Coniortodes Wagner, 1952

Duwal, Ram Keshari, Jung, Sunghoon, Yasunaga, Tomohide & Lee, Seunghwan, 2016, Annotated catalogue of the Phylinae (Heteroptera: Miridae) from the Korean Peninsula, Zootaxa 4067 (2), pp. 101-134 : 110

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Plazi (2016-04-11 05:46:50, last updated 2016-04-11 05:47:30)

scientific name

Coniortodes Wagner, 1952


Subgenus Coniortodes Wagner, 1952

Coniortodes Wagner, 1952 b: 172 (as subgenus of Psallus ; transferred to subgenus Compsidolon by Wagner 1965: 117)

28. Compsidolon salicellum (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841) (Figure plate 3)

Capsus salicellus Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841: 47 (sp. nov.)

Psallus salicellus: Carvalho (1958): 130 (cat.)

Compsidolon salicellum: Schuh (1995): 298 (cat.); Kerzhner & Josifov (1999): 334 (cat.); Yasunaga (1999): 188 (diag., figs.); (2001 a): 159 (diag., fig.); Vinokurov et al. (2010): 132 (cat.); Aukema et al. (2013): 295 (cat.).

Specimens examined. South Korea: GG: 3 ♂, 1 ♀ Yangpyeong-gun, Mt. Yongmun, ‒ 10.viii. 2009, on light trap, R.K. Duwal and S. Jung. Japan: 4 ♂, Hokkaido, Hattari, Atsuta vil. Ishikari, 7.viii. 1998, T. Yasunaga, det. by T. Yasunaga.

Distribution. European continent (Western, Central, Eastern); Asia: North Korea, South Korea (GG), Azerbaijan, Japan, Russia (East Siberia, Far East); North America ( Josifov 1992 b, Kerzhner & Josifov 1999, Yasunaga 1999).

Host. Juglans mandschurica Maxim. ( Juglandaceae ), and also collected on A rtemisia spp. ( Asteraceae ), Rubus spp. ( Rosaceae ) and Salix sp. ( Salicaceae ) ( Yasunaga 1999).

Vinokurov, N. N., Kanjukova, E. V. & Golub, V. B. (2010) The catalogue of bugs (Heteroptera) of Aisan part of Russia. Nauka, Novosibirsk, 320 pp.

Aukema, B., Rieger, C. & Rabitsch, W. (2013) Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Vol. 6. Supplement. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, xxiv + 629 pp.

Carvalho, J. C. M. (1958) A catalogue of the Miridae of the world, Part II. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, 45, 1 - 216.

Josifov, M. (1992 b) Contribution to a Knowledge of the family Miridae of North Korea (Heteroptera). Insecta Koreana, 9, 115 - 128.

Kerzhner, I. M. & Josifov, M. (1999) Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Vol. 3. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, xiv + 577 pp.

Wagner, E. (1952 b) Blindwanzen oder Miriden. In: Dahl, F. (Ed.), Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile, 41, pp. 1 - 218. [Fischer, Jena]

Wagner, E. (1965) Die Gattung Compsidolon Reuter, 1899 (Heteroptera: Miridae). Notulae Entomologicae, 45, 113 - 137.

Yasunaga, T. (1999) New or little known phyline plant bugs of Japan (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae). Insecta Matsumurana, 55, 181 - 201.









