Paratya strathbogiensis, Suter & Mynott & Crump, 2022

Suter, Phillip J., Mynott, Julia H. & Crump, Megan, 2022, New species of Paratya (Decapoda: Atyidae) from Australian inland waters - linking morphological characters with molecular lineages, Memoirs of Museum Victoria (Mem. Mus. Vic.) 81, pp. 55-122 : 92-97

publication ID 10.24199/j.mmv.2022.81.04

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scientific name

Paratya strathbogiensis

sp. nov.

Paratya strathbogiensis n. sp.

Figures 21–23 View Figure 21 View Figure 22 View Figure 23


Lineage 7 ( Cook et al., 2006)

Type Material: Holotype Victoria. King Parrot Ck at Flowerdale , − 37.2953 S, 145.2905 E, 28 September 2011 ( PS, JM, MC). Body in ethanol and antennae, mouthparts, pereiopods and abdominal structures dissected, mounted on 2 slides. Accession Ref. MC49 . Museum of Victoria Ref No NMV J75163 About NMV . Genbank Registration OL 420843. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: Victoria. 1 male and 3 females, King Parrot Ck at Flowerdale , − 37.2953 S, 145.2905 E, 28 September 2011 Accession Ref. MC40 , 43 , 46 , 47 ( PS, JM, MC) NMV J75164 About NMV J75167 About NMV , Genbank Registration OL 420836, OL420839, OL420846, OL420847 GoogleMaps ; 2 males King Parrot Ck above Goulburn R confluence, − 37.0075 S, 145.3212 E, 28 September 2011 Accession Ref. MC53–54 ( PS, JM, MC) NMV J75168 About NMV J75169 About NMV , Genbank Registration OL 420845–OL420846; bodies in ethanol and other structures dissected, mounted on 2 slides each GoogleMaps .

Material Examined: Victoria: King Parrot Ck at Flowerdale , − 37.2953 S, 145.2905 E, 28 September 2011 ( PS, JM, MC); King Parrot Ck above Goulburn R GoogleMaps confluence, − 37.0075 S, 145.3212 E, 28 September 2011 ( PS, JM, MC) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis: P. strathbogiensis differs from all other species by the following combination of characters: rostrum long, extending beyond both antennular peduncle and scaphocerite, dorsal edge straight, dorsally armed with 21–24 teeth, 1–2 postorbital spines, ventrally with 4–6 large serrations over a length of 1.30–1.80 mm, all forward of greatest depth; distal half of ventral edge straight; left mandible with 4 large teeth separated by a ridged straight ridged notch from a blunt apical tooth; right mandible with 4 teeth in 2 separate incisor processes with first, third and fourth teeth large; scaphognathite of maxilla 2 truncated apically and square at distal margin not extending to apex of upper endite; exopod of maxilliped 2 1.88–2.34 times longer than endopod, epipodite with long podobranchs extending to basal third of third segment of endopodite; maxilliped 3 with medial distal margin of apical segment of endopod with 8–9 broad teeth-like spines, outer margin with 2 broad teeth-like spines, exopod long and narrow, tip over-reaching distal end of basal endopod segment; pereiopod 1 with short carpus, chelae short–long and broad, exopod extending to base-mid carpus; pereiopod 2 with exopod extending to mid merus; dactylus of pereiopod 3 with prominent terminal claw and 8–13 strong spines on medial margin, exopod extends to mid merus; dactylus of pereiopod 4 prominent terminal claw and 9–12 spines on medial margin, exopod extends to apical third of merus; dactylus of pereiopod 5 with prominent terminal claw and very regular comb–like row of 64–80 small spines on medial margin, exopod extends to mid merus.

Carapace length 6.3 (5.6–6.5) mm.

Rostrum long 5.90 (5.30–6.00) mm, extending beyond the antennular peduncle and scaphocerite (fig. 21a), rostral length is 0.94 (0.82–1.00) times length of carapace, shape long and slender with straight dorsal edge, pointed (fig. 21a); rostrum 8.43 (7.50– 9.33) times longer than wide; dorsally armed with 21 (21–24) spines, ratio of number of dorsal spines to length is 3.56 (3.56– 4.29) with 2 (1–2) postorbital eye spines; ventrally with 6 (4–6) large serrations over a length of 1.80 (1.30–1.80) mm, all spines anterior of greatest width; distal half of ventral edge straight, ratio of ventral spine length to rostral length is 0.31 (0.23–0.31), with 3.50 (3.50–6.00) more dorsal spines than ventral spines; rostral length 1.48 (1.19–1.51) times length of scaphocerite.

Antenna 1 (fig. 21b) peduncle 4.48 (3.80–4.68) mm long, not reaching distal tip of scaphocerite, length 1.12 (0.83–1.12) times scaphocerite length. Stylocerite 2.20 (2.04–2.24) mm long, length 9.17 (6.88–9.33) times longer than width, 0.35 (0.33–0.36) times carapace length, reaching beyond distal border of peduncle segment extending to middle of process on distal angle of first segment (fig. 21b).

Antenna 2 (fig. 21c) second segment of peduncle 1.40 (1.20–1.52) mm long, 0.35 (0.25–0.38) times length of scaphocerite, 2.92 (2.53–3.18) times longer than wide. Scaphocerite 4.00 (3.70–4.80) mm long, 0.63 (0.63–0.75) times carapace length, 2.67 (2.47–2.87) times as long as wide.

Mouthpart. Left mandible (fig. 21d, e) with 4 large teeth separated from a blunt apical tooth by a ridged almost straight notch. Spine row with 7 spines, each finely setose, spine row above molar process of approximately over 40 sparsely setose spines. Right mandible (fig. 21f, g) with 4 large teeth in 2 separate incisor processes consisting of one large apical tooth and 1 small tooth and two larger separated inner teeth, Apical, third and fourth teeth large. Spine row immediately below teeth with 10 spines each finely setose, spine row above molar process. Molar process ridged.

Maxilla 1 (fig. 21h) as for P. australiensis .

Maxilla 2 (fig. 21i) scaphognathite truncated apically and squared off at distal margin, not extending to apex of upper endite (fig. 21i).

Maxilliped 1 (fig. 21j) as for P. australiensis .

Maxilliped 2 (fig. 21k) endopod length 1.09 (1.01–1.16) mm; exopod long and narrow, length 2.13 (2.00–2.40) mm, 1.95 (1.88–2.34) times longer than endopod. Epipodite with long podobranch extending to basal third of third segment of endopodite.

Maxilliped 3 (fig. 22a) endopod length 6.67 (6.35–7.36) mm, 2.77 (2.52–2.80) times longer than exopod; with 3 distal segments of similar length; basal segment curved; apical segment with large terminal claw, medial distal margin with 7 (7–9) broad teeth-like spines, largest 3 in basal half, outer margin with 1 long tooth-like spine near terminal spine and 1 long spine in proximal third. Exopod 2.40 (2.27–2.67) mm long, narrow, tip over-reaching distal end of basal endopod segment (fig. 22a).

Thoracic appendages. Pereiopod 1 (fig. 22b) short, 5.09 (3.09–5.44) mm long, 0.81 (0.48–0.84) times carapace length. Chelae short to long and broad (fig. 22b), 1.60 (1.48–1.83) mm long, propodus 3.00 (2.86–3.26) times as long as wide, 1.76 (1.76–2.36) times longer than dactylus, 1.19–1.31 times longer than carpus; palm length 2.08 (1.42–2.14) times palm width and 1.59 (1.27–1.69) times dactylus length. Carpus short, 2.88 (2.30–3.21) times longer than greatest width, broadening distally. Segment ratios 0.74 (0.54–0.74): 1.31 (1.19–1.31): 1.00 (1.22 [1.13–1.47] mm): 1.41 (1.04–1.41): 0.43 (0.42–0.52): 2.28 (2.00–2.28). Exopod extending to base–mid carpus.

Pereiopod 2 (fig. 22c) longer than pereiopod 1, 7.17 (6.85– 7.89) mm long, 1.14 (1.11–1.22) times carapace length. Chelae long and slender (fig. 22c), 1.63 (1.47–1.76) mm long, 3.59 (3.57–4.06) times as long as wide, palm length 2.09 (2.00– 2.22) times longer than palm width, 1.15 (0.91–1.15) times length of dactylus. Propodus 1.74 (1.67–1.81) times longer than dactylus. Carpus 6.28 (6.28–8.00) times as long as greatest width, slightly broader distally, distal margin with small excavation. Segment ratios 0.38 (0.35–0.42): 0.67 (0.61–0.72): 1.00 (2.42 [2.37–2.67] mm): 0.84 (0.80–0.85): 0.44 (0.35– 0.59): – (1.08). Exopod extending to mid merus (fig. 22c).

Pereiopod 3 (fig. 22d, e) distinctly longer than pereiopod 2 and more slender 8.67 (8.47–9.40) mm long, 1.38 (1.35–1.51) times carapace length. Dactylus with prominent terminal claw and 13 (8–13) strong spines on medial margin (fig. 22e). Propodus 4.60 (4.50–4.93) times longer than dactylus, length 14.38 (12.77–14.86) times longer than wide with 14 (8–14) spines on inner margin. Merus with 1 strong spine on medial margin and 1 near ventral distal margin. Segment ratios 0.38 (0.35–0.39): 1.77 (1.63–1.89): 1.00 (1.73 [1.57–1.88] mm): 1.69 (1.69–2.03): 0.54 (0.50–0.55): 1.46 (1.43–1.46). Exopod extends to mid merus.

Pereiopod 4 (fig. 22f, g) similar to pereiopod 3, 9.12 (8.89–9.36) mm long, 1.45 (1.37–1.45) times carapace length. Dactylus with prominent terminal claw and 12 (9–12) spines on medial margin (fig. 22f, g). Propodus 3.78 (3.78–4.04) times longer than dactylus, length 11.94 (11.89–14.37) times longer than wide, with 16 spines on medial margin; merus with 1 strong spine on medial margin and 1 near ventral distal margin. Segment ratios 0.44 (0.41–0.44): 1.68 (1.66–1.69): 1.00 (1.80 [1.80–1.81] mm): 1.96 (1.73–1.96): 0.42 (0.42–0.52): – (1.62). Exopod extends to mid-apex of merus.

Pereiopod 5 (fig. 22h, i) similar length to pereiopod 4, 9.00 (7.80–9.00) mm long, 1.43 (1.20–1.43) times carapace length. Dactylus with prominent terminal claw and very regular, comb–like row of numerous 64 (64–80) small spines on medial margin (fig. 22i). Propodus 3.11 (3.04–3.51) times longer than dactylus, length 12.00 (11.86–14.47) times longer than wide with 11 (10–11) long medial teeth and external margin without teeth. Carpus without any large spines near distal margin. Merus with 1 strong medial spine and 1 distal spine. Segment ratios 0.58 (0.49–0.63): 1.82 (1.72–2.05): 1.00 (1.76 [1.60–1.82] mm): 1.69 (1.53–1.78): 0.61 (0.54–0.61): 1.06 (1.06–1.50). Exopod extends to mid merus.

Abdomen. Pleopods peduncle of first pleopod short, 0.29 (0.13–0.32) times length of carapace, 2.64 (1.21–3.00) times width, exopod 1.41 (1.31–3.35) times peduncle length, endopod 0.78 (0.44–0.78) times peduncle length (fig. 23c); second pleopod peduncle short, 0.37 (0.34–0.38) times length of carapace, 2.94 (2.50–2.94) times width, exopod 1.11 (1.11– 1.51) times peduncle length, endopod slightly shorter 1.06 (1.06–1.33) times peduncle length. Length of first peduncle 1.27 (1.11–2.53) times length of second peduncle.

Telson (fig. 23a, b) length 3.80 (3.30–4.20) mm, 0.60 (0.57–0.66) times carapace length, 3.17 (2.80–3.17) times longer than greatest width, tapering distally. Dorsal surface with 2 pairs of strong submarginal teeth-like spines. Posterior margin convex with 1 pair of teeth-like spines outermost, 10 (8–12) long, strong setose spines (fig. 23b).

Uropods slightly longer than telson length.

Male smaller than females, carapace length 4.42 mm; endopod of first pleopod curved, not strongly excavated with 10 external spines and 16 spines on inner margin (fig. 23d, e).

Etymology: After the Strathbogie Range area in Victoria, where this species occurs and was first recognised as a distinct lineage by Cook (2006).

Comments: P. strathbogiensis shares the characteristics of a long straight rostrum extending beyond the scaphocerite with P. spinosa , P. whitemae and P. tasmaniensis . It differs from all other species by having a long slender palm of the chelae of pereiopod 2 (>2.00 times width); rostrum with 21–24 dorsal spines of which 1–2 are postorbital spines and 4–6 ventral spines over a length of 1.30–1.80 mm; stylocerite extends to the middle of the process on the apex of the antenular segment 1; scaphognathite of maxilla 2 truncated ( Table 2).

P. strathbogiensis is restricted to the upper Goulburn R in the Strathbogie Ranges central Victoria and overlaps with P. tasmaniensis (Cook, 2006) and P. arrostra .


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