Cantharocybe brunneovelutina Lodge, Ovrebo & Aime

Reschke, Kai, Lotz-Winter, Hermine, Fischer, Christian W., Hofmann, Tina A. & Piepenbring, Meike, 2021, New and interesting species of Agaricomycetes from Panama, Phytotaxa 529 (1), pp. 1-26 : 18-19

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.529.1.1


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scientific name

Cantharocybe brunneovelutina Lodge, Ovrebo & Aime


Cantharocybe brunneovelutina Lodge, Ovrebo & Aime View in CoL in Ovrebo et al. (2011: 1103), Fig. 13f

Description: —Basidiocarp clitocyboid. Pileus 6.0 cm diam., convex-hemispherical with inrolled margin, surface dry, finely velutinous, yellowish brown (5F4) with a slightly paler pruina at the centre. Lamellae adnate to somewhat decurrent, close, up to 4.0–6.0 mm broad, yellowish white (42A), edge concolourous, margin wavy, entire, frequently forked. Stipe 6.0 × 1.0– 1.6 cm, tapering towards the base, stuffed, dull, orange grey (5B2), areolate with yellowish brown (5E4) zones at the apex and in upper half, areolate with darker yellowish brown (5F4) zones in lower half, slightly costate at the apex, surface velutinous to pruinose towards the base. Trama white. Odour and taste not recorded.

Basidiospores 7.5–8.6–9.5 × 6.0–6.1–6.5 µm, Q = 1.25–1.40–1.65 (n = 22), ellipsoid, sometimes obovoid, smooth, hyaline, thin-walled, inamyloid. Basidia 40–45 × 10 µm, clavate, 4-spored, often with oily content, often with clamp connection at the base. Lamellar edge heterogeneous. Cheilocystidia abundant, 25–35 × 4.0–6.0 µm, clavate, rarely subcylindrical, diverticulate, sometimes capitate, with 1–3 sterigma-like diverticulae, 4.0–15.0 µm long, with frequently swollen or capitate apex covered by refractive exudates. Pileipellis an irregular trichoderm composed of somewhat interwoven hyphae, terminal cells 50–90 × 8.0–10.0 µm, cylindrical, clavate to lageniform, with pale brown, intracellular pigment. Stipe surface in the upper third of the stipe with caulocystidia similar to the cheilocystidia, intermixed with few fertile basidia, lower stipe surface with terminal cells similar to those of the pileipellis, 20–35 × 10 µm, many with yellow-brown oily content, and scattered caulocystidia. Clamp connections frequently present in all parts of the basidiocarp.

Habitat: —Basidiocarp found solitary in a lowland forest close to a river in humus mixed with leaf litter in Chiriquí Province, Panama.

Notes: — Cantharocybe brunneovelutina was described from a specimen found in humus at a dead palm tree in lowland Belize ( Ovrebo et al. 2011). The specimen of C. brunneovelutina from Panama was found in humus close to a river in a gallery forest in a botanical garden at an elevation of 35 m a.s.l. The ITS sequence of the specimen of Panama differs with a p-distance of 0.6% from the sequence of the type specimen of C. brunneovelutina (Acc. NR_160458). There are no further reports of collections of C. brunneovelutina known to us in scientific literature. However, two observations from lowland habitats in Puerto Rico and Bolivia assigned to C. brunneovelutina are presented at the internet portal Mushroom Observer(, https://mushroomobserver. org/54253?q=1aTxs).

Specimen examined: — PANAMA. Chiriquí Province: David, Botanical Garden of the Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI), in humus close to the river Quebrada San Cristobal , 35 m a.s.l., N 08° 25’ 57.2” W 82°27’ 7.0”, 14 July 2015, H. Lotz-Winter, T. Hofmann, O. Koukol, P. Zehnalek PAN260 About PAN (M-0312078) GoogleMaps !.


University of Helsinki


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Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants














Cantharocybe brunneovelutina Lodge, Ovrebo & Aime

Reschke, Kai, Lotz-Winter, Hermine, Fischer, Christian W., Hofmann, Tina A. & Piepenbring, Meike 2021

Cantharocybe brunneovelutina

Ovrebo, C. L. & Lodge, D. J. & Aime, M. C. 2011: 1103
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