Plagiochila barteri var. valida (Steph.)

Reeb, Catherine, Letsara, Rokiman, Andriamiarisoa, Roger Lala, Brinda, John C., Abalo-Loko, Goudjo-Ameto, Boucheron-Dubuisson, Elodie, Fischer, Eberhard, Hodgetts, Nicholas G., Lavocat-Bernard, Elisabeth, Naniarimino, Fara, Phillipson, Peter B., Sass-Gyarmati, Andrea & Vanderpoorten, Alain, 2019, A pilot workshop on Bryophytes at the National Herbarium (TAN) reveals the presence of seven additional species for Madagascar, Candollea 74 (2), pp. 153-158 : 153-158

publication ID 10.15553/c2019v742a5

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Plagiochila barteri var. valida (Steph.)


Plagiochila barteri var. valida (Steph.) View in CoL OEafdef Berghef if

Bull. Jard. Bot. Natl. Belg. 51: 73. 1981. ( Plagiochilaceae )

Notes – Plagiochila barteri is reported from Madagascar & Comoros & Mauritius afd La Réufiof& but the var. valida was so far ofly reported from La Réufiof (WIGGINTON& 2018). It is easily distifguishable from P.barteri Mitt.var. barteri & which has previously beef recorded from Madagascar (MARLINE et al.& 2012)& by the dorsal margif almost free of teeth (or with a few ofes& <6)& afd the bulgifg trigofes betweef leaf cells (OEANDEN BERGHEN& 1981).

Specimen examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. Vatovavy-Fitovinany [Prov. Pseudocrossidium Fianarantsoa]: Rafomafafa parc& Alofg the N side of maif road at the porphyreoneurum head of the big waterfalls of the Namorofa River& drippifg grafitic cliffs

Beza surroufded by moftafe raifforest& 21°14'42"S 47°23'50"E & 1080 –1150 m &

29.OEII.2004& S. & T. Pócs 04126/AT (TAN& EGR).

Mosses Fig. 1. – Distribution in Madagascar of the new reports from BRYOTAN workshop.

Calyptothecium acutifolium (Brid.) Broth. if Paris& Ifdex Hyophila nymaniana (M. Fleisch.) M. Mefzel if Willdefowia Bryol. ed. 2& 1: 288. 1904. ( Pterobryaceae ) 22: 198. 1992. ( Pottiaceae )

Notes – From defse humid evergreef forest from mid- Notes – The distributiof of Hyophila nymaniana is wideelevatiofs. Calyptothecium acutifolium was kfowf from La spread but scattered if tropical regiofs. It is kfowf from Réufiof if the Ifdiaf Oceaf (O’SHEA& 2006). Ceftral America ( Costa Rica & Mexico)& Africa (Ceftral

Africaf Republic& Democratic Republic of Cofgo) afd

Specimen examined. – MADAGASCAR.Reg. Horombe [Prov. Toliara]: RS Southeast Asia (Java & Thailafd). However& despite its wide Kalambatritra& forêt d’Afalamaro& 23°28'40"S 46°23'38"E & 1330 m & 2.XI.2004 & distributiof rafge& the species does fot appear to be particu- Andriamiarisoa 200 ( MO & TAN) GoogleMaps .

larly commof afywhere. If a worldwide revisiof of the gefus

Hyophila Brid.& SOLLMAN (2013) was able to recover 50 col-

Fissidens pallidinervis Mitt. View in CoL if J. Liff. Soc.& Bot. 12: 592. 1869. lectiofs ofly. ( Fissidentaceae View in CoL )

Specimens examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. Boeny [Prov. Mahajanga]: Notes – Fissidens pallidinervis View in CoL is widespread if Ceftral Tsifgy de Namoroka Natiofal Park & afthropized area (rice fields& cultivatiof& afd South America afd is also recorded from Philippifes afd cows) aroufd Namoroka village & outside the cliff area& 16°24'46"S 45°18'25"E & Australia. It is fow kfowf to be widespread if tropical Africa & 102 m & 28.X.2016 & Reeb CR16 M368 ( PC [ PC0773479 ]& TAN); Afdohifaly& dry forest mixed with savaffah areas& with limestofe cliffs up to 10–15 meters& with occurrefces recorded if Burkifa-Faso & Ghafa & Ceftral 16°26'22"S 45°17'04"E & 111 m & 28.X.2016 & Reeb CR16 M375 ( PC [ PC0773475 ]& Africaf Republic & Kefya & Tafzafia & Ugafda & Malawi & Zambia & TAN) GoogleMaps .

Zimbabwe & La Réufiof& Seychelles (BRUGGEMAN-NANNENGA&

2006& 2009). It grows of bark afd rocks& but also of termite Luisierella barbula (Schwägr.) Steere if Bryologist 48: 84. moufds (SEPPELT & STONE& 2016)& if defse sub-humid ever- 1945. ( Pottiaceae )

greef forest at mid-elevatiof.

Notes – Luisierella barbula was described from Cuba afd

Specimen examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. Horombe [Prov. Toliara]:

RS Kalambatritra& forêt d’Afalamaro& sur uf termitier& terrestre& 23°28'14"S most collectiofs come from the West Ifdies afd adjaceft areas

46°23'38"E & 1330 m & 2.XI.2004 & Andriamiarisoa 224 ( MO & TAN). if Mexico afd the south-easterf Ufited States& but it is also kfowf from Japaf & Southeast Asia & afd scattered islafds if the Ifdiaf Oceaf ( Seychelles: Aldabra; Mascarefes: Rodrigues). Its strofg affifity for limestofe substrates is a likely explafatiof for its distributiof .

Specimen examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. Boeny [Prov. Mahajanga]: Soalala & Tsifgy de Namoroka Natiofal Park & dry forest with baobabs& 16°25'11"S 45°16' 59"E & 96 m & 28.X.2016 & Reeb CR16 M383 ( PC [ PC0773480 ]& TAN) GoogleMaps .

Neckeropsis foveolata (Mitt.) Broth. if Efgl. & Praftl& Nat. Plafzeffam. ed. 2& 11: 188. 1925. ( Neckeraceae )

Notes – Neckeropsis foveolata is foufd if Ceftral afd South America. If Africa& it maifly occurs if couftries alofg the Gulf of Guifea& with occurrefces documefted if Camerouf& Ivory Coast & Equatorial Guifea& Ghafa (HODGETTS et al.& 2016)& Guifea (ELLIS et al.& 2016)& Liberia & Nigeria & afd the Ceftral Africaf Republic. This is the first report of the species from af Ifdiaf Oceaf islafd.

Specimen examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. SAVA [Prov. Antsiranana]: Forêt humide d’Afalamazava & 8 km du village d’Afkijabe & sur rocher& 13°16'12"S 49°36'40"E & 617 m & 29.X.2005 & Andriamiarisoa 506 ( MO & TAN) GoogleMaps .

Pseudocrossidium porphyreoneurum (Müll. Hal.) R.H. Zafder View in CoL if Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 32: 119. 1993. ( Pottiaceae View in CoL )

Notes – Pseudocrossidium porphyreoneurum View in CoL is relatively widespread if dry regiofs of sub-Saharaf Africa (Botswafa& Djibouti & Eritrea & Kefya& Malawi & Mozambique & Namibia & South Africa & Tafzafia& Ugafda& Zambia & Zimbabwe) afd its occurrefce if the semi-arid regiof of Madagascar is therefore fot ufexpected. There are mafy other species from similar habitats if coftifeftal Africa that might reasofably be expected to occur if Madagascar but have fot yet beef recorded. This may be the result of a collectifg bias of bryologists towards humid forests but also because these areas are oftef less accessible. Furthermore& the species is geferally represefted by small afd ifcofspicuous ifdividuals.

Specimen examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. Atsimo-Andrefana [Prov. Toliara]: Betioky-Atsimo; Beza Mahafaly Reserve & Parcelle No. 2& rocky hills fear Betioky& 23°41'S 44°36' E & 150 m & 20.OE.1987& Phillipson 1832 (MO-6491266& TAN) GoogleMaps .


Missouri Botanical Garden


Parc de Tsimbazaza


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Non-vascular Plants and Fungi














Plagiochila barteri var. valida (Steph.)

Reeb, Catherine, Letsara, Rokiman, Andriamiarisoa, Roger Lala, Brinda, John C., Abalo-Loko, Goudjo-Ameto, Boucheron-Dubuisson, Elodie, Fischer, Eberhard, Hodgetts, Nicholas G., Lavocat-Bernard, Elisabeth, Naniarimino, Fara, Phillipson, Peter B., Sass-Gyarmati, Andrea & Vanderpoorten, Alain 2019

Pseudocrossidium porphyreoneurum (Müll. Hal.) R.H. Zafder

Mull. Hal. 1993: 119

Fissidens pallidinervis

Mitt. 1869: 592
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