Claviradulomyces caseariae L.L.Duarte, D.M.Macedo & R.W.Barreto, 2021

Duarte, Lidiane Leal, M, Davi, Macedo, esquita de & Barreto, Robert Weingart, 2021, Cryptic but ubiquitous: Claviradulomyceae fam. nov. with five novel species of the lenticel fungus Claviradulomyces from Brazil, Cryptogamie, Mycologie 20 (7), pp. 121-135 : 125

publication ID 10.5252/cryptogamie-mycologie2021v42a7


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scientific name

Claviradulomyces caseariae L.L.Duarte, D.M.Macedo & R.W.Barreto

sp. nov.

Claviradulomyces caseariae L.L.Duarte, D.M.Macedo & R.W.Barreto View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Fig. 2 View FIG )


HOLOTYPE. — Brazil. State of Minas Gerais, Fervedouro, Refúgio dos Gaudinos, on branches of Casearia ulmifolia Vahl ex. Vent. ( Salicaceae ), 23. I.2014, R. W.Barreto ( VIC 42849, COAD 2348, GenBank LSU sequence MK 931434, rpb 2 sequence MW 191755).

ETYMOLOGY. — Referring to its host-genus Casearia .

DIAGNOSIS. — Differing from other species of Claviradulomyces by having septate conidia.

HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION. — Inside lenticels on branches of a tree growing on the margin of a creek in remnants of the Atlantic tropical rainforest.


Asexual morph in abnormal hypertophyed lenticels with spongy tissue present on living branches. Conidiomata pycnidial, semi-immersed, isolate, mostly one per lenticel, globose to subglobose 50-70 Μm diam; walls pale brown, textura intrincata at base, changing into olivaceous to light brown textura angularis in the upper half, ostiolate, rostrate; neck subulate 50-105 Μm long and c. 20 Μm diam, walls pale brown, textura porrecta, ending in a short, narrower tip of bristle-like hyphae, smooth. Conidiophores normally reduced to conidiogenous cells, hyaline, suboblate to somewhat lageniform, straight to slightly curved, (-10) 12.5-15 × 2.5 Μm, 0-1 septate, hyaline, smooth. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, holoblastic and smooth. Conidia fusoid-filiform to narrowly acerose, 14.5-30 × 1.5-2.5 Μm, attenuated toward the ends, apex rounded, base subtruncate, guttulate, 0-2 septate, guttulate, hyaline, smooth. Sexual morph not observed.

Culture characteristics

Very slow growing (2.2-3.9 cm diam after 40 days), colonies dry, flat or effuse, slightly depressed, with lobed or entire margins, aerial mycelium scarce and immersed at periphery; pale purplish grey, pigmenting the medium; ending with a white periphery; not sporulating.


Claviradulomyces caseariae sp. nov. has the most divergent morphology among the old and newly described species for of Claviradulomyces in terms of its asexual stage. It has larger conidiophores, (-10) 12.5-15 × 2.5 Μm, and is the only species described until now having septate conidia.


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


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