Cerradomys scotti, Langguth and Bonvicino, 2002

Percequillo, Alexandre R., Hingst-Zaher, Erika & Bonvicino, Cibele R., 2008, Systematic Review of Genus Cerradomys Weksler, Percequillo and Voss, 2006 (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae: Oryzomyini), with Description of Two New Species from Eastern Brazil, American Museum Novitates 2008 (3622), pp. 1-48 : 21-22

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/495.1

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Cerradomys scotti


Cerradomys scotti View in CoL

(Langguth and Bonvicino, 2003)

Oryzomys scotti Langguth and Bonvicino, 2003: 290 View in CoL ; type locality:‘‘ Brazil, Goiás:municipality of Corumbá de Goiás (approx. 15 ° 549S, 48 ° 489W), Morro dos Cabeludos’ ’.

Oryzomys andersoni Brooks, Baker, Vargas, Tarifa, Aranibar and Rojas, 2004: 3 ; type locality: ‘‘ Pozo Mario , Estancia Las Conchas, Santa Cruz, Bolivia; 1735946.90S; 5930920.50W’’

[ Cerradomys View in CoL ] scotti: Weksler et al., 2006: 8 View in CoL .

TYPE LOCALITY: ‘‘ Brazil, Goiás: municipality of Corumbá de Goiás (approx. 15 ° 549S, 48 ° 489W), Morro dos Cabeludos’ ’.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION: Cerradomys scotti presents a large distribution area in central South America (figs. 1, 2), with limits similar to those of the biome Cerrado. Collecting records were found along a northsouth transect, from the Brazilian states of Piauí, Maranhão, and Tocantins to the southcentral state of Paraguari in Paraguay. Similarly, collecting records of C. scotti were found across an east-west transect, from the eastern Brazilian state of Minas Gerais to the eastern Departamento de Santa Cruz in Bolivia.

This species is geographically restricted to the central Brazilian highlands and several adjacent areas. Altitudinally, C. scotti is distributed from 250 m in Santa Rosa de la Roca, Santa Cruz, Bolivia , to 1180 m in Alto Paraíso , Goiás, Brazil .

TAXONOMIC COMMENTS: Based on molecular evidence, Emmons et al. (2006) suggest that Cerradomys andersoni is conspecific with, and consequently a junior synonym of C. scotti . Brooks et al. (2004) also highlighted the close relationship of cytocrome b haplotype of C. andersoni holotype ( CBF 6151) and the specimen deposited in GenBank under the accession number AF181277 View Materials (voucher specimens: MN 50379, MN 61677), herein identified as C. scotti .

The only known specimen of C. andersoni shared similarities with specimens of C. scotti (based on photographs of the holotype provided by Dr. Julieta Vargas): bicolored tail, presence of alisphenoid strut, and reduction of mesoloph on M2. Additionally, it was nearly identical with the C. scotti holotype, with some other Bolivian specimens from Santa Cruz ( AMNH 263872), and with some Paraguayan specimens from Sapucay ( USNM 121389–91, 121393–5), Tobati ( UMMZ 126005, MVZ 145148), Altos ( MVZ 145147), and Concepcion ( MVZ 141890).

The karyotype of C. andersoni is unknown, precluding comparisons with our samples of C. scotti . However, our data support the taxonomic decision held by Emmons et al. (2006), and we also consider C. andersoni a junior synonym to C. scotti .

DIAGNOSIS: C. scotti is characterized by medium body and tail size (HBL range, 125– 181 mm; TL range, 141–198 mm; table 3), small feet (HF range, 24–37 mm), dorsal body color coarsely grizzled, buffy brown, ventral body color grayish, tail bicolored and hirsute, skull (fig. 4, 6) with deep rostral fossa, mesopterygoid fossa with large and wide sphenopalatine vacuities (exposing orbitosphenoid), alisphenoid strut present, deep palatal fossae (complex posterolateral palatal pits), M2 with reduced mesoloph, m1 and m2 with reduced or absent mesolophid, central cartilaginous digit of distal baculum absent, and a unique chromosomal formula (2n 5 58, FN 5 70–72).

KARYOLOGY: The Cerradomys scotti karyotype exhibits a 2n 5 58 and FN 5 70–72 (table 7). The autosomal complement comprises seven biarmed pairs and 20 acrocentric pairs from large to small. The X chromosome is a large submetacentric and the Y a medium submetacentric ( Bonvicino et al., 1999; Langguth and Bonvicino, 2002).

NATURAL HISTORY: Distinctly from other congeneric species (more associated with forest habitats, as gallery forest and ‘‘cerradão’’), Cerradomys scotti is most frequently captured on the open habitats of Cerrado and on the ecotone between forested and open areas. Thus, based on tags, journal notes, and collector information this species is frequently observed on ‘‘campo sujo’’, ‘‘campo cerrado’’, and ‘‘cerrado sensu stricto’’. Langguth and Bonvicino (2002) stated that this species is also found on ‘‘veredas’’ and gallery forests, but less frequently than in more open vegetational habitats of the Cerrado. Cerradomys scotti is known to present scansorial ability ( Alho and Villela, 1984).

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: BOLÍVIA: SANTA CRUZ: El Refugio Pampa, NE from camp: F: USNM 584583 About USNM . Pozo Mario, Estância Las Conchas: M: CBF 6151 View Materials (photography) . Santa Rosa de La Roca : M: AMNH 263872 About AMNH . BRAZIL: BAHIA: Fazenda Sertão do Formoso , Jaborandi: I: MN 61667–72 . DISTRITO FEDERAL: Brasília: I: FMNH 128313 About FMNH . Fazenda Água Limpa: M: UFPB 1925 View Materials . Parque Nacional de Brasília : M: UnB 338 , 346 , 348 , 922 , 957 ; F: UnB 343 , 347 , 923 , 924 . Reserva Biológica de Águas Emendadas : M: UnB 488 , 493 , 527 , 529 , 535 , 554 , 574 , 576 , 586 , 1314 ; M: UnB 499 , 526 , 553 , 577 ; I: UnB 597 , 603 . Reserva Ecológica Roncador: M: UnB 954 ; F: UnB 939 . GOIÁS: 3 km E Mambaí : F: UFPB 1917–8 View Materials , 1920 View Materials . 5/ 14 km N Alto Paraíso, Alto Paraíso : I: MN 61677 , 61682 , 61684 , 61686 , 61687 . Fazenda Bandeirantes, Baliza: M: UnB 1171 ; F: UnB 1172 ; I: UnB 1173 . Cerrado Alto , Catalão: M: UFMG 1683 View Materials ; F: UFMG 1685 View Materials . Fazenda Fiandeira, Parque Nacional de Chapada dos Veadeiros, 65 km SSW de Cavalcante: I: MN 61675–6 , 61679–80 , 61688 . Morro dos Cabeludos, Corumbá de Goiás : F: MN 44176 (holotype of C. scotti ); I: MN 50379 , 50380 . MARANHÃO: Estiva, Município Alto Parnaíba: F: MPEG 22670 . MATO GROSSO: 264 km N Xavantina, Serra do Roncador : M: BMNH 81.444 ; F: BMNH 81.439 , 81.443 , 81.446 . Escola Evangélica Buriti : M: UFMT JD 151 , 166 ; F: UFMT JD 123 , 141 , 148 , 156 . Estação Ecológica Serra das Araras : M: UFMT JD 193 , 197 , 210 ; F: UFMT JD 195 . Ponte Branca, Fazenda Altamira: F: UnB 1187 , 1188 . UHE Manso, Chapada dos Guimarães: M: UnB 610 ; F: UnB 626 , 634 , 868 . UHE Manso, 100 km N de Cuiabá : M: UnB 801 ; F: UnB 800 . MATO GROSSO DO SUL: Maracaju: I: MN 4414 . MINAS GERAIS: [Área 23,] Usina Hidroelétrica de Miranda , Uberlândia: M: UFMG 2851 View Materials . Cerrado de Indianópolis, Indianópolis : M: UFMG 1749 View Materials , UFMG Miranda 51. Cerrado Fazenda Boa: F: UFMG 1746 View Materials . Cerrado João Alonso, Perdizes: M: UFMG 1795–8 View Materials , 1801–3 View Materials ; F: UFMG 1794 View Materials , 1799 View Materials , 1800 View Materials . COPASA, Área de Proteção Ambiental Serra Azul , Mateus Leme: M: UFMG 1523 View Materials . Coromandel, Cerrado do Gato Mourisco : M: UFMG 1684 View Materials . Fazenda Capão Grande, Santa Juliana: M: UFMG 1804 View Materials ; F: UFMG 1805–6 View Materials . Lagoa Santa: M: BMNH 88.1 . 9.5. Paracatu, Parque Acangau, M: UnB 1019 , 1021 , 1023 . Usina Hidroelétrica de Igarapava , Conquista: I: UFMG 1623–4 View Materials . PIAUí: Estação Ecológica de Uruçuí-Una : M: MZUSP 137 View Materials , 161 View Materials ; F: MZUSP 344 View Materials . TOCANTINS: Rio da Palma , Paranã: M: ARP 3836 , 3843 . PARAGUAY: CONCEPCION: 28 km S junction route 3 & route 5 on route 3: M; MVZ 141890 About MVZ . CORDILLERA: 1.6 km S Tobati: M: UMMZ 126005 View Materials ; F: MVZ 145148 About MVZ . 20 km N Altos: M: MVZ 145147 About MVZ . PARAGUARI: Sapucay: M: BMNH 3.4 . 7.13,, MZUSP 1999 View Materials , USNM 121389–91 About USNM , 121393 About USNM ; F: BMNH 2.11 . 7.7,, USNM 121394–5 About USNM .


Coleccion Boliviana de Fauna


Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


American Museum of Natural History


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology


Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California Berkeley


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais














Cerradomys scotti

Percequillo, Alexandre R., Hingst-Zaher, Erika & Bonvicino, Cibele R. 2008

Oryzomys andersoni

Brooks, D. M. & R. J. Baker & R. J. Vargas & T. Tarifa & H. Aranibar & J. M. Rojas 2004: 3

Oryzomys scotti Langguth and Bonvicino, 2003: 290

Bonvicino, C. R. 2003: 290
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