Psallus, Zetterstedt, 1838

Duwal, Ram Keshari, Jung, Sunghoon, Yasunaga, Tomohide & Lee, Seunghwan, 2016, Annotated catalogue of the Phylinae (Heteroptera: Miridae) from the Korean Peninsula, Zootaxa 4067 (2), pp. 101-134 : 114

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45. Psallus View in CoL (A.) aethiops ( Zetterstedt, 1838)

Phytocoris aethiops Zetterstedt, 1838: 274 View in CoL (sp. nov.)

Psallus (Apocremnus) aethiops: Josifov (1992b) View in CoL : 124 (report); (Schuh) 1995: 399 (cat.); Kerzhner & Josifov (1999): 400 (cat.); Schwartz & Kelton (1990): 945 (records); Vinokurov et al. (2010): 142 (cat.); Duwal et al. (2012): 607 (diag., key, fig.); Aukema et al. (2013): 322 (cat.).

Distribution. European continent: Finland, Norway, Russia (Central, Northern), Sweden; Asia: North Korea, Russia (East Siberia, Far East, West Siberia); North America ( Kerzhner 1988b, Josifov 1992b, Kerzhner & Josifov 1999).

Host. Salix sp. ( Salicaceae ) ( Kerzhner 1988b, Schwartz & Kelton 1990, Duwal et al. 2012).

46. Psallus (A.) ater Josifov, 1983 (Figure plate 4)

Psallus (Apocremnus) ater Josifov, 1983b: 198 View in CoL (sp. nov.); (1992): 116 (list); Schuh (1995): 401 (cat.); Kerzhner & Josifov (1999): 401 (cat.); Duwal et al. (2012): 608 (diag., key, fig.).

Distribution. Asia: North Korea (Josifov 1983), South Korea (GG, GW, JN) ( Duwal et al. 2012), China (Southwest) ( Li & Zheng 1991a).

Host. Crataegus sp., Prunus sp. ( Rosaceae ) ( Josifov 1983b), Quercus sp. ( Fagaceae ) ( Duwal et al. 2012).

47. Psallus (A.) atratus Josifov, 1983 (Figure plate 4)

Psallus (Apocremnus) atratus Josifov, 1983b: 197 View in CoL (sp. nov.); (1992b): 124 (report); Schuh (1995): 401(cat.); Kerzhner & Josifov (1999): 401 (cat.); Vinokurov et al. (2010): 143 (cat.); Duwal et al. (2012): 611 (diag., key, fig.).

Distribution. Asia: North Korea ( Josifov 1983b), South Korea (GG) ( Duwal et al. 2012), Russia (Far East) ( Kerzhner 1988b).

Host. Crataegus sp. ( Rosaceae ) ( Josifov 1983b), Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim. ( Kerzhner 1988b) , Prunus sp. ( Duwal et al. 2012).

48. Psallus (A.) betuleti ( Fallén, 1826) (Figure plate 4)

Cimex cruentus Müller, 1776: 108 (sp. nov.)

Phytocoris betuleti Fallén 1826: 15 View in CoL (sp. nov.)

Psallus (Apocremnus) betuleti: Zaitzeva (1968): 866 View in CoL (descr., fig.); Josifov (1992b): 124 (report); Wheeler & Henry (1992): 185 (dist., host); Schwartz & Kelton (1990): 946 (diag., descr.); Schuh (1995): 401 (cat.); Kerzhner & Josifov (1999): 401 (cat.); Rieger & Rabitsch (2006): 163 (diag., dist., fig.); Vinokurov et al. (2010): 143 (cat.); Duwal et al. (2012): 612 (diag., key, fig.).

Distribution. European continent (Western, Central, Eastern); Asia: North Korea, China (North), Russia (East Siberia, Far East, West Siberia); North America ( Josifov 1992b, Kerzhner & Josifov 1999).

Host. Betula spp. ( Betulaceae ) ( Henry & Wheeler 1979), Alnus spp. ( Kerzhner 1978), Epilobium spp. ( Onagraceae ), Rhododendron sp. ( Ericaceae ) ( Schwartz & Kelton 1990).

49. Psallus (A.) michaili Kerzhner & Schuh, 1995 (Figure plate 4)

Psallus View in CoL Apocremnus niger Josifov, 1992a: 113 (sp. nov.)

Psallus (Apocremnus) michaili: Josifov (1992b) View in CoL : 116 (list); Kerzhner & Schuh (1995): 4 (new name); Schuh (1995): 409 (cat.); Kerzhner & Josifov (1999): 402 (cat.); Duwal et al. (2012): 613 (diag., key, fig.).

Distribution. Asia: North Korea ( Josifov 1992b), South Korea (GG) ( Duwal et al. 2012).

Host. Acer ginnala Maxim. (Aceraceae) , ( Josifov 1992a), and Quercus sp. ( Fagaceae ) ( Duwal et al. 2012).

Vinokurov, N. N., Kanjukova, E. V. & Golub, V. B. (2010) The catalogue of bugs (Heteroptera) of Aisan part of Russia. Nauka, Novosibirsk, 320 pp.

Duwal, R. K., Yasunaga, T., Jung, S. & Lee, S. H. (2012) The plant bug genus Psallus (Heteroptera: Miridae) in the Korean Peninsula with descriptions of three new species. European Journal of Entomology, 109, 603 - 632. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.14411 / eje. 2012.074

Aukema, B., Rieger, C. & Rabitsch, W. (2013) Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Vol. 6. Supplement. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, xxiv + 629 pp.

Reiger, C. & Rabitsch, W. (2006) Taxonomy and distribution of Psallus betuleti (Fallen) and P. montanus Josifov stat. nov. (Heteroptera: Miridae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 149, 161 - 166. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1163 / 22119434 - 900000196

Fallen, C. F. (1826) Supplementum Cimicidum Sueciae. Berling, Londini Gothorum [= Lund], 16 pp.

Henry, T. J. & Wheeler, A. G. Jr. (1979) Palaearctic Miridae in North America: records of newly discovered and little-known species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 81, 257 - 268.

Josifov, M. (1983 b) Neue Psallus. Arten aus Nord-Korea (Heteroptera, Miridae). Reichenbachia, 21, 197 - 211.

Josifov, M. (1992 b) Contribution to a Knowledge of the family Miridae of North Korea (Heteroptera). Insecta Koreana, 9, 115 - 128.

Josifov, M. (1992 a) Neue Miriden aus Korea (Insecta, Heteroptera). Reichenbachia, 29, 105 - 118.

Kerzhner, I. M. (1978) Bugs (Heteroptera) of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Trudy Biologopochvennogo Instituta Dal'nevostochnoe Otdelenie Akademiya Nauk SSSR, New Series, 50, 31 - 57. [in Russian]

Kerzhner, I. M. (1988 b) Family Miridae. In: Lehr, P. A. (Ed.), Keys to the insects of the Far East of the USSR, 2, pp. 778 - 857. [Nauka, Leningrad, in Russian]

Kerzhner, I. M. & Josifov, M. (1999) Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Vol. 3. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, xiv + 577 pp.

Li, H. Y. & Zheng, L. Y. (1991 a) A preliminary report on Psallus Fieber (Heteroptera: Miridae) from China. Acta Scienntiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis, 1991 (1), 1 - 11. [in Chinese, English summary]

Muller, O. F. (1776) Zoologiae Danicae prodromus, seu animalium Daniae et Norvegiae indigenarum characteres, nomina et synonyma imprimis popularium. Hallager, Hafniae, xxxii + 282 pp.

Schwartz, M. D. & Kelton, L. A. (1990) Psallus salicicola, a new species, with additional records of recently discovered Palaearctic Psallus Fieber from Canada (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae). Canadian Entomologist, 122, 941 - 947. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.4039 / Ent 122941 - 9

Wheeler, A. G. Jr. & Henry, T. J. (1992) A synthesis of the Holarctic Miridae (Heteroptera): Distribution, biology and origin, with emphasis on North America. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, Maryland, V + 282 pp.

Zaitzeva, I. F. (1968) A review of the genus Psallus Fieb. (Heteroptera) from the Caucasus. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 47, 865 - 877. [in Russian]

Zetterstedt, J. W. (1838 - 1840) Insecta Lapponica descripta. Voss, Lipsiae, vi col. + 1140 pp. (1838, col. 1 - 868).















