Matobosaurus Bates and Tolley, 2013

Marques, Mariana P., Ceríaco, Luis M. P., Blackburn, David C. & Bauer, Aaron M., 2018, Diversity and Distribution of the Amphibians and Terrestrial Reptiles of Angola Atlas of Historical and Bibliographic Records (1840 - 2017), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 65, pp. 1-501 : 235-236

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Matobosaurus Bates and Tolley, 2013


Genus Matobosaurus Bates and Tolley, 2013 View in CoL

Matobosaurus maltzahni ( de Grys, 1938) View in CoL WESTERN GIANT PLATED LIZARD

Gerrhosaurus Maltzahni de Grys 1938:58 View in CoL , figs. 1–2. Holotype: ZMH 5114 View Materials (collector A. von Maltzahn), lost

? (not reported by Hallermann 1998). Type locality: “Farm Roidina, D.S.W.-Afrika” [= Roidina Nature

Farm], Namibia. Gerrhosaurus robustus : Bocage (1870:68, 1887b:203). Gerrhosaurus validus : Bocage (1895a:36), Boulenger (1905:111), Mertens (1938a:435), Frade (1963:253),

Branch (1998:181). Gerrhosaurus validus maltzahni : Loveridge (1942:497), Hellmich (1957b:58). Matobosaurus maltzahni : Bates and Tolley (2013:470), Ceríaco et al. (2016b:59).

Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.

Global distribution: The species is known from central and northwestern regions of Nambia and extends into southern Angola.

Ocurrences in Angola (Map 192): The species occurs in the southwestern Angola. Benguela: “Entre Rios” [-13.01667, 14.63333] ( Hellmich 1957b:56); “Cubal” [-13.03333, 14.25000] ( Mertens 1938a:435; Loveridge 1942:497). Huíla: “Quillengues” [-14.06667, 15.08333] ( Bocage 1895a:36; Loveridge 1942:497). Namibe: “Rio Chimba” [-14.30000, 12.40000] ( Bocage 1895a:36; Loveridge 1942:497; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:59); “Mossamedes” [-15.20000, 12.15000] ( Bocage 1887b:203, 1895a:36; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:59); “ 0.5 km S of Tambor, Iona” [-16.13556, 12.42972] ( Bates et al. 2013:470; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:59) and “Omuaha Lodge, Iona” [-16.19872, 12.40008] ( Bates et al. 2013:470 Ceríaco et al. 2016a:59). Undetermined locality: “Between Benguella and Bihé” ( Boulenger 1905:111; Loveridge 1942:497); “Mossamedes to Huilla” ( Bocage 1895a:36; Loveridge 1942:497).

Taxonomic and distributional notes:

The species was for some time considered a subspecies of Gerrhosaurus validus (Smith,

1849). A combination of molecular, morphological and geographical evidence, suggests that the two taxa represent separate evolutionary lineages ( Bates et al. 2013) that occur in allopatry, with validus distributed in southeastern Africa and maltzahni restricted to northern

Namibia and southern Angola ( Bates et al.

2013; Bates et al. 2014). Thus records of Gerrhosaurus validus (or Gerrhosaurus robustus

Peters, 1854) from Angola ( Bocage 1870,

1887 b, 1895a; Boulenger 1905; Mertens

1938a; Frade 1963) are, in fact, referrable to maltzahni . A new genus, Matobosaurus was erected by Bates and Tolley (2013) to incorpo-

rate this distinctive clade of gerrhosaurs (Bates MAP 192. Distribution of Matobosaurus maltzahni in Angola.

et al. 2013).










Matobosaurus Bates and Tolley, 2013

Marques, Mariana P., Ceríaco, Luis M. P., Blackburn, David C. & Bauer, Aaron M. 2018

Gerrhosaurus Maltzahni

DE GRYS, P. 1938: 58
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF