Neidium convolutum Y.Liu & Kociolek, 2020

Liu, Yan, Kociolek, John Patrick, Liu, Qi, Tan, Xiang & Fan, Yawen, 2020, A New Aerophilic Neidium Pfister (Neidiaceae, Bacillariophyta) species from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, Phytotaxa 432 (2), pp. 171-180 : 172-176

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.432.2.6


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Neidium convolutum Y.Liu & Kociolek

sp. nov.

Neidium convolutum Y.Liu & Kociolek sp. nov. ( Figs 1–23 View FIGURES 1–3 View FIGURES 4–6 View FIGURES 7–13 View FIGURES 14–18 View FIGURES 19–23 )

LM description ( Figures 1–6 View FIGURES 1–3 View FIGURES 4–6 ): Valves linear to linear-lanceolate, with wedge-shaped apices. From the end to the middle, half of the valve flat, other half of the valve twisted along the apical axis. Length 81–123 µm, breadth 18–22 µm. Margins parallel, slightly convex in the center. Axial area is narrowly lanceolate, being linear and narrow at the apices, becoming wider towards the center. Central area is small, elliptical, nearly 1/3 of the valve width. Raphe lateral, proximal raphe ends curved in opposite directions. Striae uniseriate, punctate, slightly oblique along the transapical axis, become convergent near the ends. 17–18 per 10µm. Longitudinal lines are obvious, evident along the valve margins.

SEM descriptions ( Figures 7–23 View FIGURES 7–13 View FIGURES 14–18 View FIGURES 19–23 ): External views show a portion of the valve surface is flat, while the rest of the valve is slightly twisted about the apical axis. The valve face is well differentiated from the mantle. The raphe is straight, with distinct, hooked central raphe endings curved in opposite directions ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 7–13 ); the lacinia originates at the base of the mantle ( Figs 9, 10 View FIGURES 7–13 , 16 View FIGURES 14–18 ) and extends to cover the terminal raphe end at the apices ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7–13 ). Striae interrupted at the margin by the longitudinal canal, extending onto the mantle.Areolae on the mantle are smaller than on the valve. Longitudinal lines covered by a hyaline area that contains one or two rows of areolae in the middle of the hyaline area and that are morphologically differentiated from the areolae elsewhere on the valve ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 7–13 ). On some valves there is one row of areolae present in the axial area next to the raphe ( Figs 12 View FIGURES 7–13 , 17 View FIGURES 14–18 ). All areolae on the valve face are round to elliptical in outline and have volate projections which can be branched, bifurcate or T-shaped ( Figs 11 View FIGURES 7–13 , 17, 18 View FIGURES 14–18 ). In some valves, thought to be ontogenetically incomplete, the areolae are round to elliptical in shape but without any volate projections ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 7–13 ). Girdle bands number 3–4 and are without poriods ( Figs 14, 15, 16 View FIGURES 14–18 ).

Internally, the raphe sternum is almost flat with the valve surface ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 19–23 ). The distal raphe ends terminate in thickened, raised helictoglossae on the valve face, and are slightly bent to one side of the valve ( Figs 20, 21 View FIGURES 19–23 ). In the central area, two distinct helictoglossae are fused to form an elongated, raised structure ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 19–23 ). The internal openings of the valve areolae are round, the internal opening of the longitudinal canal and mantle areolae are more elliptical. All the areolae are covered by hymenes ( Figs 20, 21, 22, 23 View FIGURES 19–23 ). There are small renilimbi along the longitudinal canals and axial area ( Figs 20, 21, 22, 23 View FIGURES 19–23 ).

Type:— CHINA. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Shiwan Mts. National Forest Park. Wet-wall, Coll. Y. Liu July 2014 (holotype: HANU! Individual in slide THHN 2014235, here illustrated as Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–3 , isotype: COLO! JPK material No.11526, slide No. 608060)

Etymology: — This species is named for having twisted valves.


Harbin Normal University


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