Bentrovata regalis Richards, 1973

Papp, László, 2021, New Species Of Apterobiroina L. Papp And Bentrovata Richards (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) From Australia, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 67 (2), pp. 101-117 : 114

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Bentrovata regalis Richards, 1973


Bentrovata regalis Richards, 1973 View in CoL

( Figs 43–53)

Material studied: 2 males, 2 females ( HNHM, 1 f in AM): WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Burnside nr. Margaret River , pitfall traps (all with the label of “ Bentrovata regalis Rich. m/f, det. L.Papp 2008”) : 1 male, 1 female (gen. prep): 25. 1. 1979 to 6. 3. 1979, No. 1489; 1 male (gen. prep.): ibid., Boranup Drive nr. Karridale – No. 1490 ; 1 female: ibid., Bolganup Rd. , Porongonup Nat. Pk – No. 1508 .

The types of this species are from Perth, Kings Park (W.A.).

Head. 2 pairs of long ifr setae plus a short more anterior one on the right side. pvt negligible, occe and occi minute (0.03 mm or shorter). Proboscis comparatively very large. Scape’s seta minute. Arista emerges from dorsal middle surface of flagellomere.

Thorax. Yellow, some parts of pleura ochre. Scutellum twice broader than long.

Legs. Predominantly yellow, only mid part of femora light brown. Mid femur with an anterior subapical thorn. Mid tibia with ad-pd setae at 3/10 and 4/5 and a short, more anterior seta at 29/40. Ventroapical seta of mid tibia 0.14 mm long.

Abdomen. At broadest 0.87 mm. Sternite 2 ( Fig. 43) consists of a pair of small medial and a pair of larger lateral sclerites. Length of tergites 2–5 (mm): 0.30, 0.39, 0.34, 0.21.

Male genitalia. Contours of sternite 5 is the same as Richards’s fig. 91. Dorsal part of synsternite short ( Fig. 46). Ventro-medial process of synsternite with a pair of brushes of 20 black, blunt pegs caudally ( Figs 44–45). Epandrium deformed on Fig. 92 of RICHARDS (1973) (depressed), consequently much broader than in its original form/state. Hypandrium fused to epandrium, with a medium-long medial apodeme. Pseudocerci small but distinct ( Fig. 47). Surstylus short and rounded, with an extremely long, thick, black thorn ( Figs 49–50). Distiphallus ( Fig. 48) short, with broad apex. Basiphallus comparatively large ( Fig. 48). Postgonite long and slender, S-formed, with proclinate, sharp apex ( Fig. 48). Phallapodeme very long (broken on the Fig. 93 of RICHARDS 1973).

Female genitalia ( Figs 51–53). Length of tergite 4: 0.25 mm, that of tergite 5: 0.16 mm. Tergite 7 so short that it looks like a piece of transverse, thread-like dirt. Cercus minute, with very short setulae ( Figs 51–52); epiproct membranous, without setulae; hypoproct rather narrow. Spermathecae ( Fig. 53) longish, pear-shaped, neck without any warts.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Australian Museum













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