Gomphonema dalatica Glushchenko, Kulikovskiy & Kociolek, 2017

Glushchenko, Anton, Kulikovskiy, Maxim & Kociolek, John Patrick, 2017, New diatom species from the Gomphonema subtile group in Southeast Asia, Phytotaxa 329 (3), pp. 223-232 : 227-229

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.329.3.3



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scientific name

Gomphonema dalatica Glushchenko, Kulikovskiy & Kociolek

sp. nov.

Gomphonema dalatica Glushchenko, Kulikovskiy & Kociolek sp. nov. ( Figs 34–63 View FIGURES 34–55 View FIGURES 56–63 )


LM. Valves lanceolate-clavate with headpole protracted, capitate and footpole rounded. Length 40–64 μm, breadth 6.5–8.0 μm. Axial area narrowly lanceolate, forming a small, rectangular central area possessing a single, enlarged stigma positioned at the end of a central stria. Raphe more or less lateral, straight, with external proximal ends dilated slightly and distal ends deflected onto the valve mantle. Striae parallel to radiate, 12–15 in 10 μm, slightly coarser at the center of the valve.

SEM. The valve exterior has areolae occluded by flaps, giving the openings the appearance of being c-shaped ( Figs 56, 58, 60, 62 View FIGURES 56–63 ). The center of the valve has dilated proximal raphe ends and enlarged, round stigmal opening ( Fig. 58 View FIGURES 56–63 ). At the headpole, the distal raphe end is deflected onto the mantle ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 56–63 ). At the footpole, the apical pore field (APF) is positioned mostly on the valve mantle ( Fig. 62 View FIGURES 56–63 ). Internally, there is a small central nodule, recurved proximal raphe ends, and a slit-like stigma opening ( Figs 57, 59 View FIGURES 56–63 ). Helictoglossae are present, and small pseudosepta are evident at both apices ( Figs 61, 63 View FIGURES 56–63 ). At the footpole, porelli of the APF are occluded.

Differential diagnosis. Differ from morphologically similar species G. pantropicum Reichardt by much finer stria density (12–15 in 10 μm, not 8–12 in 10 μm) and less radiate orientation of the striae.

Type: — VIETNAM. Lâm Đồng Province, Ðà Lạt Town, Đả Tiên Reservoir, N11°58.816’ E108°26.987’, E.S. Gusev & M.S. Kulikovskiy, 21 th June 2012, (collection of Maxim Kulikovskiy, I.D. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences ( IBIW), holotype here designated, slide no 00269 = Fig. 39 View FIGURES 34–55 ).

Etymology:— Epithet refers to the type locality.

Distribution. This species is known from the type locality and from Da Tanla Waterfall, waterbodies of Mỹ Sõn (Province Ninh Thuận), Ðà Lạt reservoir in Vietnam (as “ Gomphonema spec. ” Figs 117–120, Reichardt, 2015) and from Nam Leuk River in Laos (this investigation). Specimens of this species were found in samples 00269, 00984, 02269, 02406, 03817.


I. D. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences

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