Pachyptera incarnata (Aubl.) Francisco & L.G. Lohmann, 2018

Francisco, Jessica Nayara Carvalho & Lohmann, Lucia G., 2018, Taxonomic revision of Pachyptera (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae), PhytoKeys 92, pp. 89-131 : 104

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Pachyptera incarnata (Aubl.) Francisco & L.G. Lohmann

comb. nov.

3. Pachyptera incarnata (Aubl.) Francisco & L.G. Lohmann View in CoL comb. nov. Fig. 9 View Figure 9

Bignonia incarnata Aubl., Hist. Pl. Guiane. 2: 645, tab. 261, 262, fig. 1-8. 1775. Bignonia incarnata Aublet sec. Splitg., Tijdschr. Nat. Geschied 9: 7. 1842. nom. nud. Cydista incarnata Miers, Proc. Roy. Hort. Soc. London. 3: 192. 1863. nom. nud. Pachyptera kerere var. incarnata (Aubl.) A.H. Gentry, Brittonia 25(3): 235. 1973. Mansoa kerere var. incarnata (Aubl.) A.H. Gentry, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 66(4): 783. 1979 [1980]. Type: French Guiana. s.loc., s.d., (fl., fr), J.B.C.F. Aublet s.n. Lectotype (designated here): tab. 261 and 262, in Hist. Pl. Guiane 1775.


Liana; stems solid, tetragonal (cylindrical when young), green or brown (reddish), with greyish striations, lenticellate; prophylls of axillary buds 3(-5)-seriated, flattened and ensiform. Leaves with blades discolorous (concolor), chartaceous to coriaceous (membranaceous), elliptic, obovate or ovate-lanceolate, asymmetric, apex acute, acuminate or caudate (retuse), base cordate, oblique, lateral blades 2.6-21.1 × 1.9-9.2 cm, apical blades 5.7-20 × 2.6-7.6 cm; petioles semi-cylindrical, 0.8-5.5 cm long, petiolules not puvinated, lateral petiolules 0.8-5.5 cm long, apical petiolules 1.4-4.4 cm long. Inflorescence a congested raceme, 0.8-3.5 cm long; pedicel 0.5 –1.3(– 7.5) cm long; bracts 0.8-2.5 × 0.7-0.9 mm long; bracteoles cymbiform or filiform, 0.2-0.7 mm. Calyx green, light pink at apex, tubular, bilabiate, minutely 5-lobed or truncate, 0.4-1 × 0.4-0.6 cm. Corolla light pink to pale purple, infundibuliform, 2.9-7.6 cm long, 0.7-1.9 cm of diameter at the tube mouth; lobes rounded (sub-circular), 0.3-1.5 × 0.4-1.3 cm. Androecium with the longer stamens 23.4-17.0 mm long, the shorter stamens 10.0-15.7 mm long, glabrous; anthers villous, included, with thecae curved forward, 2.6-3.1 × 0.5-0.5 mm; pollen 3-colpate, microreticulate. Gynoecium 3.0-5.0 cm long; ovary 1.8 –2.9× 0.7-0.91, cylindrical, not-sulcate, smooth, glabrous, densely lepidote, with glandular peltate trichomes, rarely with some patelliform glandular trichomes; stigma capitate or ovate, 0.8-3.5 × 0.5 mm; nectar disc 0.8- 1.0 × 1.7-1.8 mm. Capsule linear, flattened, 10.5-42.6 × 1.4-2.6 cm, each valve with an inconspicuous longitudinal midline; seeds oblong, 4.0-7.0 × 1.3-2.8 cm, thin, not-corky, chartaceous to sub-coriaceous, striated, secondary sculpture with randomly distributed micropores, winged, with membranaceous and hyaline wings.


This species is found in wet forest vegetation in Brazil (Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia) and French Guiana. Fig. 10 View Figure 10 .


Pachyptera incarnata flowers in February to May and July to December. Fruiting material has been colected in April, May, July to October and December.


The specific epithet “incarnata” refers to the corolla colour referred by Aublet as "of flesh".

Nomenclatural note.

This species was first described by Aublet (1775) as Bignonia incarnata . Gentry (1973) treated B. incarnata as a variety of P. kerere due to the shared racemose inflorescences, corolla infundibuliform, villous anthers and prophylls of the axillary buds 3-seriated. Gentry (1973) distinguished the two varieties based on differences in the fruit and seed morphology. More specifically, P. kerere var. kerere included the individuals with inflated fruits, corky and wingless seeds, while P. kerere var. incarnata included the individuals with flattened fruits, thin and winged seeds. Despite the floral similarity between these two species, P. incarnata is phylogenetically more closely related to P. erythraea , with which it shares a densely lepidote ovary and flattened and linear fruits (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ). Based on the authors’ new molecular phylogeny (Francisco and Lohmann submitted) and morphological data, this taxon is raised back to species-level, following Aublet (1775). As it was not possible to locate original material, the original illustration is here designated as the lectotype.

Taxonomic comments.

Pachyptera incarnata is characterised by the infundibuliform and light pink to pale purple corolla with ovary densely lepidote. The capsule is linear, flattened and coriaceous, with pink patelliform glandular trichomes throughout the surface and has an inconspicuous longitudinal midline. Seeds are oblong, thin, chartaceous to sub-coriaceous, winged, with membranaceous and hyaline wings.

Specimens examined.

BRAZIL. Amapá: Campaipi, Embrapa reserve and vicinity, 0°10'N, 51°37'W, 3 Sept 1983, fl., S.A. Mori 15783 (MG, MO). Amazonas: Manaus, 31 Aug 1931, fl., A. Ducke 24091 (R); Ibid., estrada do Aleixo, near Manaus, turn off to Río Negro at km 11 past INPA, 2 Dec 1974, fl., A.H. Gentry 13027 (MO); Ibid., INPA boat landing behind Manaus airport, Río Negro, 15 Dec 1974, fr., A.H. Gentry 13323 (MO); Ibid., across from Guarara factory, 20 Apr 1974, fl., D.G. Campbell P22008 (MO); Presidente Figueiredo, Balbina, Rebio Uatumã, grade do PPBio, 6 Oct 2006, fr., J.R. Carvalho-Sobrinho 1078 (INPA). Mato Grosso: Aripuanã, MT-420, beira do rio, 10°15'00.0"S, 59°07'12.0"W, 11 July 1997, fl., G.F. Árbocz 4256 (ESA); Juruena, beira do Rio Juruena, floresta aluvial, 10°18'36.0"S, 58°19'48.0"W, 10 July 1997, fl., V.C. Souza 18583 (ESA); Nova Bandeirantes, estrada Iporã, 255 m, 22 July 2015, fl., fr., R.S. Ribeiro 78 (SPF). Pará: Belterra, Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, estrada para comunidade de Jamaraguá, km 72, 02°55'15.9"S, 55°01'39.4"W, 114 m, 16 Sept 2015, fl., J.N.C. Francisco 89 (SPF); estrada do Mocambo, IPEAN, 02 May 1969, fl., J.M. Pires 12075 (IAN, MO); Irituia, Rio Irituia, varzea S. Miguel do Guamá, 29 Oct 1948, fl., G.A. Black 48-3355 (IAN); Itaituba, estrada Santarém-Cuiabá, BR 163, km 794, 7°25'S, 55°20'W, 12 May 1983, fl., I.L. Amaral 1248 (MO); Marabá, Marabu, Serra Norte, Carajás, 7°42'36.0"S, 57°48'36.0"W, 01 Aug 1983, fl., M. Silva 1604 (MO, UEC); Óbidos, beira do Lago Curumu, floresta de várzea, 01°51'37.3"S, 55°38'47.3"W, 24 m, 23 Sept 2015, fl., J.N.C. Francisco 130 (SPF); Óbidos, lago Maria Teresa, floresta de várzea, 01°52'37.7"S, 55°35'28.7"W, 14 m, 23 Sept 2015, fl., J.N.C. Francisco 121 (SPF); Ibid., 01°52'38.2"S, 55°35'27.4"W, 14 m, 23 Sept 2015, fr., J.N.C. Francisco 122 (SPF); Oriximiná, Floresta Nacional de Saracá-Taquera, próximo ao alojamento Pioneiros de pesquisadores, floresta de terra firme, 01°27'56.6"S, 56°22'43.8"W, 71 m, 27 Sept 2015, fl., J.N.C. Francisco 151 (SPF); Ibid., Porto Trombetas, rejeitos, Linha 69, beira de floresta, 1°45'36.0"S, 55°51'36.0"W, 09 Dec 1987, fl., O.H. Knowles 1120 (INPA); Ibid., Porto Trombetas, Serra Assas, descampado, 21 Oct 1987, fl., O.H. Knowles 1106 (INPA); Palestina do Pará, fazenda Andorinha sede 2, início da mata do rio Gameleira, 6°06'36.0"S, 48°24'36.0"W, 160 m, 18 Apr 2004, fr., G. Pereira-Silva 8765 (CEN); Parauapebas, Serra dos Carajás, Platô N2, vegetação de canga, 7 Mar 2010, fl., L.C.B. Lobato 3870 (MG); Ibid., à margem da estrada Raymundo Mascarenhas, 8 Feb 1990, fl., J.B.P. Rocha 701 (IAN); Portel, 1°57'36.0"S, 50°45'00.0"W, 21 Oct 1955, fl., L. Williams 18222 (IAN, MO); Porto Trombetas, Mineração Rio do Norte, 1991, fr., Evando 542 (INPA); Santarém, beira da PA-370, próxima à guarita da Usina Hidrelétrica Curuá-Uma, floresta de terra firme, 02°49'21"S, 54°17'58.9"W, 49 m, 19 Sept 2015, fl., J.N.C. Francisco 103 (SPF); Ibid., ramal próximo à Usina Hidrelétrica Curuá-Uma, solo areno argiloso, floresta de terra firme, 02°48'45.2"S, 54°18'08.8"W, 47 m, 19 Sept 2015, fl., J.N.C. Francisco 105 (SPF); São Miguel do Guamá, Rio Guamá, beira do rio, igapó, 21 Aug 1948, fl., fr., Dardano 48-3092 (IAN); Senador José Porfirio, margem direita do Rio Xingu, capoeira de terra firme, 02°34'00"S, 51°55'00"W, 3 Dec 1991, fr., G. Santos 282 (MG); Tucuruí, área de desmatamento, 1 Sept 1983, fl., F.E. Miranda 362 (NY); Ibid., BR-422, Km 45, Breu Branco, margem do rio Tocantins, 5 Nov 1983, fl., J. Ramos 1011 (INPA); Ibid., estrada para o lago 31 de março, 30 Aug 1983, fl., J. Revilla 8397 (NY); Ibid., margens da PA-149 até ca. Km 50, 22 Aug 1983, fr., J. Revilla 8326 (NY); Viseu, Serra do Piriá, à 13km de Açaiteua, 4 Dec 1993, fl., J. Sales 1539 (MG); Vitória do Xingu, 3°19'32"S, 52°00'16"W, 1 Aug 2015, fl., R.V. Pyramo PSACF_EX06147 (RB); V Ibid., 3°22'4"S, 52°02'23"W, 12 Aug 2015, fl., B.R. Silva PSACF_EX06201 (RB).














Pachyptera incarnata (Aubl.) Francisco & L.G. Lohmann

Francisco, Jessica Nayara Carvalho & Lohmann, Lucia G. 2018

Pachyptera kerere var. incarnata

A. H. Gentry 1973

Cydista incarnata

Miers 1863

Bignonia incarnata

Aubl 1775

Bignonia incarnata

Aubl 1775