Suctobelbella, Jacot, 1937

Bayartogtokh, Badamdorj & Bae, Yang-Seop, 2024, New findings of oribatid mites of the genus Suctobelbella (Acari: Oribatida: Suctobelbidae) from Korea, Zootaxa 5556 (1), pp. 226-241 : 239

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5556.1.17

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A diagnostic key to adults of known species of Suctobelbella View in CoL in Korea

1 Bothridial seta either setiform, fusiform or lanceolate........................................................ 2

- Bothridial seta clavate, with distally rounded head (subgenus Ussuribata )....................................... 18

2 Bothridial seta long, flagellate (subgenus Flagrosuctobelba )................................................... 3

- Bothridial seta short or medium long, not flagellate (subgenus Suctobelbella ).................................... 10

3 Five pairs of genital setae.............................................................................. 4

- Six pairs of genital setae............................................................................... 5

4 Notogastral setae c, la, lm, lp, h 2 and h 3 large, phylliform; humeral tubercles long, pointed distally; bothridial seta lanceolate; body size 150–210 μm.......................................................... S. (F.) hastata Pan’kov, 1986

- Notogastral setae lm, lp, h 1, h 2 and h 3 thick, pectinated, setae c thin, smooth; humeral tubercles short, rounded distally; bothridial seta nearly setiform, slightly expanded medially; body size 165–185 μm................. S. (F.) plumosa Chinone, 2003

5 All notogastral setae smooth or very finely barbed........................................................... 6

- Some of notogastral setae (lp, h 3, h 2 and h 3) thick, strongly barbed; body size 158–185 μm. S. (F.) kantoensis Chinone, 2003

6 All notogastral setae short or medium long, smooth.......................................................... 7

- Notogastral setae (except h 1, p 1 and p 2) very long, reaching or extending alveoli of next row setae, very finely barbed; body size 175–220 μm.................................................................... S. (F.) aokii Chinone, 2003

7 Notogastral seta la inserted at level anterior to lm ........................................................... 8

- Notogastral seta la inserted at same level or slightly posterior to lm ............................................. 9

8 All notogastral setae thin, setiform; body size 185–206 μm.......................... S. (F.) chabarica Rjabinin, 1975

- All notogastral setae (except c) thick; body size 192–208 μm............................. S. (F.) lata Chinone, 2003

9 Interbothridial tubercle rhomboid or subquadrangular; anterior part of prodorsum densely granulated; notogastral setae very short; body size 176–247 μm................................................ S. (F.) elegantula ( Hammer, 1958)

- Interbothridial tubercle subtriangular; anterior part of prodorsum smooth; notogastral setae medium long; body size 155–176 μm.............................................................................. S. (F.) subiasi sp. nov.

10 Four pairs of genital setae............................................................................. 11

- Five of six pairs of genital setae........................................................................ 12

11 Rostral region finely granulated; interbothridial tubercle rounded; relatively small species, body size 190–225 μm...................................................................................... S. (S.) nitida Chinone, 2003

- Rostral region heavily tuberculated; interbothridial tubercle elongate oval; relatively large species, body size 243–265 μm.......................................................................... S. (S.) singularis ( Strenzke, 1950)

12 Five of six pairs of genital setae........................................................................ 13

- Six pairs of genital setae.............................................................................. 14

13 Notogastral setae setiform; rostrum with two lateral teeth, which separated from each other by deep incision; lenticulus absent; body size 180–214 μm..................................................... S. (S.) amurica ( Krivolutsky, 1966)

- Notogastral setae phylliform, marginally serrated; rostrum with four large lateral teeth; lenticulus strongly developed; body size 167–185 μm........................................................ S. (S.) frondosa Aoki & Fukuyama, 1976

14 Bothridial seta smooth; epimeral region with medial cavity................................................... 15

- Bothridial seta barbed or ciliate; epimeral region without medial cavity......................................... 16

15 Rostrum with one long and 3–4 smaller teeth laterally; median prodorsal tubercle irregular hexagonal; lateral humeral tubercle distinctly larger than medial tubercle; body size 192–230 μm...................... S. (S.) longidentata Chinone, 2003

- Rostrum with 4-5 lateral teeth of subequal size; median prodorsal tubercle nearly rounded; medial humeral tubercle slightly larger than lateral tubercle; body size 195–270 μm............................... S. (S.) acutidens ( Forsslund, 1941)

16 Tectopedial field short, widely oval, not narrowed anteriorly; notogastral setae long, slightly arched or undulating distally; lateral teeth of rostrum small........................................................................... 17

- Tectopedial field long, irregular elongate oval, distinctly narrowed anteriorly; notogastral setae relatively short, neither arched not undulating; lateral teeth of rostrum large; body size 172–200 μm...................... S. (S.) arcana Moritz, 1970

17 Prodorsum nearly smooth or finely granulated, its anterior part not tuberculated; notogastral setae slightly undulating distally; body size 170–240 μm.................................................. S. (S.) subcornigera ( Forsslund, 1941)

- Prodorsum heavily granulated, its anterior part tuberculated; notogastral setae not undulating, but slightly arched; body size 245–286 μm................................................................ S. (S.) granifera Chinone, 2003

18 Bothridial seta smooth; five pairs of genital setae........................................................... 19

- Bothridial seta densely barbed; six pairs of genital setae..................................................... 20

19 Notogastral setae c, l - and h -series very long, thick, strongly barbed; rostrum with one large and 2–3 small teeth laterally; lenticulus well developed; body size 189 μm............................................. S. (U.) wiryeca sp nov.

- All notogastral setae medium long, thin, smooth; rostrum with two large teeth laterally; lenticulus not developed; body size 220–250 μm.............................................................. S. (U.) latirostris ( Strenzke, 1950)

20 All notogastral setae thin, smooth, l - and h -series long, flagellate; body size 210–240 μm..... S. (U.) chinonei Subías, 2017

- Notogastral setae c, h 1, p 1 and p 2 short, thin, smooth, setae la, lm, lp, h 2 and h 3 large, strongly barbed in distal half; body size 200–250 μm............................................................. S. (U.) variosetosa ( Hammer, 1961)















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