Huperzia crassifolia W. M. Chu & B. Y. Zhang ex Z. Y. Guo, 2024

Guo, Zhi-You, Liu, Hong-Mei, Wang, Kai-Kai, Fujiwara, Tao, Liu, Zheng-Yu, Zhang, Xian-Chun & Schneider, Harald, 2024, Huperzia crassifolia (Lycopodiaceae), a new species from China based on morphological characters and molecular evidence, PhytoKeys 246, pp. 27-42 : 27-42

publication ID 10.3897/phytokeys.246.131046


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PhytoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Huperzia crassifolia W. M. Chu & B. Y. Zhang ex Z. Y. Guo

sp. nov.

Huperzia crassifolia W. M. Chu & B. Y. Zhang ex Z. Y. Guo sp. nov.

Figs 3 View Figure 3 , 4 View Figure 4


China • Guizhou Province: Duyun City, Luosike Mountain , between Maozhuchong and Tuanshan, 26.2390, 107.2329, under the broad-leaf forests, alt. 1100–1500 m, 10 March 2016, Zhi-You GUO 2016022 (Holotype, QNUN!) GoogleMaps .


Huperzia crassifolia resembled species H. javanica in its gross morphology, but can be easily distinguished by the thicker texture and round-lanceolate pinnae. The well differentiated seasonal constriction zones, as well as the dark-green colour of the pinnae, provide further distinctions to species with similar morphology.


Plants terrestrial. Stem erect or ascending, 2–4 times dichotomous branches, 5–25 cm tall, 0.2–0.4 cm in diam. Upper portion of the branches often with numerous gemmae. Leaves sparse, attached at right angles with stem, elliptic to slightly oblanceolate, conspicuously contracted towards base, 1.2–1.9 cm long, 0.4–0.6 cm wide, leathery, shiny, dark green above and light green below, glabrous, midrib conspicuous, base cuneate, decurrent, petiolate, margin straight, slightly reflexed when dry, irregularly serrated, apex acute to slightly cuspidate, teeth acute at apex, coarse; seasonal variation between sporophylls and trophophylls, sporophylls slightly dimorphic by reduced size compared to trophophylls; sporangia attached to the upper side of sporophylls, yellowish, reniform. Spores tetrahedral, with trilete aperture and foveolate ornamentation on distal pole.


The specific epithet refers to its thick and coriaceous texture of the pinnae.

Vernacular name.

厚叶石杉 (Chinese pinyin: hou ye shi shan).

Distribution and habitat.

Huperzia crassifolia is a terrestrial firmoss currently only known from Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, and Chongqing, growing on humus rich soils in shady conditions formed in the undergrowth of broad leaf forests at elevations from 1100 to 1900 m a. s. l.

Additional specimens examined.

China • Hubei Province, Shibing County, 5 September 2019, R. K. Li ES 946 Chongqing City, Nanchuan District, Jinfo Mountain , 1500 m, 16 April 1981, Zhengyu Liu 1327 ( IMC 0000082 About IMC !) Chongqing City, Nanchuan District, Jinfo Mountain , 1750 m, 15 June 1981, Zhengyu Liu 1708 ( IMC 0000083 About IMC !) Chongqing City, Nanchuan District, Jinfo Mountain , 1900 m, 23 October 1978, Zhengyu Liu 784137 ( IMC 0000084 About IMC !) Chongqing City, Qianjiang District , 1260 m, 23 May 1979, Zhengyu Liu 373 ( IMC 0000081 About IMC !) .

Taxonomic notes.

During our studies, the corresponding author had the opportunity to check the specimens collected by taxonomist Zheng-Yu Liu and found that he already noticed the distinctness of Huperzia crassifolia , but the taxon had not been properly published. The oldest specimen of H. crassifolia carries the species name plus W. M. Chu & B. Y. Zhang as the authorities. Thus, the name has been introduced by these two researchers. To honor their contribution, authorities of this new species are W. M. Chu & B. Y. Zhang ex Z. Y. Guo.

Conservation status.

The new species Huperzia crassifolia is distributed in central and SW China; however the population size of each locality is very small. Especially when one considers the medicinal values of Huperzia species, it may reach the stage that it is over-collected. Thus, we tentatively propose H. crassifolia as Endangered (EN) according to the IUCN categories and criteria ( IUCN 2022).