Chileanthicus mitis, Kejval, 2009

Kejval, Zbyněk, 2009, Taxonomic revision of the genus Chileanthicus Werner (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) 2180, Zootaxa 2180 (1), pp. 1-82 : 23-25

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Felipe (2021-08-22 10:25:40, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 08:26:49)

scientific name

Chileanthicus mitis

sp. nov.

Chileanthicus mitis sp. nov.

( Figs 45–48 View FIGURES 45–53 )

Type locality. Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui Prov. , ca 40 km N of La Serena, 29°30'S 71°13'E, beside Panamericana highway GoogleMaps .

Description (male, holotype). Head and pronotum rufous brown, elytra pale brown, with vaguely outlined, transverse, yellowish band close behind mid-length, interrupted on suture, not touching lateral margins; antennae rufous brown, legs and palpi pale brownish.

Head about 1.3 times as long as wide, nearly widely rounded posteriorly in dorsal view; tempora parallel close behind eyes, posterior temporal angles moderately indicated, rounded. Dorsal surface smooth and glossy; punctation fine but distinct, rather evenly developed. Setation mostly short, subdecumbent, with a few distinctly longer, more raised setae. Eyes small, moderately convex. Antennae at most slightly enlarged in terminal third; antennomere III 2.4 times as long as wide, slightly longer than IV; antennomere X 1.4 times, XI 1.9 as long as wide.

Pronotum 1.3 times as long as wide, slightly narrower than head including eyes, nearly evenly rounded anteriorly in dorsal view; pronotal disc convex, dorso-lateral sides entirely rounded, lateral outlines nearly straightly narrowing posteriad in dorsal view. Dorsal surface smooth, glossy, finely but distinctly punctured; punctation and setation as on head.

Elytra 1.7 times as long as wide, truncate apically. Surface glossy, finely punctured; basal punctation finer and somewhat sparser than that on head. Setation generally as on head, erect setae more conspicuous/ numerous.

Metafemora unidentate (similarly as in Fig. 35 View FIGURES 34–44 ), subapical process small, obliquely projecting, pointed, facing outer side of tibia. Setation rather uniformly short and fine.

Abdominal sternum VII modified ( Fig. 45 View FIGURES 45–53 ), at most moderately emarginate postero-medially, lateral sides of emargination barely produced, each with 6–7 peg-like setae. Tergum VII widely rounded posteriorly. Sternite VIII ( Figs 46, 47 View FIGURES 45–53 ); paired prongs simple, sharply curved ventrad, their distal portion narrow, each with about 8 peg-like setae arranged in single row along ventro-lateral margin. Tergite VIII somewhat unevenly rounded posteriorly.

Aedeagus ( Fig. 48 View FIGURES 45–53 ); apical portion of tegmen short, about 0.5 times as long as basal-piece, simple, narrowed, with wide, somewhat triangular apex in ventral view, its dorsal outline moderately and rather smoothly sinuous in lateral view; median lobe of aedeagus with a pair of slender, sclerotized projections apically.

Female. Externally differing from male mainly by sternum VII simple, with posterior margin evenly rounded; tergum VII subtriangular, narrowing posteriorly.

Body length (♂ ♀). 2.9–3.5 mm (holotype 3.2 mm).

Variation. The female paratype from the type locality is somewhat aberrant in having a wider head, 1.2 times as wide as pronotum (1.04 times in the holotype), and more distinct/coarser punctation of the head and pronotum. The specimens from Choros Bajos are generally darker coloured (the transverse band of the elytra is rather vaguely indicated), differing in the prominence/density of body punctation. One of the specimens has traces of fine corrugation on the head dorsally.

Type material. Holotype: ♂, 40 km N La Serena Panam. Norte IV Reg. 380 m 18 – SEP – 2000 Leg. F. Ramírez ( MNNC) . Paratypes: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, the same data as holotype, but lacking the 2nd label ( MNNC, ZKDC) ; 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀ [a male in poor stand, lacking head and pronotum], Choros Bajos prov. Elqui CHILE 8-XI-1991 leg. J. E. Barriga // Collection J. E. Barriga CHILE 19364 ( JEBC, ZKDC) .

Differential diagnosis. Chileanthicus mitis sp. nov. can be recognized by the following characters: male sternum VII only moderately emarginate medially, lateral sides of emargination not produced and bearing a lower number of peg-like setae (6–7 on each side); prongs of sternite VIII evenly narrowed distally, with peglike setae arranged in a single row; in lateral view apical portion of tegmen smoothly sinuous dorsally (lacking a tooth-like protrusion/edge), apex of tegmen wide, nearly subtriangular in ventral view.

Etymology. From Latin mitis (silent, serene); named after the town La Serena.

Distribution. Chile (Coquimbo).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 45–53: Chileanthicus mitis sp. nov., male, holotype: 45, sternum VII; 46, sternite VIII (half), dorsal view; 47, sternite VIII, lateral view; 48, aedeagus, ventral (left) and lateral (right) view; C. penai (Werner), male, paratype (UAIC): 49, sternum VII; 50, sternite VIII (half), dorsal view; 51, abdominal segment IX; 52, aedeagus in ventral (right) and its apical portion in lateral (left) view; 53, apex of abdomen in female, lateral view. Scale (0.5 mm): A, 45, 49, 51; B, 48; C, 53; (0.2 mm): D, 50; E, 46, 47; F, 52.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 34–44: Chilenathicus lafertei (Solier), female, syntype (MNHN): 34, body form; 35, metafemur, lateral view; 36, sternum VII; 37, tergum VII; C. maritimus sp. nov., male, holotype: 38, sternum VII; 39, sternite VIII (half), dorsal view; 40, sternite VIII, lateral view; 41, aedeagus, ventral (right) and lateral (left) view; 42, apex of aedeagus, ventral view; Metafemur, lateral view: 43, C. elmorado sp. nov.; 44, C. femineus sp. nov. Scale (0.5 mm): A, 39, 40; B, 38; C, 41, 42; D, 35, 36, 38, 43, 44; (1 mm): E, 34.


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