Typhlodromips corniformis, Moraes, Gilberto José De, Barbosa, Marina Ferraz De Camargo & Castro, Tatiane Marie Martins Gomes De, 2013

Moraes, Gilberto José De, Barbosa, Marina Ferraz De Camargo & Castro, Tatiane Marie Martins Gomes De, 2013, Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from natural ecosystems in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, Zootaxa 3700 (3), pp. 301-347 : 330-331

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3700.3.1

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scientific name

Typhlodromips corniformis

sp. nov.

Typhlodromips corniformis n. sp.

(Figures 36–40)

Diagnosis. Females with dorsal shield mostly reticulate, except for the smooth areas between j4, j6 and z5, and between Z4, S4 and S5; knob-tipped macrosetae present on legs III and IV; calyx tubular, slightly curved and flaring near vesicle.

Specimens examined. Holotype female and a paratype female from Vochysia sp., Pariquera-Açu, State of São Paulo, 17 July 2002, N.C. Mesa coll.; a paratype female from Aureliana fasciculate Sendtn., Pariquera-Açu , State of São Paulo, 17 July 2002, N.C. Mesa coll.; deposited at ESALQ-USP. A paratype female from Vernonia scorpioides (Lam.) , Cananéia, State of São Paulo, 12 December 2002, L.V.F. Silva coll.; a paratype female from Eupatorium sp., Pariquera-Açu, 20 July 2001, L.V.F. Silva coll., both deposited at DZSJRP.

Description. Female (n= 4). Figures 36–40.

Dorsum. Dorsal shield mostly reticulate, except for the smooth areas between j4, j6 and z5, and between Z4, S4 and S5, with ten distinguishable pairs of lyrifissures and four pairs of pores, 308 (302–320) long and 188 (180–194) wide. Setae j1 20 (18–20), j3 19 (19–20), j4 12 (12–13), j5 13 (12–14), j6 15 (14–16), J2 17 (15–19), J5 10 (9–11), z2 16 (15–18), z4 17 (16–19), z5 14 (13–14), Z1 18 (18–19), Z4 30 (27–32), Z5 70 (66–74), s4 22 (21–23), S2 22 (21–24), S4 20 (18–23), S5 19 (17–23), r3 15 (14–18), R1 14 (12–17). Setae smooth and pointed, except for J5, Z4 and Z5, serrate and pointed.

Venter. Sternal shield mostly smooth, except for few lateral lines; distances between St1 - St3 56 (55–57), St2 - St2 60 (58–62). Genital shield smooth; distance between St5 - St5 59 (58–60). Ventrianal shield pentagonal; with transverse striae connected by scanty diagonal striae; anterior margin slightly concave, 109 (102–114) long and 108 (105– 112) wide at level of ZV 2; with three pairs of setae (JV1, JV2 and ZV2); JV4, JV5, ZV1 and ZV3 on unsclerotised cuticle and a pair of elliptical pre-anal pores posteromediad of JV 2. Ventral setae smooth and pointed. Two pairs of metapodal plates present. Peritreme extending to level of j1.

Chelicera. Movable cheliceral digit 21 long, with four teeth; fixed cheliceral digit 20 long, with eight teeth and a pilus dentilis.

Spermatheca. Calyx tubular, slightly curved and flaring near vesicle, 20 (20–21) long; atrium inconspicuous.

Leg macrosetae. Sge III 14 (11–16), Sge IV 16 (16–19), Sti IV 18 (16–19), St IV 31 (27–33), all knob-tipped. Chaetotaxy: genu II: 1–2/1, 2/0–1; genu III: 1–2/1, 2/0–1.

Male. Unknown.

Etymology. The name corniformis is a compound of cornus (Latin for horn) plus formis (Latin for shaped as), referring to the horn-like spermathecal calyx.

Remarks. Typhlodromips corniformis n. sp. belongs to the lugubris group (Chant & McMurtry, 2007) and, within this group, it is similar to Typhlodromips dillus De Leon, 1959. However, T. dillus has macrosetae on genua I–II and fundibular calyx. It is also similar to Typhlodromips jucara Gondim Jr. & Moraes, 2001 , of the ariri group, which differs from the new species by having Z4 smooth, Z5 and Sge IV shorter [40 (39–40) and 8 (8–9) respectively] and calyx bell-shaped.















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