Catocala duda, Saldaitis & Volynkin & Didenko, 2023

Saldaitis, Aidas, Volynkin, Anton V. & Didenko, Sergei I., 2023, Catocala duda, a new species from south-western China (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Erebinae), Ecologica Montenegrina 61, pp. 50-55 : 51-55

publication ID 10.37828/em.2023.61.6

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scientific name

Catocala duda

sp. nov.

Catocala duda sp. n.

( Figs 1, 2, 7 View Figures 1–8 , 9, 11 View Figures 9–12 )

Type material. Holotype ( Figs 1, 7 View Figures 1–8 , 9, 11 View Figures 9–12 ): male, “ China, NW of Yunnan, Xiangerila | area, Weixi county, N of | Mt.Yunling. 3000m. 2022.7–8. [vii–viii.2022]” / “Slide | AV6967 ♂ | A. Volynkin ” ( WIGJ).

Paratypes: 1 male, same data as holotype ( WIGJ) ; 1 male, China, NW of Yunnan, Xiangerila area , S of Weixi county, 2500m, vi–vii.2022 ( SDM) .

Diagnosis. The new species ( Figs 1, 2, 7 View Figures 1–8 ) is externally reminiscent of C. lara ( Figs 3–6, 8 View Figures 1–8 ), especially its larger and more broad-winged southern subspecies Catocala lara pallidamajor Mell, 1939 ( Figs 5, 6 View Figures 1–8 ), but can easily be distinguished by its somewhat larger size, the broader forewing and the presence of only one black patch in the terminal area of the hindwing (on the vein M 1) whereas both subspecies of C. lara have five distinct patches on the veins M 1, M 2, M 3, Cu 1 and Cu 2. The similar forewing terminal area pattern is also known in Catocala nivea Butler, 1877 , from which, however, the new species differs clearly in its forewing pattern and the male genitalia structures as well (illustrated by Kononenko 2010). In the forewing underside, C. duda sp. n. is distinguished from C. lara by the markedly paler and more diffuse antemedial patch and medial band, the narrower, paler and more diffuse postmedial band, the significantly less intense brown irroration in the subterminal area, and the indistinct grey patches on veins in the fringe (they are large and distinct in C. lara ). The hindwing underside of the new species differs from C. lara in the narrower and paler transverse bands, and the terminal area and cilia having only one blackish patch on the vein M 1 (vs. five distinct patches on the veins M 1, M 2, M 3, Cu 1 and Cu 2 in the congener). The male genital capsule of C. duda sp. n. ( Fig. 9 View Figures 9–12 ) differs from that of C. lara ( Fig. 10 View Figures 9–12 ) in the somewhat shorter uncus (in proportion to the tegumen-vinculum complex length), the slightly medially broader and apically tapered valvae (they are rather apically rectangular in the congener), and the markedly broader anellus. Additionally, the left clasper of the new species bears shorter and broader apical process in comparison to C. lara . The right clasper of C. duda sp. n. is distally tapered whereas it has almost parallel margins in C. lara . The phallus of the new species ( Fig. 9 View Figures 9–12 ) is remarkably shorter than in the similar congener ( Fig. 10 View Figures 9–12 ) (in proportion to the tegumen-vinculum complex length) and has a less upcurved coecum. The vesica of C. duda sp. n. ( Figs 9, 11 View Figures 9–12 ) is somewhat narrower than in C. lara ( Figs 10, 12 View Figures 9–12 ) (in proportion to the phallus width). In the diverticulum 1 of the new species, compared to C. lara , the lobe 1a is broader, the lobe 1b is markedly broader, and the lobe 1c is shorter and semiglobular whereas it is conical in the congener. The diverticulum 2 of C. duda sp. n. is somewhat narrower and longer than in C. lara . The diverticulum 3 of the new species is conspicuously shorter than in C. lara , has a shorter dilated proximal section, and is directed more or less posteriorly whereas it is directed dorsally in the congener. The diverticula 5 of the two species are alike. The diverticulum 6 of C. duda sp. n. is narrower than in C. lara . The diverticulum 7 of the new species is markedly narrower than in C. lara and more or less conical whereas it is semiglobular in the congener. The diverticulum 8 of C. duda sp. n. is broader than in C. lara . The diverticula 9 of the two species are similar but that of C. duda sp. n. is somewhat apically narrower than in C. lara .

Description. External morphology of adult male ( Figs 1, 2 View Figures 1–8 ). Head grey with admixture of brown and whitish scales. Palpus brown. Antenna blackish-brown, thin, ciliate. Thorax. Patagia brown. Tegula, meso- and metathorax pale grey with admixture of brown and whitish scales. Wings. Forewing length 41–45 mm (42 mm in holotype). Forewing broadly triangular with tapered apex, slightly convex costal margin subbasally and postmedially. Outer margin of both wings sinuous. Forewing upperside. Ground colour grey with brown suffusion. Subbasal line black, almost straight between costa and vein Sc and angled inwards in cell ScR. Distal half of antemedial area intensely suffused with brown scales. Antemedial line blackish-brown, broad with irregular outer margin and stretching outwards from costa to Cu 2; thin, diffuse, sinuous on vein A 1+2 and directed posteriorly between Cu 2 and anal margin. Subcostal area between Ante- and postmedial lines with broad brown spot opposite reniform stigma and smaller brown spot more outwardly. Reniform stigma brown with admixture of grey, encircled with whitish scales and edged with blackish-brown. Broad dark brown postreniform patch outwards from reniform stigma between veins R and Cu 1. Medial area narrow between anal margin and Cu 2 and strongly dilated between Cu 2 and costal margin, with intense white suffusion between antemedial line and reniform stigma, and between postreniform patch and antemedial line. Postmedial line blackish-brown, irregularly dentate, disappearing between costal margin and R3, thicker and loop-like prominent outwards between R 3 and M 3, and thinner and stretching parallel outer wing margin between M 3 and anal margin. Apical arch brown, indistinct. Postmedial area with intense brown suffusion outwards peaks of postmedial line between R 5 and M 2, and with white suffusion along antemedial line between M 3 and anal margin. Subterminal line interrupted into diffuse narrow spots between veins. Terminal line thin, brown. Cilia pale grey with admixture of brown scales and brown patches on veins. Forewing underside. Ground colour off-white with grey suffusion. Antemedial area with broad, oblique and diffuse brown patch between Cu 2 and A 1+2. Medial transverse band slate black with admixture of whitish scales, with diffuse margins, slightly arcuate, tapered between Cu 2 and A 1+2, and indistinct between A 1+2 and anal margin. Postmedial transverse band slate black with admixture of whitish scales, with diffuse margins, arcuate, disappearing at costal and anal margins, relatively narrow and posteriorly diffuse between M 3 and A 1+2, and dilated between M 3 and R 3. Postmedial area with pale brown irroration outwards postmedial band. Cilia off-white with admixture of brown scales on veins. Hindwing upperside. Antemedial area brown with paler diffuse spots at medial band in cell distally and between veins Cu 2 and A 1. Medial band dark brown, semilunar and sinuous, dilated medially. Postmedial area creamy white. Subterminal band broad, dark brown with irregular margins, stretching parallel outer margin from anal margin to vein Sc. Terminal area creamy white with dark brown patch in cell M 1 M 2 along vein M 1 fused with subterminal band. Cilia creamy white with admixture of brown scales on vein M 1. Hindwing underside. Ground colour creamy white. Antemedial area with greyish irroration. Medial band slate black with admixture of whitish scales, narrow and slightly dilated medially, semilunar with irregular margins, stretching between costal margin and vein A 1 but not touching them. Subterminal band broad, with irregular margins, slate black with admixture of whitish scales, stretching between veins Sc and A 2, and slightly dilated between veins M 2 and Sc. Terminal area with diffuse blackish patch in cell M 1 M 2 along vein M 1. Cilia creamy white. Abdomen pale grey with admixture of brown and whitish scales. Male genitalia ( Figs 9, 11 View Figures 9–12 ). Uncus narrow but heavily sclerotised, cylindrical in cross section, smoothly downcurved, somewhat dilated proximally, tapered distally and with short claw-like tip. Tegumen with narrow and moderately sclerotised arms, shorter than valva. Tuba analis broad, distally tapered, with thick and moderately sclerotised scaphium. Vinculum more or less equal in length to tegumen, V-shaped, with anteriorly dilated arms. Valvae slightly asymmetrical, distally tapered with triangular and apically rounded tips. Left valva somewhat shorter and medially broader than left one and with more medially convex dorsal margin. Costae form ventral longitudinal narrow crests with irregularly dentate ventral margins, of which left one remarkably shorter and thinner than right one. Left costa distally dilated with arcuate patch of numerous irregular, small but robust denticles. Right costa distally tapered and smooth. Claspers flattened and heavily sclerotised. Left clasper broad, trapezoidal with short apical rectangular process directed dorsally-distally. Right clasper longer and narrower than left one, directed along valva axis, more or less narrowly conical with rectangular and twisted tip. Anterior lobes of juxta narrow and arcuate; posterior lobes broad, elliptical. Anellus fused with posterior lobes of juxta, heavily sclerotised, elongate, narrowly trapezoidal. Phallus long and narrow, cylindrical, upcurved and slightly constricted medially, and almost straight distally. Coecum utricular, apically rounded and slightly upcurved proximally. Vesica membranous, broadly elliptical with nine diverticula of various shapes. Diverticulum 1 (subbasal) membranous, trilobate, with two semiglobular and one conical lobes. Diverticulum 2 membranous, elongate sack-like, situated anteriorly-ventrally and directed anteriorly. Diverticulum 3 weakly granulose, originating from distal side of diverticulum 2, with broad conical proximal section and strongly elongate, tubular and narrow distal section directed posteriorly. Diverticulum 4 broad, semiglobular, positioned laterally-dorsally. Diverticula 5 and 6 weakly granulose, semiglobular, relatively small, situated medially-laterally near each other. Diverticulum 7 weakly granulose, broad, shortly conical and apically rounded, situated mediallyventrally. Diverticulum 8 utricular, short but broad, situated subdistally-ventrally. Diverticulum 9 (distal) weakly granulose, broad, conical with downcurved and apically rounded distal section.

Female unknown.

Distribution. The new species is currently known only from its type locality in the north-western Yunnan Province of China.

Etymology. The new species is dedicated to Mr Juozas Dûda, founder and director of the World Insect Gallery (Joniškis, Lithuania).


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