Dalophia Gray, 1865

Marques, Mariana P., Ceríaco, Luis M. P., Blackburn, David C. & Bauer, Aaron M., 2018, Diversity and Distribution of the Amphibians and Terrestrial Reptiles of Angola Atlas of Historical and Bibliographic Records (1840 - 2017), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 65, pp. 1-501 : 205-207

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13159758

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scientific name

Dalophia Gray, 1865


Genus Dalophia Gray, 1865 View in CoL [see Monopeltis welwitschii account for comments]

Dalophia angolensis Gans, 1976 ANGOLAN WORM LIZARD View in CoL

Dalophia angolensis Gans 1976:6 View in CoL , fig. 4. Holotype: IICT 167-1959 [= CZL 167] (collector F. Frade). Type locality: “Calombe, 7 km “west” of Vila Luso - Moxico Road” [= Calombe, 7 km west of Luena], Moxico Province, Angola. Monopeltis ellenbergeri View in CoL : Monard (1931:97, 1937b:67). Monopeltis granti trnasvaalensis : Monard (1937b:67). Dalophia pistillum View in CoL : Loveridge (1941c:436). Dalophia ellenbergeri View in CoL : Loveridge (1941c:433), Broadley (1997a:34), Gans (2005:30) View Cited Treatment . Tomorupeltis colobura luluae: Laurent (1964a:87). Dalophia angolensis View in CoL : Broadley et al. (1976:446),

Gans (2005:30).

Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.

Global distribution: The species is known from southeastern Angola and adjacent western Zambia.

Ocurrences in Angola (Map 155): The species in known from the type locality and near areas, limited to eastern Angola. Lunda Sul: “Alto Cuílo” [-10.01667, 19.55000] ( Laurent 1964a:87, Gans 1976:10; Broadley et al. 1976:446). Moxico: “Lac Calundo” [-11.80000, 20.86667] ( Laurent 1964a:87; Gans 1976:10; Broadley et al. 1976:446); “Calombe, 7 km west of Vila Luso - Moxico road” [-11.83333, 19.93333] ( Gans 1976:6; MAP 155. Distribution of Dalophia angolensis in


Broadley et al. 1976:446); “Cazombo” [-11.88333, 22.91667] ( Laurent 1964a:87; Gans 1976:10; Broadley et al. 1976:446). Cuando Cubango: “Kakindo” [-15.45000, 17.05000] ( Monard 1937b:67; Loveridge 1941c:436; Broadley 1997a:34); “vient du Haut-Zambèze, c’est-à-dire d’une région géographique assez proche du Kubango” ( Monard 1931:97).

Taxonomic and distributional notes: According to Gans (2005) this species is known only from the type series, which is in conflict with Gans (1976) and Broadley et al. (1976), and is unsupported by any discussion or data. The interpretation of Gans (2005) would mean that this species is an Angolan endemic, however, in the absence of contradictory evidence we accept the earlier data ( Gans 1976) that support at least one occurrence in adjacent northwestern Zambia.

Dalophia ellenbergeri ( Angel, 1920) View in CoL ELLENBERGER’S WORM LIZARD

Monopeltis Ellenbergeri Angel 1920:615 View in CoL , figs. 1–2. Syntypes: MNHN 20.78 About MNHN - 20.80 About MNHN (collector M. Ellenberg- er). Type locality: “Lealui (Haut-Zambèze),” Zambia.

Dalophia ellenbergeri View in CoL : Loveridge (1941c:433), Broadley (1997a:34), Gans (2005:30).

Dalophia pistillum View in CoL : Branch and McCartney (1992:2).

Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.

Global distribution: The species is known from Zambia and Angola.

Ocurrences in Angola (Map 156): A single published locality from southeastern Angola , near the Zambia border . Cuando Cubango: “approximately 50 km E of Cuito Cuanavale ” [-15.23333, 19.61667] (Branch and McCartney 1992:2; Broadley 1997a:34) GoogleMaps .

Taxonomic and distributional notes: Branch and McCartney (1992) collected one specimen near “Cuito Cuanavale” identified as Dalophia pistillum (Boettger, 1985) which, in accordance with Broadley (1997a) should represent the first record of Dalophia ellenbergeri from Angola. Earlier Angolan records attributed to this species (e.g., Monard 1931; Loveridge 1941c) are referable to Dalophia angolensis Gans, 1976 . MAP 156. Distribution of Dalophia ellenbergeri in


Dalophia pistillum ( Boettger, 1895) BLUNT-TAILED WORM LIZARD View in CoL

Monopeltis pistillum Boettger 1895:62 View in CoL . Syntypes: SMF 11833 About SMF (3 specimens), formerly 5455 2a (collector not stated). Type locality: “Sambesi, Ostafrica” [= Zambezi], Zambia.

Monopelis granti kuanyamarum Monard 1937b:67. Holotype: MHNC 91.0623 View Materials (collector A. Monard). Type locality: “Mupanda,” Cunene Province, Angola.

Monopeltis granti transvaalensis View in CoL : Monard (1937b:67).

Dalophia pistillum View in CoL : Loveridge (1941c:435); Broadley et al. (1976:467), Haacke (1984:172), Gans (2005).

Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.

Global distribution: This species has the widest range in the genus, ranging from Angola through Zambia to Mozambique and south to Botswana, Namibia, and the Northern Cape Province of South Africa.

Ocurrences in Angola (Map 157): Known from the southern Angola. Huíla: “Kuvangu”

[-14.46667, 16.30000] ( Monard 1937b:68,

Loveridge 1941c:436); Cunene: “Mupanda”

[-17.13333, 15.76667] ( Monard 1937b:67;

Loveridge 1941c:436; Broadley et al.


Taxonomic and distributional notes:

Loveridge (1941c) considered the forms

D. granti (Boulenger 1907) , D. colobura

( Boulenger 1910), D. transvaalensis (FitzSimons 1933) , D. mossambica (Cott, 1934) and

D. kaynuamarum (Monard, 1937) all synonyms of D. pistillum . Laurent (1964a) suggested that these constituted three species

( D. pistilum , D. mossambicus , D. colobura )

with granti View in CoL , transvaalensis and kuanyamarum potentially synonyms or valid races of the first of these. Haacke (1984) provided a map with some points in Angola, one of which matches MAP 157. Distribution of Dalophia pistillum View in CoL in Angola. “Mupanda”, unlike the others from Cuando Cubango Province, which probably correspond to Dalophia angolensis ( Gans, 1976) View in CoL or possibly even Dalophia ellenbergeri Angel, 1920 View in CoL .










Dalophia Gray, 1865

Marques, Mariana P., Ceríaco, Luis M. P., Blackburn, David C. & Bauer, Aaron M. 2018

Dalophia angolensis

GANS, C. 2005: 30
BROADLEY, D. G. 1997: 34
GANS, C. 1976: 6
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 87
LOVERIDGE, A. 1941: 436
LOVERIDGE, A. 1941: 433
MONARD, A. 1937: 67
MONARD, A. 1937: 67
MONARD, A. 1931: 97

Dalophia ellenbergeri

GANS, C. 2005: 30
BROADLEY, D. G. 1997: 34
LOVERIDGE, A. 1941: 433

Dalophia pistillum

HAACKE, W. D. 1984: 172
LOVERIDGE, A. 1941: 435

Monopelis granti

MONARD, A. 1937: 67

Monopeltis granti transvaalensis

MONARD, A. 1937: 67

Monopeltis Ellenbergeri

ANGEL, M. F. 1920: 615

Monopeltis pistillum

BOETTGER, O. 1895: 62
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