Josephella marenzelleri Caullery & Mesnil, 1896

Ben-Eliahu, M. Nechama & Ten Hove, Harry A., 2011, Serpulidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Suez Canal- From a Lessepsian Migration Perspective (a Monograph) 2848, Zootaxa 2848 (1), pp. 1-147 : 41-42

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Felipe (2021-08-23 12:03:19, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 12:39:19)

scientific name

Josephella marenzelleri Caullery & Mesnil, 1896


Josephella marenzelleri Caullery & Mesnil, 1896 View in CoL

Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3

Josephella marenzelleri Caullery & Mesnil 1896: 482–486 View in CoL , figs 1–6 [Type locality: English Channel, France, Cap de la Hague]; Fauvel 1955a: 3–4 [including J. humilis Bush, 1905 View in CoL ; eastern Atlantic, English Channel; France, Cherbourg, Roscoff, Wimereux; Mediterranean, Corsica, Lebanon, Beirut]; Zibrowius 1968: 172–174, pl. 9, figs 14–22 [ France: Atlantic; Mediterranean]; Bianchi 1981: 133–135, figs 50a, b [ Italy]; Ben-Eliahu & ten Hove 1989: 394.

Eastern Mediterranean

Josephella humilis Bush 1905: 291 View in CoL [ Lebanon: Beirut, first Levant record], synonymised by Fauvel (1927, 1955a).

Josephella marenzelleri: Fauvel 1955a: 3–4 View in CoL [ Lebanon, Beirut; for distribution, see above citation]; Ben-Eliahu 1976: 109 [ Israel, intertidal cryptofauna]; Ben-Eliahu 1991b: 518 [ Cyprus, Israel]; Ben-Eliahu & ten Hove 1992: 40 [ Israel, entire coast from north to south, 1–24 m]; Ben-Eliahu & Fiege 1996: 33–38 [western Levant Basin, Turkey, Cyprus, Levant coast]; Ben-Eliahu & Payiatas 1999: 108–113, figs 3a–d, 4a–d [ Cyprus, Israel, J. marenzelleri View in CoL , s. str., and the first description of the thick-rimmed form].

Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba

Josephella marenzelleri: Ben-Eliahu 1976: 113 View in CoL [Gulf of Aqaba, Sinai Peninsula, intertidal cryptofauna]; Ben-Eliahu & Dafni 1979: 207 [Gulf of Aqaba, Israel]; Ben-Eliahu & Safriel 1982: 389 [Gulf of Aqaba, Sinai Peninsula: Israel, Egypt, intertidal cryptofauna].

Red Sea proper-Indo-West-Pacific (excluding citations from Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba already given above) Josephella marenzelleri: Dew 1959: 52 View in CoL , fig. 21 [ Australia, New South Wales]; Wehe & Fiege 2002: 128 [Red Sea; list of references].

Material examined. Locations adjacent to the Suez Canal, Mediterranean side: Crete: 1 sample (intertidal).— Turkey: 3 samples (intertidal). Cyprus: 24 samples (6 samples included the “thick-rim” form described in Ben-Eliahu & Payiatas (1999) along with the typical form; 2 samples comprised only the thickrim form, [0–0.5]–[0–8]–[10–18] – 92 m]).— Lebanon, Beirut, 1 spec., permanent mount, det. K.J. Bush 1905 Josephella humilis , and several tubes on a bivalve, collectively catalogued as YPM 2969 though not specified as a type, synonymised with J. marenzelleri by Fauvel (1927: 380–381, fig. 129 m –t), confirmed M.N. Ben- Eliahu 1998.— Israel: 7 samples (3 samples with both thick-rim and typical forms, 1 with only thick-rim form, [intertidal –[4–6]–[8–10] – 18 m]).

Suez Canal material reported herein ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ): Beets’ Great Bitter Lake samples, VIII / IX 1950, residues of minute tubes on shells, 2 subsamples, presumed to be Josephella .— Great Bitter Lake “Yellow Fleet” Biofouling Samples , January 13–20 1975, 18 subsamples, ca. 119 specimens .

Locations adjacent to the Suez Canal , Red Sea side: Gulf of Suez : None.—Gulf of Aqaba : Egypt, Israel, typical form, but population from North Beach, Elat included individuals lacking opercula: 6 samples, intertidal– 3–8 m, HUJ .

Suez Canal depth and substrates: On sponges; on the bivalves, Brachidontes pharaoni s and Spondylus spinosus ; on tube of Spirobranchus tetraceros , on barnacles; in crevices of bryozoans; on tunicates; in crevices of biofouling conglomerate.

Distribution. Worldwide in (sub) tropical to temperate regions. Mediterranean: Israel; Gulf of Aqaba: Israel, Egypt.

Remarks. A cryptofaunal species frequently found in calcareous concretions, e.g., coralligène, calcareous algae. The new record is most likely due to the stable reef-like substrate provided by the biofouling aggregation on the “Yellow Fleet” ships. Erect tubes were also found on Spondylus spinosus between the spines ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ) and on tunicates in folds near the siphons. Some tubes were coiled. The Great Bitter Lake individuals seemed typical. A thick-rimmed opercular form, described in Ben-Eliahu & Payiatas (1999), is present along with the typical form in populations from both Cyprus and Israel. The Red Sea population from the Gulf of Aqaba (Sinai Peninsula) only had typical opercula, suggesting that the Suez Canal population originated from the that population.

Ben-Eliahu, M. N. (1976) Polychaete cryptofauna from rims of similar intertidal vermetid reefs on the Mediterranean coast of Israel and in the Gulf of Elat: Serpulidae (Polychaeta Sedentaria). Israel Journal of Zoology, 25, 103 - 119.

Ben-Eliahu, M. N. & Dafni, J. (1979) A new reef-building serpulid genus and species from the Gulf of Elat and the Red Sea, with notes on some other gregarious tubeworms from Israeli waters. Israel Journal of Zoology, 28, 199 - 208.

Ben-Eliahu, M. N. & Safriel, U. N. (1982). A comparison between species diversities of polychaetes from tropical and temperate structurally similar rocky intertidal habitats. Journal of Biogeography, 9, 371 - 390.

Ben-Eliahu, M. N. & Hove, H. A. ten (1989) Redescription of Rhodopsis pusilla Bush, 1905, a little known but widely distributed species of Serpulidae (Polychaeta). Zoologica Scripta, 18, 381 - 395.

Ben-Eliahu, M. N. (1991 b) Red Sea serpulids (Polychaeta) in the eastern Mediterranean. In: Petersen, M. E. & Kirkegaard, J. B. (Eds), Systematics, Biology and Morphology of World Polychaeta. Proceedings of the 2 nd International Polychaete Conference, Copenhagen, 1986. Ophelia Supplement, 5, 515 - 528.

Ben-Eliahu, M. N. & Hove, H. A. ten (1992) Serpulid tubeworms (Annelida: Polychaeta) - a recent expedition along the Mediterranean coast of Israel finds new population buildups of Lessepsian migrant species. Israel Journal of Zoology, 38 (1), 35 - 53.

Ben-Eliahu, M. N. & Fiege, D. (1996) Serpulid tube-worms (Annelida: Polychaeta) of the central and eastern Mediterranean with particular attention to the Levant Basin. Senckenbergiana Maritima, 28 (1 / 3), 1 - 51.

Ben-Eliahu, M. N. & Payiatas, G. (1999) Searching for Lessepsian migrant serpulids (Annelida: Polychaeta) on Cyprus - some results of a recent expedition. Israel Journal of Zoology, 45, 101 - 119.

Bianchi, C. N. (1981) Policheti Serpuloidei. Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque lagunari e costiere italiane. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche AQ / 1 / 96, 5, 1 - 187.

Bush, K. J. (1905 [1904]) Tubicolous annelids of the tribes Sabellides and Serpulides from the Pacific Ocean. Harriman Alaska Expedition Report, 12, 169 - 355.

Caullery, M. & Mesnil, F. (1896) Note sur deux serpuliens nouveaux (Oriopsis Metchnikowi n. g., n. sp. et Josephella Marenzelleri n. g., n. sp.). Zoologischer Anzeiger, Leipzig, 19 (519), 482 - 486.

Dew, B. (1959) Serpulidae (Polychaeta) from Australia. Records of the Australian Museum, 25 (2), 19 - 56.

Fauvel, P. (1927) Polychetes Sedentaires. Addenda aux Errantes, Archiannelides, Myzostomaires. Faune de France, 16, 1 - 494.

Fauvel, P. (1955 a) Contribution a la faune des Annelides Polychetes des cotes d'Israel. Bulletin of the Sea Fisheries Research Station, Haifa, 10, 3 - 12.

Wehe, T. & Fiege, D. (2002) Annotated checklist of the polychaete species of the seas surrounding the Arabian Peninsula: Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Gulf. Fauna of Arabia, 19, 7 - 238.

Zibrowius, H. (1968) Etude morphologique, systematique et ecologique, des Serpulidae (Annelida Polychaeta) de la region de Marseille. Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoume, Bulletin, 43 (59), 81 - 252.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. Serpulid tubeworms encrusted on bivalve molluscs from the biofouling aggregation on the “Yellow Fleet” ships trapped in the Great Bitter Lake. The aggregation on the ships was sampled in January 1975 by H. Brattström & J.P. Taasen before the reopening of the Suez Canal to traffic. A—Spirobranchus tetraceros and spirorbids on Brachidontes pharaonis; note Spirobranchus operculum projecting from upper left tube (see Fig. 33 of S. tetraceros), B—Aggregate of Salmacina incrustans and barnacle, Balanus amphitrite, on Brachidontes pharaonis, C—Minute Josephella marenzelleri tubes at base of spines of Spondylus spinosus shell (from subsample Biv 11 [see App. Table 2D]). Scales: 1 cm.


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