Apteranabropsis guangxiensis Bian & Shi

Bian, Xun & Shi, Fu-Ming, 2015, A new species of Apteranabropsis Gorochov, 1988 from Guangxi, China (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae: Anabropsinae: Anabropsini) with key to known species, Zootaxa 4040 (4), pp. 472-476 : 474-476

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4040.4.8

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scientific name

Apteranabropsis guangxiensis Bian & Shi

sp. nov.

Apteranabropsis guangxiensis Bian & Shi sp. nov.

Figures A–O

http://lsid.speciesfile.org/urn:lsid: Orthoptera .speciesfile.org:TaxonName:472000

Description. Male. Body medium. Fastigium verticis protruding forwards, obviously depressed (Figs. A–B), dorsal with 1 obviously furrow in the middle. Ocelli conspicuous, diameter of median ocellus about half length of scape, lateral ocelli ovoid (Figs. A–B). Occiput with a weak, but distinct longitudinal carina (Fig. B). Pronotum glabrous, without a longitudinal carina along the middle; anterior margin slightly concave in the middle, posterior margin nearly straight; lateral lobes longer than high, ventral margin oblique; humeral sinus absent (Fig. C). Prosternum with 1 pair of short spine-shaped processes, the apices subacute; mesosternum with 1 pair of acute-angular processes, basal area of these processes separately, the inner margins straight to base, the outer margins only straight as far as the middle; metasternum with 1 pair of triangular processes, basal area of these processes jointed (Fig. F). Fore and middle coxae with 1 small spine. Fore and middle femora unarmed on ventral surface, ventral surface of hind femora with 3–4 small spines on inner sides; genicular lobes of middle and hind femora with 1 small inner spine. Fore tibiae with 1 inner spur on dorsal surface (some specimens with 1 outer spur, which obviously shorter than inner one), ventral surface with 4 pairs of spurs, dorsal and ventral surface of apices with 1 pair of spurs separately, which inner ones obviously longer than outer ones; tibial tympana distinct, oval, opened, inner one slightly larger than outer (Figs. D–E). Dorsal surface of middle tibiae with 3 inner spurs, 2 outer spurs and 1 pair of apical spurs; ventral surface with 4 pairs of spurs and 1 pair of apical spurs. Dorsal surface of hind tibiae with 9–10 pairs of spines, which unequal in length, and 1 pair of apical spurs; ventral surface with 1–2 pairs of small spines, subapices with 1 pair of shorter spurs, and 2 pairs of apical spurs. Posterior margin of ninth abdominal tergite arched concave in the middle, the lateral sides forming a pair of small triangular lobes. Posterior margin of tenth abdominal tergite nearly straight, the lateral sides with a pair of hooks, which directed forwards and slightly inwards, and contiguous with the lobes of ninth abdominal tergite (Fig. I). Paraproct with 1 pair of long processes, which bifurcated in lateral view (while some specimens unconspicuous), the apical areas depressed (Figs. G, I). Cerci conical, narrower to apices, somewhat longer than the processes of paraproct, its apices obtuse (Fig. G). Subgenital plate shorter than cerci, basal area broad, narrowing, from basal margin forming a parallel pair of longitudinal carina on lateral sides; posterior margin nearly straight, slightly concave in the middle (Fig. H). Styli developed, cylindrical, the length longer than the distance between them (Fig. I).

Female. Differs from male in following character: size larger and robust (Figs. J–L). Metathoracic process slightly narrower (Fig. M). Cerci conical, apices acute. Basal half of subgenital plate triangular, apical half forming a long and gradually narrowing process (Fig. O). Ovipositor upcurved, basal area stout, narrowing; dorsal valvulae obviously longer than ventral ones, the apices of dorsal ones subacute, the adjacent area with ventral ones nearly straight (Fig. N).

Coloration. Body black brown, with some yellowish spots. Scape and pedicel light brown, flagellum yellowish brown. Eyes brown, ocelli yellow. Sternum and sternites yellowish brown. Apices of all spines of hind tibiae black.

Mesurements (mm). BL: ♂ 24.5–26.9, ♀ 27.0–29.2; PL: ♂ 7.0–9.0, ♀ 9.0–10.0; HFL: ♂ 24.5–27.5, ♀ 27.8–29.0; HTL: ♂ 24.5–26.5, ♀ 26.0–27.0; Ov: 14.5–16.0.

Material examined. Holotype: male, Damingshan, Wuming, Guangxi, 20 May, 2011, collected by Li-Ying Guo. Paratypes: 6 males and 5 females, Damingshan, Wuming, Guangxi, 21–25 May, 2011, collected by Li-Ying Guo; 1 male and 1 female, Damingshan, Wuming, Guangxi, 10 August, 2011, collected by Xun Bian & Xu-Ping Yan. Four larvae: 2 males and 1 female, other data as holotype; 1 female, Damingshan, Wuming, Guangxi, 5–14 August, 2011, collected by Yuan-Yuan L u.

Distribution. China (Guangxi).

Discussion. The new species is most similar to A. cervicornis ( Karny, 1930) in the ninth abdominal tergite with 1 pair of lobes, which is contiguous with the hooks of tenth abdominal tergite, and processes of paraproct bifurcated in lateral view. But the species can be easily distinguished from the latter by: pterothoracic tergites without traces of wings rudiments, ventral surface of hind femora with 3 inner spines, and processes of male paraproct shorter than cerci. In A. cervicornis ( Karny, 1930) , hind femora with 2 inner spines on ventral surface, and male paraproct with processes as long as cerci ( Karny, 1930). From A. sinica ( Bey-Bienko, 1962) , the new species is distinguished by the following combination of characters: fastigium verticis with median furrow, occiput with a weak (but distinct) longitudinal carina (Figs. B, K),

FIGURES A–O. Apteranabropsis guangxiensis Bian & Shi sp. nov. A, J. head in frontal view; B–C, K–L, F, M. head and pronotum: B, K. dorsal view, C, L. lateral view, F, M. ventral view; D–E. fore tibia: D. left leg in outer view, E. right leg in inter view; G, I, N. apex of abdomen: D, N. lateral view, I. dorsal view; O, H. subgenital plate in ventral view; A–I. male, holotype; J–O. female, paratype.

ventral surface of hind femora armed and male paraproct with slightly bifurcate processes. In contrast, A. sinica (Bey- Bienko, 1962) is without the first three characters and the processes of male paraproct is cylindrical (Bey-Beniko, 1962). From A. miser ( Bey-Bienko, 1968) , the pronotal disc of the new species is nearly monochromatic, without a distinct brownish-yellow stripe along the middle (Bey-Beniko, 1968). From A. paracostulata Gorochov, 2010 , pterothoracic and abdominal tergites are absence of short longitudinal ridges.

Etymology. Named after the type locality where the species seems to be rather common.

















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