Selenophorus mundus Putzeys

Shpeley, Danny, Hunting, Wesley & Ball, George E., 2017, A taxonomic review of the Selenophori group (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini) in the West Indies, with descriptions of new species and notes about classification and biogeography, ZooKeys 690, pp. 1-195 : 49-51

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scientific name

Selenophorus mundus Putzeys


Selenophorus mundus Putzeys View in CoL Figs 31A, 32 A–C, 33A, 34

Selenophorus mundus Putzeys, 1878a: 29. In Chaudoir-Oberthür Collection, a single specimen, HOLOTYPE, female (unlabelled), handwritten label to right of specimen, // mundus ? van Emden//, in front of the following box label: // insularis/ Chaud./ Antilles/ Jamaique? Jaeger [? illegible]// [MNHP].- Csiki 1932: 1199.- Darlington 1934: 105.- Blackwelder 1944: 50.- Erwin and Sims 1984: 440.- Ball 1992: 86.- Ball and Shpeley 1992: 96.- Lorenz 1998: 355.- Lorenz 2005: 377.- Perez-Gelabert 2008: 79.

Selenophorus haitianus Darlington, 1934: 107. HOLOTYPE female: Manneville, Haiti, W.M. Mann (MCZC). One female PARATYPE: Pont Beudet, Haiti, March 3-4, 1922, ca. 100' (AMNH).- Ball and Shpeley 1992: 96.

Type area.

“Antilles” ( Putzeys 1878a: 29), here restricted to the Greater Antillean island of Hispaniola.


This species is readily separated from the other species in the mundus species group by a combination of: elytra with slightly transverse microsculpture, sculpticells about 2 –4× wide as long, pronotum with posteriolateral angles obtuse and posteriolateral impressions finely punctate.

Descriptive notes.

Data for SBL in Table 1. Habitus as in Fig. 31A. Clypeus and labrum with anterior margin of each shallowly concave. Antennae with antennomeres 1, 1-2 or 1-3 testaceous, antennomeres 2-11, 3-11 or 4-11 darker. Mouthparts and legs testaceous. Head and pronotum rufo-brunneous to dark brunneous; elytra brunneous to brunneo-piceous, with very faint cupreous metallic luster. Ventral surface rufo-brunneous to dark brunneous; elytral epipleuron paler than disc. Head and pronotum shiny, microlines visible at 100 ×, isodiametric on head, slightly transverse on pronotum, sculpticells about 1.5 –2× wide as long; elytra with mesh pattern transverse, sculpticells about 2 –4× wide as long. Pronotum with posteriolateral impressions moderately coarsely punctate; posteriolateral angles rounded. Elytral striae impunctate, except the standard setigerous punctures in striae 2, 5 and 7. Males with two terminal setae and females with four terminal setae near the posterior margin on sternum VII.

Male genitalia. Fig. 32 A–C. Apical portion of phallic median lobe moderately long, broadly triangular, symmetrically rounded in dorsal/ventral aspect, tip curved up dorsally; endophallus without spines or dark microtrichial fields; without lamina. Ventral surface of shaft smooth.

Ovipositor and female reproductive tract. Fig. 33A. Gonocoxite 2 (gc2) moderately thick, somewhat falcate. Bursa copulatrix (bc) short; spermatheca (sp) sausage-like, originating near base of common oviduct (co); moderately long spermathecal gland duct (spgd) originating below mid-length of spermatheca. Spermathecal gland (spg) small, bulbous, with swelling of duct, about twice the size of the gland, basad gland.

Geographical distribution.

Fig. 34. This species is restricted to the Greater Antillean island of Hispaniola.

Chorological affinities and relationships.

The range of this species is overlapped by the range of S. pseudomundus . Relationships of S. mundus are not postulated beyond species group membership.

Material examined.

In addition to type material, we have seen a total of 57 specimens (28 males, 29 females). See Appendix for details.













