Acanthopleura Guilding, 1829

Sirenko, Boris I. & Zhang, Junlong, 2019, Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) of Hainan Island and vicinity, South China Sea, Zootaxa 4564 (1), pp. 1-40 : 21

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Acanthopleura Guilding, 1829


Genus Acanthopleura Guilding, 1829

Type species. Chiton spinosus Bruguiere, 1792 , SD Gray 1847.

Genus distribution and range. The genus Acanthopleura has been recorded from four well separated areas: the western part of the Indian Ocean, the East Indies to the central part of the Pacific Ocean, the western coast of South America, and the Caribbean area ( Kaas et al. 2006). Miocene–Recent.

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