Pedicularis series Rudes Prain (1890: 83)

Borah, Dipankar, Gap, Neelam & Singh, Rajeev Kumar, 2020, Pedicularis khoiyangii (Orobanchaceae), a new species from the Eastern Himalaya, India, Phytotaxa 430 (4), pp. 287-293 : 291-292

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.430.4.3


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scientific name

Pedicularis series Rudes Prain (1890: 83)


Key to the species of Pedicularis series Rudes Prain (1890: 83) in India

1a. Corolla reddish-purple; galea tip bifid; filaments villous at base.......................................................................................... P. clarkei View in CoL

1b. Corolla yellow; galea tip entire or slightly emarginate; filaments glabrous throughout ....................................................................2

2a. Stem sparsely pubescent; inflorescence in terminal spike; flowers sessile; bracts glabrous; labium sessile; lobes ovate; stigma bilobed, flattened .............................................................................................................................................................. P. platychila View in CoL

2b. Stem hirsute or hispid; inflorescence in terminal raceme; flowers pedicellate; bracts hirsute or villous; labium stipitate; lobes obovate; stigma capitate .....................................................................................................................................................................3

3a. Plant 30–45 cm long; inflorescence 10-15 cm long; pedicels 2–3 mm long; calyx hirsute; teeth 2.5–3 mm long, margins entire; corolla tube 16–18 mm long; galea beakless, tip rounded, entire; labium lobes equal; stamens inserted at the middle of corolla tube; style included and only stigma projecting out of the galea .............................................................................................. P. prainiana View in CoL

3b. Plant 50–200 cm long; inflorescence 20–80 cm long; pedicels 0.6–1 mm long; calyx densely silky villous; teeth 1.8–2.2 mm long, margins entire; corolla tube 11–13 mm long; galea shortly beaked, tip slightly emarginate; labium lobes unequal; stamens inserted at the base of corolla tube; style projecting 2.5–4 mm beyond galea.............................................................................. P. khoiyangii View in CoL

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