Selenophorus opalinus species group

Shpeley, Danny, Hunting, Wesley & Ball, George E., 2017, A taxonomic review of the Selenophori group (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini) in the West Indies, with descriptions of new species and notes about classification and biogeography, ZooKeys 690, pp. 1-195 : 61

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scientific name

Selenophorus opalinus species group


Selenophorus opalinus species group View in CoL


Larger species, elytral mesh pattern transverse, sculpticells distinctly wider than long, with microlines visible only in S. flavilabris and metepisterum elongate, lateral margin much longer than anterior margin.

SBL. Males, 6.08-9.60 mm; females, 6.32-9.52 mm.

Color. Antennae and mouthparts testaceous to rufo-testaceous. Legs testaceous to nearly piceous, tibiae unicolorous or gradually darkened apically. Dorsal and ventral surfaces rufo-brunneous to piceous.

Luster. Shiny, with faint to brilliant iridescence, or with metallic blue and green reflections.

Dorsal microsculpture. Head with mesh pattern isodiametric; pronotum with mesh pattern slightly transverse, sculpticells about 1.5 –2× wide as long; elytra with mesh pattern transverse, sculpticells about 2 –4× wide as long, or dorsal surface with no microlines visible at 100 ×.

Male genitalia.

Apical portion of phallic median lobe short to long, narrowly tapered to broadly rounded, apex with extreme apex curved ventrad, with short ventrad projection or unmodified. Endophallus without spines, with or without dark microtrichial fields, without lamina, ostium anopic to somewhat anopic-left pleuropic. Ventral surface of shaft smooth or with two ridges.

Ovipositor and female reproductive tract. Gonocoxite 2 moderately thick to thicker, moderately falcate. Bursa copulatrix moderately long; moderately long spermatheca, originating near base of common oviduct, with proximal swelling well above base or with basal swelling. Spermathecal gland duct moderately long to long, originating about mid-length of the distal swelling of spermatheca or originating just above basal swelling of spermatheca. Spermathecal gland bulbous or sausage-like, with swelling of duct basad gland.

Included species.

In the West Indies the opalinus species group includes seven taxa, one of which is represented by three subspecies: S. fabricii , new species, S. flavilabris flavilabris Dejean, S. f. cubanus Darlington, S. f. ubancus Ball and Shpeley, S. integer Fabricius, S. opalinus LeConte, and S. propinquus Putzeys.

Geographical distribution.

The range of this species group in the West Indies is virtually co-extensive with the islands themselves.













