Spilopteron nigrum, Ito & Maeto, 2017

Ito, Masato & Maeto, Kaoru, 2017, Revision of the genus Spilopteron Townes, 1965 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Acaenitinae) from Japan, European Journal of Taxonomy 356, pp. 1-33 : 17-20

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Carolina (2020-05-20 18:05:41, last updated 2024-11-24 21:49:58)

scientific name

Spilopteron nigrum

sp. nov.

Spilopteron nigrum sp. nov.


Figs 1 View Fig e–f, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6f


The specific epithet of this new species is derived from the entirely black body.

Type material


JAPAN: ♀, “ Mt. Mikuniyama, Katsuragi-cho, Wakayama Pref., Japan , 4 July 2003, R. Matsumoto leg.” ( OMNH).


JAPAN: 3 ♀♀, Mt Soranumadake, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido, Malaise trap, 4–27 Jul. 2007, A. Ueda ( OMNH); 2 ♀♀, same locality, Malaise trap, 27 Jul.–21. Aug. 2007, A. Ueda ( KPMNH); 1 ♀, Ashorocho, Hokkaido, Malaise trap, 15 Jul.–7Aug. 2008, A. Ueda ( OMNH); 1 ♀, Nippu, Bifuka-cho, Hokkaido, Malaise trap, 19 Jun.–17 Jul. 2010, N. Kuhara and M. Sueyoshi ( OMNH); 1 ♀, Shiretoko, Hokkaido, 13 Aug. 1996, T. Tachi ( OMNH); 1 ♀, Nishirappu, Furano, Hokkaido, 26 Jun.–17 Jul. 2009, A. Ueda ( OMNH); 2 ♀♀, Okawa, Nishimeya-mura, Aomori Pref., Malaise trap, 21–30 Jun. 2013, T. Nakamura ( LC154920 View Materials , LC154921 View Materials EUM); 2 ♀♀, Biwakubo-sawa, Masutomi, Hokuto-shi, Yamanashi Pref., 28 Jul. 2007, K. Watanabe ( KPMNH); 2 ♀♀, same locality, Malaise trap, 28 Jul.–7 Aug. 2007, K. Watanabe ( KPMNH); 1 ♀, Otaki-fudou, Katsunuma-cho, Koushu-shi, Yamanashi Pref., 9 Jul. 2007, K. Watanabe ( KPMNH); 2 ♀♀, Gozaishi-onsen, Nirasaki-shi, Yamanashi Pref., Malaise trap, 8–17 Jul. 2005, K. Hosoda ( OMNH); 5 ♀♀, Mt Kariyasu-yama, Kaga-shi, Ishikawa Pref., 28 Jun.–18 Jul. 2002, K. Esaki ( OMNH); 1 ♀, same locality, 28 Jun.–19 Jul. 2002, K. Esaki ( SEHU); 3 ♀♀, same locality, 19–31 Jul. 2002, K. Esaki ( SEHU); 1 ♀, Hikagedaira, Gifu Pref., 24 Sep. 1980, E. Nishida ( OMNH); 1 ♀, Utsukushimatsu, Nagawa-cho, Nagano Pref., 23 Aug. 2012, S. Fujie ( KPMNH); 2 ♀♀, Nakajima, Onoshi, Fukui Pref., Malaise trap, 22 Jun.–13 Jul. 2014, S. Fujie and T. Hirooka ( LC154917 View Materials , LC154919 View Materials KPMNH); 1 ♀, Akasai-keikoku, Haga-cho, Hyogo Pref., 16 Jun. 2009, R. Matsumoto ( OMNH); 2 ♀♀, Mt Hyonosen, Yabu-shi, Hyogo Pref., Malaise trap, 16 Jun.–14 Jul. 2013, M. Ito and S. Fujie ( NIAES); 3 ♀♀, Niiya, Kami-cho, Hyogo Pref., Malaise trap, 16 Jun.–14 Jul. 2013, M. Ito and S. Fujie ( NIAES); 1 ♀, 1 ♂, same locality, Malaise trap, 26 Jun.–18 Jul. 2011, S. Fujie ( NIAES); 2 ♀♀, Mt Odaigahara, Nara Pref., Malaise trap, 25 Jul.–1 Aug. 2005, A. Kawazoe ( EUM).

Differential diagnosis

This new species most resembles S. pseudonigrum sp. nov., but is easily distinguished from it by the distinct apical marking on the fore wing (the apical portion is only infuscate in S. pseudonigrum sp. nov.).


Female (n = 41)

BODY LENGTH. 10.0–12.0 mm.

HEAD. Vertex 0.4–0.5 times as long as maximum length of eye in dorsal view. Frons without a depression between eye and antennal socket in frontal view ( Fig. 2f View Fig ). Clypeus 0.5–0.6 times as long as wide, with three weak projections of equal size ( Fig. 2f View Fig ). Face 0.6–0.7 times as long as wide. Length of malar space 1.1–1.2 times as long as basal mandibular width. Ocello-ocular line/lateral ocellar diameter = 1.1–1.7. Postocellar line/lateral ocellar diameter = 1.0–1.3. Antenna with 28–30 flagellomeres; first flagellomere 1.3–1.4 times as long as second flagellomere.

MESOSOMA. Propleuron densely punctate ( Fig. 5f View Fig ). Lateral area of pronotum densely punctate and transversely striate medially. Collar weakly punctate. Mesoscutum densely punctate ( Fig. 5f View Fig ). Subalar prominence extensively punctate ( Fig. 5f View Fig ). Scutellum densely punctate in dorsal view. Postscutellum flattened in lateral view ( Fig. 5f View Fig ). Metapleuron strongly punctate ( Fig. 5f View Fig ). Propodeum strongly carinate ( Fig. 6f View Fig ). Area externa and area dentipara sparsely punctate ( Fig. 6f View Fig ). Area basalis and area superomedia polished ( Fig. 6f View Fig ). Area posteroexterna confluent with area petiolaris and polished ( Fig. 6f View Fig ). Fore wing length 6.0– 8.5 mm. Vein cu-a basad of vein Rs&M ( Fig. 4f View Fig ). Vein rs-m opposite or distad of vein 2m-cu ( Fig. 4f View Fig ). Hind femur 3.4–3.6 times as long as maximum depth in lateral view, without distinct convexity ventrally. Hind tibia 9.4–11.3 times as long as maximum depth in lateral view. First hind tarsomere 2.4–2.8 times as long as second and 2.2–2.5 times as long as longer hind tibial spur.

METASOMA. T1 2.0–2.3 times as long as maximum width, 2.4–2.6 times as long as T2. T2 0.6 times as long as maximum width. T1 weakly and sparsely punctate. T2–T8 weakly and densely punctate. S1 without distinct sharp projection basally. Ovipositor sheath 2.1–2.3 times as long as hind tibia.

COLOR. Body black ( Fig. 1e View Fig ). Antennal flagellum with a white band ( Fig. 1e View Fig ). Inner margin of eye and middle area of mandible yellowish white ( Fig. 2f View Fig ). Fore and mid legs grayish brown ( Fig. 1e View Fig ). Apex of hind tarsus sometimes yellowish white ( Fig. 1e View Fig ). Fore wing with an apical dark mark, extending downwards ( Fig. 4f View Fig ).

Male (n = 1).

Similar to female ( Fig. 1f View Fig ). Body length: 9.0 mm. Head 0.7 times as long as wide in dorsal view. Face 0.8 times as long as wide. Antenna with 36 flagellomeres; first flagellomere 1.1 times as long as second flagellomere. Fore wing length 8.0 mm. Hind femur 3.2 times as long as maximum depth in lateral view. First hind tarsomere 3.7 times as long as longer hind tibial spur. T1 2.5 times as long as maximum width, 2.3 times as long as T2. T2 1.0 times as long as maximum width. Antennal flagellum without a white band ( Fig. 1f View Fig ). Face, clypeus, basal area of mandible, apices of T1–3, and fore and middle legs yellowish white.

Male genitalia of this species were not examined due to the limited number of specimens.


Japan (Hokkaido and Honshu).


Host unknown. Adults mainly fly in July and August.

Kusigemati K. 1981. Japanese species of the genus Spilopteron with description of a new species (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University 17: 117 - 125.

Lee J. W., Jeong J. C. & Lee S. M. 2008. First record of the genus Spilopteron (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Acaenitinae) from Korea with description of a new species. Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology 24 (3): 275 - 279.

Matsumura S. 1912. Thousand Insects of Japan. Supplement IV. Keiseisha, Tokyo.

Uchida T. 1930. Beschreibungen der neuen echten Schlupfwespen aus Japan, Korea und Formosa. Insecta Matsumurana 4: 121 - 132.

Uchida T. 1934. Beitrage zur Systematik der Tribus Acoenitini Japans (Hym. Ichneum. Pimplinae). Insecta matsumurana 9: 41 - 54.

Gallery Image

Fig. 1. Habitus in lateral view.a–b. Spilopteronalbiventre sp. nov. a. Holotype, ♀, EhimePref. b. Paratype, ♂, Ehime Pref. – c–d. Spilopteron brachyurum sp. nov. c. Holotype, ♀, Hokkaido. d. Paratype, ♂, Hokkaido. – e–f. Spilopteron nigrum sp. nov. e. Holotype, ♀, Wakayama Pref. f. Paratype, ♂, Hyogo Pref. g–h. Spilopteron oblongulum sp. nov. g. Holotype, ♀, Kanagawa Pref. h. Paratype, ♂, Hyogo Pref. i–j. Spilopteron pseudonigrum sp. nov. i. Holotype, ♀, Hyogo Pref. j. Paratype, ♂, Hyogo Pref..

Gallery Image

Fig. 2. Head of females in frontal view. a. Spilopteron albiventre sp. nov., paratype, Ehime Pref. b. Spilopteron apicale (Matsumura, 1912), Nagano Pref. c. Spilopteron brachyurum sp. nov., paratype, Hokkaido. d. Spilopteron luteum (Uchida, 1930), Amami-oshima Is. e. Spilopteron mucronatus Lee, 2008, Fukuoka Pref. f. Spilopteron nigrum sp. nov., paratype, Hyogo Pref. g. Spilopteron oblongulum sp. nov., paratype, Kanagawa Pref. h. Spilopteron pseudonigrum sp. nov., paratype, Hyogo Pref. i. Spilopteron pyrrhonae Kusigemati, 1981, Kanagawa Pref. j. Spilopteron tosaense (Uchida, 1934), Hokkaido. k. Spilopteron tosaense (Uchida, 1934), Yakushima Is.

Gallery Image

Fig. 5. Mesosoma of females, lateral view. a. Spilopteron albiventre sp. nov., paratype, Ehime Pref. b. Spilopteron apicale (Matsumura, 1912), Nagano Pref. c. Spilopteron brachyurum sp. nov., paratype, Hokkaido. d. Spilopteron luteum (Uchida, 1930), Amami-oshima Is. e. Spilopteron mucronatus Lee, 2008, Fukuoka Pref. f. Spilopteron nigrum sp. nov., paratype, Hyogo Pref. g. Spilopteron oblongulum sp. nov., Kanagawa Pref. h. Spilopteron pseudonigrum sp. nov., paratype, Hyogo Pref. i. Spilopteron pyrrhonae Kusigemati, 1981, Kanagawa Pref. j. Spilopteron tosaense (Uchida, 1934), Hokkaido. k. Spilopteron tosaense (Uchida, 1934), Yakushima Is.

Gallery Image

Fig. 6. Propodeum of females, dorsal view. a. Spilopteron albiventre sp. nov., paratype, Ehime Pref. b. Spilopteron apicale (Matsumura, 1912), Nagano Pref. c. Spilopteron brachyurum sp. nov., paratype, Hokkaido. d. Spilopteron luteum (Uchida, 1930), Amami-oshima Is. e. Spilopteron mucronatus Lee, 2008, Fukuoka Pref. f. Spilopteron nigrum sp. nov., paratype, Hyogo Pref. g. Spilopteron oblongulum sp. nov., paratype, Kanagawa Pref. h. Spilopteron pseudonigrum sp. nov., paratype, Hyogo Pref. i. Spilopteron pyrrhonae Kusigemati, 1981, Kanagawa Pref. j. Spilopteron tosaense (Uchida, 1934), Hokkaido.

Gallery Image

Fig. 4. Wings of females. a. Spilopteron albiventre sp. nov., paratype, Ehime Pref. b. Spilopteron apicale (Matsumura, 1912), Nagano Pref. c. Spilopteron brachyurum sp. nov., paratype, Hokkaido. d. Spilopteron luteum (Uchida, 1930), Amami-oshima Is. e. Spilopteron mucronatus Lee, 2008, Fukuoka Pref. f. Spilopteron nigrum sp. nov., paratype, Hyogo Pref. g. Spilopteron oblongulum sp. nov., paratype, Kanagawa Pref. h. Spilopteron pseudonigrum sp. nov., paratype, Hyogo Pref. i. Spilopteron pyrrhonae Kusigemati, 1981, Kanagawa Pref. j. Spilopteron tosaense (Uchida, 1934), Hokkaido. k. Spilopteron tosaense (Uchida, 1934), Yakushima Is.


Japan, Osaka, Osaka Museum of Natural History


Osaka Museum of Natural History


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences













