Ceratophysella tupamara, Palacios-Vargas, JG & Bocanegra, T, 2012

Palacios-Vargas, J. G. & Bocanegra, Thalia, 2012, A new species of Ceratophysella from Peru (Collembola: Hypogastruridae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 119 (4), pp. 417-423 : 418-422

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5962/bhl.part.150201



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scientific name

Ceratophysella tupamara

sp. nov.

Ceratophysella tupamara View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 1-7 View FIG View FIG

HOLOTYPE: MNHG, without registration number; 1 ♀ Peru, Department of Loreto, Iquitos, Río Yanayacú ; sample of soil between the bark of a tree and the trunk; 18-X-1980; sample PE-80/8; leg. C. Vaucher.

PARATYPES: MNHG, without registration number 1 juvenile; same locality and date as holotype .- UNAM, without registration number; 1 ♂, 1 juvenile; same locality and date as holotype.

DESCRIPTION: Maximum body length: up to 1.5 mm. Body granules fine and uniform, dorsal of Abd. V with 10-14 granules between p1 setae. Color: dark blue. Tergite setae of different lengths, some barbulate macrosetae (50-90 µm), others smooth microsetae (22-50 µm), besides the sensorial setae (42-50 µm) ( Fig. 1 View FIG ).

Head: Dorsal cephalic chaetotaxy (after Yosii, 1960), see Fig. 1 View FIG . Differentiation between microsetae and macrosetae clear. Eyes 8+8. Eye patch with 3 setae, Oc 2 longer than Oc 1 and Oc 3, the last two subequal ( Fig. 1 View FIG ). Antennae as long as head. Ant. I with 7 setae. Ant. II with 13 setae. Ant. III organ with 2 short rods in a small integumentary fold and 2 guard setae of similar size; eversible antennal sac between Ant. III and Ant. IV present. Ant. IV with trilobed subapical bulb and 7 short, weakly differentiated sensilla (Fig. 2), one microsensillum and one subapical organ. Ventral file organ with about 10 setae. Postantennal organ composed of 4 lobes, about two times as large as the nearest eye, with accessory tubercle ( Fig. 1 View FIG ). Labrum with 4 distinct round papillae on distal edge; labral setal formula 4/5, 5, 4. Ventral cephalic chaetotaxy (after Fjellberg, 1998) with 5 setae in px, 4 in bm, 5 in bl, and 3 in plb. Maxilla tullberg-type. Outer maxillary lobe with 2 sublobal setae.

Dorsal thoracic chaetotaxy as in Fig. 1 View FIG , Th. I with 3+3 dorsal setae in mr (m2 absent) and one lateral. Th. II with 3 rows of setae, m 2 absent, m 6 and p 4 developed as sensorial setae. Th. III with 3 rows of setae: 6+6 setae in ar, 4+4 setae in mr, m 2 present, m 6 developed as sensorial setae; 6+6 setae in pr, p 4 developed as sensilla. Unguis with 1 small inner tooth at 1/2 distance of its inner edge from base, and one lateral tooth 1/4 from base. Basal unguicular lamella broad, with tip of apical filament reaching 1/2 distance of inner edge of unguis. Tibiotarsi I-III each with 1 acuminate tenent hair (Fig. 3). Leg III with 3 setae on subcoxa 1, 3 setae on subcoxa 2, 7 setae on coxa, 7 setae on trochanter, 12 setae on femur, 18 setae on tibiotarsus including the acuminate tenent hair (Fig. 3).

Abdominal dorsal chaetotaxy (see Fig. 7 View FIG ) of type “A”, after Thibaud et al. (2004). Abd. I-III with 2 rows of setae, 8+8 setae in ar, and also in pr, p 5 developed as sensilla. Abd. IV with 3 rows of setae, p 5 developed as sensilla, ratio between length of p 5 (s) and length of p6 = 2.0: 1. Abd. V with 2 rows of setae, 5+5 setae in ar and rp, p 3 developed as sensilla. Abd. VI with 2 rows of setae, 3+3 setae in ar; p 1 replaced by two anal spines, p 2 seta barbulate and long ( Fig. 7 View FIG ). Ventral tube short, with 4+4 setae. Tenaculum with 4 teeth on each ramus, no seta on corpus (Fig. 4). Manubrium with 16 setae; dens with 7 thin setae, one basal seta longer than the others. Mucro slightly spoon-like, with outer lamellae, its apex rounded (Fig. 5); ratio between length of dens and length of mucro = 3.2-3.6: 1. Genital plate of female with 3+3 pregenital setae, 15 circumgenital setae and 2 eugenital (Fig. 6), genital plate of male with 3+3 pregenital setae, 13 circumgenital and 4+4 eugenital. Anal lobes with 19 setae each. Two anal spines on Abd. VI short and curved, longer than their basal papillae ( Fig. 7 View FIG ).

ETYMOLOGY: The species is named after José Gabriel Condorcanqui Noguera ( Tinta , Virreinato del Peru, 19-III-1738 - Cuzco, 18-IV-1781), mainly known as "Túpac Amaru II", leader of the major insurrection in Peru against Spanish colonists in the 18 th Century.

TAXONOMIC REMARKS: Although more than 130 species are known in the genus Ceratophysella , very few exist in some regions as South America and China. Three species have been cited from South America and seven from China ( Jiang et al., 2011; Wu & Yin, 2007; Yue & Fu, 2000), among which C. baichengensis and C. yinae can be compared with the new species from Peru.

Table 1 View TABLE presents a comparison between those two Chinese species, the cospomolitan C. denticulata and C. tupamara sp. nov. The new species, besides being the biggest of all, has a trilobed apical bulb, which is simple in C. denticulata and bilobed in the two Chinese taxa. The ocular seta C1 and C3 are distinctly different only in C. denticulata . There are important differences in the chaetotaxy among C. tupamara sp. nov. and the other species: most of its macrosetae are barbulate; on Abd. IV there are only 2 + 2 setae between the macrosetae p2, while there are 3 + 3 in the other species. Only in the new species and in C. yinae are the setae m4 on Th. I macrosetae. Among these four taxa, C. baichengensis has four thick setae on the dens, which are normally developed in the other species.

Besides, C. tupamara sp. nov. and C. denticulata share the presence of seven sensilla dorsally on Ant. IV, while in C. baichengensis there are eight, and only four in C. yinae . Ceratophysella tupamara sp. nov. and C. denticulata have one macroseta P1 on Abd. V widely separate; C. denticulata has four setae between their bases, and the new species only two setae. Ceratophysella baichengensis has a smaller number of granules between setae p1 on Abd. V (8-10 versus 10-14 in C. tupamara sp. nov).


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

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