Univagris tenebra, Rajgopal & Meshram, 2018

Rajgopal, N. N. & Meshram, Naresh M., 2018, Second species of unusual leafhopper genus Univagris (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) from India, Zootaxa 4514 (3), pp. 425-430 : 426

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4514.3.7

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scientific name

Univagris tenebra

sp. nov.

Univagris tenebra View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–10 View FIGURES 1–10 )

Brown ochraceous, vertex slightly depressed on disc, with a median stripe bifid apically. Eyes black. Pronotum with linear brown mottling. Scutellum with a lateral brownish subtriangular spot. Fore wings hyaline with irregular dark brown mottling ( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURES 1–10 ).

Crown with anterior margin angulary produced. Pronotum slightly shorter than wide, anterior margin strongly produced, posterior margin slightly concave, length almost equal to combined length of mesoscutum and scutellum ( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURES 1–10 )

Male genitalia: Pygofer lobe trapezoidal, 1.6X longer than wide, stout macrosetae over posterior half ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–10 ). Valve 2.4X wide at base as long. Subgenital plate triangular, 2.9X long as broad at base, with lateral row of hairlike setae covering more than half of outer margin ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 1–10 ). Style robust, cephalic arm broad and long, apophysis widened gradually at apex ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 1–10 ). Connective arms touching each other, distal process with rounded lateral flange basally, acuminate distally, 1.6X as long as connective basad of articulation point with aedeagus, in lateral view apex slightly curved ventrally. Aedeagus simple, blunt at apex, shaft directed caudad at base, gradually curving dorsally with well developed dorsal apodeme, shaft closely appressed towards ventral process, gonopore apical, preatrium directed anteroventrad below shaft ( Figs. 6–8 View FIGURES 1–10 ).

Measurements (mm): Male 3.9 long, 1.09 wide across eyes, 1.17 wide across pronotum.

Material examined: Holotype ♂, INDIA: Himachal Pradesh: Banjar (31.63°N 77.35°E), 23.ix.2014, Sweep net collection. Naresh Meshram ( NPC). GoogleMaps

Distribution: The species is known only from the Himachal Pradesh, India.

Etymology: The species name (Latin: tenebra meaning dark) alludes to the dark body color of the species.

Remarks: This species can be distinguished from U. pallida by the following (features of U. pallida in parentheses): subgenital plate without stout setae submarginally (with 5–6 stout submarginal macrosetae) ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 1–10 ), aedeagus blunt at apex, with well developed dorsal apodeme, shaft closely appressed towards ventral process, preatrium 10X shorter than in U. pallida ( Figs. 6–8 View FIGURES 1–10 ).


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