Matsumuraja rubicola Takahashi, 1927

Xu, Ying, Chen, Jing, Jiang, Liyun & Qiao, Gexia, 2024, Revision of Matsumuraja (Hemiptera, Aphidinae, Macrosiphini) in China with two new synonyms and four new records, Zootaxa 5477 (1), pp. 27-42 : 31

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5477.1.2

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scientific name

Matsumuraja rubicola Takahashi, 1927


Matsumuraja rubicola Takahashi, 1927 View in CoL

( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 , 8c View FIGURE 8 , 9e View FIGURE 9 , 10c View FIGURE 10 , 11c–e View FIGURE 11 )

Matsumuraja polydactylota Qiao & Zhang,1999: 307 View in CoL . syn. nov.

Specimens examined. Holotype and paratypes of Matsumuraja polydactylota Qiao & Zhang, 1999 View in CoL : four apterous viviparous females, CHINA: Fujian (Jiangle County), 28.IV.1991, No. 9847, host plant unknown, coll. W. Y. Zhang.

One apterous viviparous female and one alate viviparous female, CHINA: Yunnan (Dulongjiang County), 25.IX.2020, No. 49352-1-1, on Rubus , coll. Y. Xu ; two apterous viviparous females, CHINA: Guangxi ( Guilin City ), 30.VIII.2020, No. 48887-1-1, on Rubus , coll. T. Y. Liu ; five apterous viviparous females, CHINA: Guizhou ( Fanjingshan Mountain ), 28. V.2002, No. 13319, on Rubus , coll. Y. Z. Zhang ; one alate viviparous female, CHINA: Guizhou (Xishui County), 28.IX.2002, No. 12579-1-1, on Rubus , coll. X. L. Chen ; two apterous viviparous females, CHINA: Hunan (Ningyuan County), 27. V.2017, No. 39558, on Rubus , coll. C. C. Du and K. Hao ; two apterous viviparous females, CHINA: Guizhou ( Leigongshan Mountain ), 1. VI.2005, No. 16221-1-1, on Rubus , coll. Y. Fang.

Diagnosis. Ant. I with one long finger-like process at inner side, 1.05–1.28 times the segment; abdominal tergites I–IV each with one paired long finger-like marginal tubercles, as long as the spinal tubercles; abdominal tergites I–VII each with one or two paired long finger-like spinal tubercles, of which the abdominal tergites VI–VII are distinctly longer than the others; and dorsal setae long, thick and capitate arising from tubercles, distinctly shorter than the tubercles.

Distribution. China (Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Taiwan ( Tao 1966), Yunnan), Japan.

Comments. This species was recorded by Zhang et al. (1999a) in China, and the specimens ( Fig. 9f View FIGURE 9 ) can be distinguished by Ant. I with finger-like process, abdominal tubercles I–VII each with two pairs of short conical spinal tubercles and slightly swollen marginal tubercles, dorsal setae long, thick and capitate, longer than dorsal tubercles. However, the main diagnoses of M. rubicola Takahashi are abdominal tergites I–IV each with one paired long finger-like marginal tubercles, and it as long as the spinal tubercles; spinal tubercles are long finger-like, which are distinctly longer on abdominal tergites VI–VII than on others ( Fig. 8c View FIGURE 8 ). In conclusion, the specimen reported by Zhang et al. (1999a) is not M. rubicola Takahashi , and those characters of the specimen are similar to those used for the diagnosis of M. formosana Takahashi. Therefore , the specimen reported by Zhang et al. (1999a) is M. formosana Takahashi.

After checking the holotype of Matsumuraja polydactylota Qiao & Zhang ( Fig. 9e View FIGURE 9 ), it could be distinguished by Ant. I with one long finger-like process; abdominal tergites I–IV each with one pair of finger-like marginal tubercles, as long as spinal tubercles; tergites I–VII each with one or two pairs of finger-like spinal tubercles, and the tergites VI–VII with the longest ones; dorsal setae long, thick and capitate arising from dorsal tubercles, distinctly shorter than tubercles; SIPH long cylindrical, not swollen. The diagnosis of the specimen is clearly similar to that of M. rubicola Takahashi. Therefore , Matsumuraja polydactylota Qiao & Zhang, 1999 is regarded as the synonym of Matsumuraja rubicola Takahashi, 1927 .


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute














Matsumuraja rubicola Takahashi, 1927

Xu, Ying, Chen, Jing, Jiang, Liyun & Qiao, Gexia 2024

Matsumuraja polydactylota

Zhang, G. X. & Qiao, G. X. & Zhong, T. S. 1999: 307
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