Anaglyphites zherikhini, Soriano & Delclòs, 2006

Soriano, Carmen & Delclòs, Xavier, 2006, New cupedid beetles from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain and the palaeogeography of the family, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 51 (1), pp. 185-200 : 194-195

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13643699

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scientific name

Anaglyphites zherikhini

sp. nov.

Anaglyphites zherikhini sp. nov.

Figs. 6F View Fig , 9A View Fig .

Type locality: Las Hoyas fossil site, La Cierva, Serranía de Cuenca , Cuenca Province, Spain .

Stratigraphic horizon: Second lithosome of finely laminated limestones of La Huérguina Formation, Lower Cretaceous, Barremian (Fregenal−Martínez and Meléndez 2000).

Derivation of the name: Named in memory of the late Russian palaeoentomologist Vladimir V. Zherikhin .

Material.— Holotype MCCM LH 15122 View Materials , part and counterpart. Well preserved specimen, lacking part of legs.

Diagnosis.—Differs from the rest of species in the ratio between last ventrite and penultimate one, and in the lower ratio between total length and width.

Description.—Measurements: length 7.4 mm; width 3.7 mm; elytra length 4.6 mm. Body comparatively small and rounded. Head slightly longer than wide (without mandibles), slightly narrowed anterior and posteriorly to eyes; genae longer than eyes, vertex with two oval flat prominences. Eyes large, longer than temples. Antennae moniliform, reaching the midlenght of pronotum, scape and third antennomere much longer than rest of each antennomeres, last antennomere somewhat elongate and rounded at apex. Cervical constriction clear. Pronotum transverse, widest at posterior edge and roundly narrowed anteriorly, about 1.4 times as wide as long at posterior edge. Pronotal disc with two weak longitudinal elevations, divided by a deep transverse depression. Procoxae transverse, with comparatively short prosternal process, nearly two times as wide as long. Mesosternum transverse, about 1.6 times as wide as long. Metasternum transverse, about two times as wide as long, with well expressed longitudinal and transverse sutures. Abdomen with 5 visible flat ventrites not superimposed each others. Last ventrite about 1.5 as long as previous one. Elytra about 2.2 times as long as wide, with well visible cells on surface; epipleura rather narrow, with rows of small tubercles. Mesofemora elongate and narrow. Mesotibiae somewhat shorter than mesofemora. Body covered with tubercles, larger on pronotum, smaller in head, and even smaller in abdomen.

? Anaglyphites pluricavus sp. nov.

Figs. 6G View Fig , 9B View Fig .

Type locality. Quarry near Rubies , La Pedrera de Meià fossil site, Sta. Maria de Meià , Sierra del Montsec, Lleida Province, Spain .

Stratigraphic horizon: Calcaires lithographiques à Plantes et Vértébres de la Pedrera de Rubies Formation, Barremian, Lower Cretaceous ( Martín−Closas and López−Morón 1995).

Derivation of the name: From Latin pluri (many) and cavus (hole).

Material.— Holotype IEI LP 97 View Materials G part and counterpart of a beetle with distorted head and prothorax, and without part of legs.

Diagnosis.—From other species of the genus differs in the sculpture of elytra and lower ratio between last ventrite and previous one.

Description.—Measurements: width, approximately 3.7 mm, abdomen length 4.9 mm, elytra length, 4.8 mm. Body rather small and elongate. Procoxae with quite narrow intercoxal process, extended behind coxae. Mesosternum, rather long, somewhat shorter than mesosternum. Mesocoxae rounded and contiguous. Metasternum as long as wide, longitudinal and transverse sutures well expressed; metepisterna rather narrow. Metacoxae with rounded exposed trochantin. Abdomen with five visible ventrites without marked relief. Last ventrite almost equal in length to previous one. Elytra 2.7 as long as wide, epipleura comparatively narrow, with a row of distinct cells; surface of elytra with no principal veins clearly distinct from intercalaries.Cells of elytra rounded and not elongated as the posterior edge of elytra; approximately 40 cells form a row. Pro− and mesofemora about 2.5 times as long as wide, and quite longer than metafemora. Protibiae relatively narrow, about five times as long as wide, protarsi tarsomeres subequal in length and width. Whole body rather evenly covered with tubercles, slightly larger in anterior part of each ventrite.

Discussion.—Unless the general aspect of this beetle resembles the characteristics of the genus Anaglyphites , the systematic position of this new species could not be clarified without any doubt because of the lack of preservation of head and deformation of pronotum.


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