Hendelia deltoides, Yang & Yin & Xi, 2024

Yang, Shuai-Lai, Yin, Xin-Ming & Xi, Yu-Qiang, 2024, Four new species of the genus Hendelia Czerny, 1903 (Diptera, Clusiidae) from China, ZooKeys 1212, pp. 255-266 : 255-266

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1212.127558

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Hendelia deltoides

sp. nov.

Hendelia deltoides sp. nov.

Figs 1–6 View Figures 1–6 , 31 View Figures 31–34

Type material.

Holotype: • 1 ♂; China, Shaanxi, Zhouzhi, Taibai Mt. ; 33 ° 57 ' 18 ″ N, 107 ° 45 ' 48 ″ E; 1711 m; 2015. VII. 29; leg. Ning Jinjin. GoogleMaps Paratypes: • 1 ♂; same data as for holotype; 2015. VII. 30; leg. Li Xuankun GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; China, Chongqing, Yingtiaoling Nature Reserve ; 31 ° 28 ' 44.93 " N, 109 ° 53 ' 26.19 " E; 1373 m; 2022. VI. 26; leg. Xu Rongzhen GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; China, Chongqing, Yingtiaoling Nature Reserve ; 31 ° 28 ' 44.93 " N, 109 ° 53 ' 26.19 " E; 1373 m; 2022. VI. 26; leg. GuanYuliang. GoogleMaps


Head mostly yellow; palpus white; face dark brown and back half yellow. Thorax mainly yellow; with 3 light brown stripes extending to the scutellum. Surstylus nearly triangular, 1 / 5 length of genitalia, apex without spines. Hypandrium with 4 setae.


Male. Body length 4.4–4.6 mm; Wing length 4.2–4.4 mm.

Head (Fig. 1 View Figures 1–6 ) width 1.49 mm, mostly yellow; palpus white; face dark brown and the back half yellow; frons yellow, 3 fronto-orbital setae, 1 interfrontal seta; occiput yellow; gena yellowish, more than 1 / 4 height of eye; antenna yellow, pedicel length 0.20 mm, arista very short plumose; 1 ocellar seta and 1 postocellar seta.

Thorax (Fig. 31 View Figures 31–34 ) width 1.04 mm, mainly yellow; scutum with 3 light brown stripes extending to the scutellum; scutellum yellow, anepisternum yellow with brown spots, katepisternum yellowish; prescutellar seta absent; 1 postpronotal seta, 2 notopleural setae, 1 postsutural supra-alar seta, 1 + 2 dorsocentral setae, dark brown; intra-alar seta absent, 2 postalar setae, dark brown, the posterior seta tiny; 1 lateral scutellar seta, 1 apical scutellar seta, strong and dark brown; anepisteral seta absent, 1 katepisternal seta. Legs light yellow. Wing (Fig. 2 View Figures 1–6 ) with light brown spots on distal 1 / 3 and on M 4; the M 1 ratio 4.9; halter white.

Abdomen mainly brown; anterior edge of each abdominal segment yellowish, setae and setulae dark brown. Male genitalia (Figs 3–6 View Figures 1–6 ): epandrium height and width almost equal. Cerci 0.9 times as high as wide, with small setae on outer surface and one long seta at apex. Surstylus nearly triangular, 1 / 5 length of genitalia, apex without spines. Hypandrium with 4 setae; pregonite slightly chitinized; postgonite with small setae at apex; side of phallus slightly chitinized, distiphallus long, membranous, transparent.

Female. Unknown.


China (Shaanxi, Chongqing).


The specific name “ deltoides ” refers to the surstylus, which is nearly triangular.


The species is similar to H. angulosa (Sueyoshi) , but it can be separated by the face black and the three fronto-orbital setae. In H. angulosa (Sueyoshi) , the face is yellow and the head has only two fronto-orbital setae ( Sueyoshi 2006).











