Stachyotropha Stal , 1871

Okuda, Kyosuke & Chen, Zhuo, 2023, A new synonym of a species of Stachyotropha Stal, 1871, a genus of Asian Stenopodainae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae), Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 102977-102977 : 102977

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scientific name

Stachyotropha Stal , 1871


Stachyotropha Stal, 1871 View in CoL

Stachyotropha Stål (1871): 697 (original description); Stål (1874): 84, 85 (in key, catalogue); Lethierry and Severin (1896): 81 (catalogue); China (1940): 210 (in key, fauna of China); Hoffmann (1944): 5 (catalogue, fauna of China); Hsiao (1977): 86 (in key, fauna of China); Hsiao and Ren (1981): 464, 465 (in key, listed, fauna of China); Miyamoto and Yasunaga (1989): 170 (listed, fauna of Japan); Maldonado Capriles (1990): 540 (catalogue); Putshkov and Putshkov (1996): 223 (catalogue, Palearctic); Ishikawa and Miyamoto (2012): 276, 284 (in key, diagnosis, distribution, fauna of Japan); Ishikawa (2016): 450 (listed, fauna of Japan).



Macropterous male. Colouration: Basic colouration pale brown with dark marking on pronotum, hemelytra and abdomen.

Vestiture: Head, thorax, abdomen, legs and antennae densely covered with short setae. Compound eyes with sparse short setae. Femur with short decumbent setae; tibia and tarsus with suberect setae.

Structure: Body elongated. Head cylindical, integument granulose; ante-ocular portion longer than postocular portion; lateral side of postocular portion lacking tubercles. Compound eyes spherical, well projected laterad. Ocelli not elevated. Juga (= mandibular plates) strongly produced anteriorly, slightly upwards, slightly shorter than scape (= antennal segment I). Maxillary plates produced anteriorly, straight, approximately half of length of scape. Scape stout, shorter than head; pedicel (= antennal segment II) slender, longer than scape; flagellomeres (= antennal segment III and IV) filiform, shorter than scape. Labium curved; first visible labial segment extend beyond posterior margin of eye, approximately 2 times as long as remaining segments combined.

Pronotum trapezoidal, integument granulose, longer than humeral width and head length; anterior pronotal lobe with four vague glabrous sulci on disc; anterolateral angles obtuse; posterior angles obtuse with posterior margin projecting backwards and slightly concave at mid-portion.

Profemur thickened, with erect setae; lateral inner side armed with three long spines and one or two pairs of short spines, outer side armed with three long spines and one or two pairs of short spines; spines produced slightly downwards and occurring alternately on inner and outer sides. Protibia with two pairs of lateral spines produced slightly downwards and occurring alternately; protarsus three-segmented. Mid-femur and hind femur slender, lacking spines; mid-tarsus and hind tarsus three-segmented; third tarsomere longer than remaining segments.

Abdomen elongate, with lateral margins almost parallel; tergite VII with obliquely angulately truncated inner side, posteromedial margin deeply concave.

Macropterous female. Similar to male in general habitus. Abdominal segments II ~ VI with lateral margins almost parallel; segment VII strongly extended backwards, with obliquely angulately truncated inner side, posteromedial margin deeply concave; segment VIII large, transverse; basal half of sternite covered by gonocoxa VIII.


In general appearance, this genus resembles Campsocnemis Stål, 1871 known from East Asia, but it can be distinguished from the latter by a combination of the following characters: juga as long as or slightly shorter than scape (in Campsocnemis , juga obviously shorter than scape); profemur and protibia armed ventrally with two rows of long diverging spines (in Campsocnemis , profemur armed with two rows of finely diverging spines, protibia lacking spines).


The genus Stachyotropha previously contained two species distributed in East Asia ( Maldonado Capriles 1990). One of them is treated as a junior synonym in this study; thus, the number of species in this genus has become one.












Stachyotropha Stal , 1871

Okuda, Kyosuke & Chen, Zhuo 2023


Stal 1871