West of road from Calabozo to San Fernando , about 35 km south to Fundo Masaguaral , caño Falcon, R. Vari et al., 20 Jan 1983 (8º14’N, 67º35’W). GoogleMaps

Paratypes. Venezuela: Guarico: MZUSP 27968 View Materials (7,62.5- 79.2 mm SL), same data as holotype GoogleMaps . USNM 258037 About USNM (7, 65.8-124.8 mm SL), ponds to W of caño Falcon, R. P. Vari et al., 20 Jan 1983 (8º14’N, 67º35’W) GoogleMaps ; USNM 260134 About USNM (7, 87.3-93.7 mm SL), río Caracol where crossed by bridge on ranch, Fundo Masaguaral , R. P. Vari et al., 20 Jan 1983 (08°34’N, 67°30’W) GoogleMaps ; INHS 98930 About INHS (2, 76.6-85.4),UNELLEZ51999 (3,76.6-82.1mmSL) , ANSP180379 About ANSP (1, 85.8 mmSL),MBUCV-V-32265(3,74.1-85.9) , MCP 35825 (1, 102.6 mm SL), 74.1-76.6 mm SL, río Apurito, at mouth of río Guariquito , J. W.Armbruster & P. Ceas, 14 Jan 1995 (07°48’N, 66°31’W) GoogleMaps ; INHS 35870 About INHS (2, 81- 112.9 mm SL), río Cajauito SE of “El Carote” near mouth, D. C. Taphorn et al., 12 Jan 1995 (07°41’N, 66°21’W) GoogleMaps ; INHS 69510 About INHS (1, 134.5 mm SL), río Los Aceites , 15 km SSE of Palenque, D. C. Taphorn, L. M. Page, K .

144.3 mm of SL (depth at dorsal-fin origin, 28.7-37.1, mean =

33.4% SL, n = 58; depth at pectoral-fin insertion, 32.2-39.3,

mean = 35.6% SL, n = 58). This species is readily distin-

guished from its congeners by the extensive scaling over

the caudal and anal fins. The presence of 2 longitudinal

scale rows between the pectoral-fin insertion and the ven-

tral keel distinguishes this species from elongate-bodied

Triportheus species that have 1 longitudinal scale row be-

tween the pectoral-fin insertion and the ventral keel.

Triportheus orinocensis further differs from deep-bodied

congeners, by the combination of the number of gill rakers


on 29.9 mean 37 the,); n = the lower = 37.2 35 number,) limb n; and = 31 of of the). the branched number first gill of anal-fin arch lateral-line (24 rays -28, (mean 28 scales -32 =, mean (25.8 34-39, = n,

Description. Morphometric data for Triportheus orinocensis

presented in Table 17. Body deep and laterally compressed. S. Cummings & D.A. Carney, 21 Jan 1986 (08°52’N, 66°54’W).

Greatest body depth located slightly posterior to vertical Portuguesa: INHS 35635 About INHS (1, 104.7 mm SL), caño Maraca on through pectoral-fin insertion. Dorsal profile of head straight road from Guanare to Guanarito at 60 km marker, P.A. Ceas, J. from margin of upper lip to rear of head. Dorsal profile of W.Armbruster et al., 1 Jan 1995 (8°49’N, 69°20’W) GoogleMaps ; INHS 98929 About INHS body gently curved from rear of head to dorsal-fin origin; (5, 73.8-144.3 mm SL), Puerto Papelon, caño Igues, D. Rodriguez posteroventrally slanted from dorsal-fin origin to caudal pe- & P. Pacheco, 17 Dec 1992 (8°34’N, 68°5’W) GoogleMaps ; USNM 348707 About USNM (5, duncle; straight along caudal peduncle. Laterodorsal portion 58.3-68.3 mm SL), río Portuguesa, caño Maraca, J. W. of body slightly keeled. Armbruster et al., 24 Dec 1998 (8º49’N, 69º20’W) GoogleMaps . Cojedes: INHS Ventral profile of head straight from margin of lower lip to 32014 (1, 68.6 mm SL), río San Carlos , caño Hondo, 5 km S of anteroventral margin of dentary. Ventral profile of body arched Las Vegas (9°34’N, 68°5’W) GoogleMaps . Apure: USNM 257992 (2, 71.5- from base of dentary to pelvic-fin insertion; nearly straight 74.6 mm SL), side channel of río Apure 5k W of San Fernando from that point to anal-fin origin; gently curved along anal- de Apure, technicians at Apure fisheries, 21 Jan 1983 (07°53’N, fin base; straight along caudal peduncle. Prepelvic region 67°29’W); USNM GoogleMaps 258120 (4, 57.5-67.5 mm SL), río El Canito distinctly expanded ventrally and laterally flattened, with wellwhere crossed by road from San Fernando to Cunaviche, 22 developed keel .

Head blunt in profile; posterior margin of opercle falling short of pectoral-fin insertion. Snout vertically straight. Mouth terminal; lower jaw as longer as upper jaw. Nostrils of each side close together; anterior opening circular; posterior elongate.

Gill rakers thick and separated, length equivalent to onehalf length of branchial filament; gill rakers on lower limb of first arch 24-28 [25] (mean = 25.8, n = 37).

Teeth on premaxilla in 3 rows; with teeth of inner row largest. Four to 5 tricuspidate teeth on outer row; outer row teeth arranged along external margin of mouth and visible externally in closed mouth. Medial tooth row with 3 tricuspidate teeth. Seven multicuspidate teeth on inner row of premaxilla. Maxilla with 2-3 tricuspidate teeth smaller than those of premaxilla. Teeth on lower jaw in 2 rows, outer row with 5 larger tricuspidate to pentacuspidate teeth, followed by 3-4 much smaller, tricuspidate teeth.

Scales cycloid, thin, and large. Lateral line distinctly decurved ventrally, completely pored from supracleithrum to base of caudal-fin rays. Thirty-four to 39 [39] (mean = 37.2, n = 31) scales in lateral line; seven scale series between lateral line and dorsal-fin origin; 2 scale rows from lateral line to pelvic-fin insertion. Two scale rows between pectoral-fin insertion and midventral keel; 5 scale series on caudal peduncle. Scales along mid-dorsal line very irregular, with 6-13 [9] (mean = 8.4, n = 17) scales from tip of supraoccipital spine to dorsalfin origin.

Dorsal-fin rays ii,9; anal-fin rays iii,28-32 [29] (mean = 29.9, n = 35); pectoral-fin rays i,10-13 [11] (mean = 11.6, n = 36); pelvic-fin rays i,6. Dorsal-fin margin straight, situated on posterior one-half of body; base of last dorsal-fin ray situated approximately along vertical through base of seventh analfin ray; second unbranched and first branched dorsal-fin ray slightly longer than following rays. Pectoral fin pointed, tip extending posteriorly to vertical through middle of pelvic fin. Anal fin margin slightly curved, first branched anal-fin ray longest, and following rays gradually decreasing in length. Four or five series of scales overlying basal portions of analfin rays, and covering one-half of length of rays. Margin of caudal fin truncate to slightly rounded. Scales covering nearly entire fin.

Total vertebrae 37-38 [37].

Coloration in alcohol. Overall ground color yellowish brown. Snout and dorsal portion of head dark. Some scattered dark chromatophores present on opercle. Body with dark midlateral stripe extending from supracleithrum posteriorly to caudal peduncle; stripe expanding vertically posteriorly and broadened into wider diffuse dark spot on lateral surface of caudal peduncle. Body darker dorsal to stripe. Dorsal-fin rays lightly outlined by dark chromatophores. Scattered chromatophores distributed all over pectoral fin; with more intense pigmentation on first unbranched ray and along fin margin. Caudal-fin border dark.

Distribution. Río Orinoco basin ( Fig. 23 View Fig ).

Etymology. Species name, orinocensis , from the Río Orinoco, where the new species occurs. The name is treated as a name in apposition.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul


Illinois Natural History Survey


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

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