Metapocyrtus (Dolichocephalocyrtus) malindangensis, Cabras & Pajota & Rivera & Medina, 2022

Cabras, Analyn, Pajota, Efrhain Loidge, Rivera, Rodrin & Medina, Milton Norman, 2022, Two New Species Of The Genus Metapocyrtus Heller 1912, Subgenus Dolichocephalocyrtus Schultze 1925 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae, Pachyrhynchini) From Northern Mindanao, Philippines, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 22 (1), pp. 113-123 : 114-121

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12649909

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scientific name

Metapocyrtus (Dolichocephalocyrtus) malindangensis

sp. nov.

Metapocyrtus (Dolichocephalocyrtus) malindangensis View in CoL sp. nov. Cabras, Pajota & Medina

( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 , A–F)

Holotype ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 , A–C), male; Philippines- Mindanao Island / Mt. Malindang / Misamis

Occidental / March, 2022 / coll. Rivera leg (typed on white card) // HOLOTYPE male / Metapocyrtus Dolichocephalocyrtus malindangensis / CABRAS, PAJOTA, & MEDINA, 2021 (typed on red card). Presently in UMCRC, it will be deposited in the National Museum of Natural History ( PNMNH) under the National Museum of the Philippines. Paratypes (12 ♂, 4 ♀) same data as the holotype. Presently in UMCRC and AAC.

Diagnosis. Metapocyrtus (Dolichocephalocyrtus) malindangensis sp. nov. is unique among the species of Dolichocephalocyrtus in Mindanao for its unique elytral ornamentation of longitudinal stripes in each stria.

Description. Male. Dimensions: LB: 6.2–8.0 (Holotype 8.0mm, â: 7.45).LP:2.0–2.8(Holotype 2.8mm, â: 2.43). WP: 2.3–3.3 (Holotype 3.5mm, â: 2.96). LE: 4.2–5.2 (Holotype 6mm, â:5.01). WE: 3.0–4.2 (Holotype 4.3mm, â: 3.77mm). LR: 1.4–2.2 (Holotype 1.5mm, â: 1.9). WR: 1.0–1.3 (Holotype 1.2mm, â: 1.07). N=12 for all measurements.

Integuments of elytra, pronotum, head, rostrum, antennae, and tarsus black except for legs with reddish-brown color. Body surface, rostrum, head, and underside are moderately lustrous.

Head coarsely punctured and weakly rugose with minute green pubescence, dorsal surface sparsely covered with metallic golden yellow round to elliptical scales on basal half, and turquoise round and elliptical scales on apical half; lateroventral sides below the eye with adpressed lanceolate light green scales interspersed with colored piliform scales; forehead between eyes flat; eyes small-sized, feebly convex, and barely protruding from the outline of head; margin of eyes rugose; midline groove of head distinct. Rostrum coarsely punctured and rugose on basal 2/3rd and moderately punctured on apical third, longer than broad (LR/WR:1.5/ 1.2mm), dorsum covered with adpressed light green setae, with faint V-shape ridge on basal half, midline longitudinal groove distinct, shallower from base and gets deeper towards middle forming a moderately deep lanceolate concavity; transverse groove distinct; dorsum with sparse metallic golden yellow and greenish elliptical scales at base; lateral sides with adpressed piliform colored scales, and white setae towards apex.

Antennal scape slightly longer than funicle, scape reaching beyond the hind margin of eye covered with adpressed moderately long greenish setae on each side, and funicle covered with suberect whitish setae. Funicular segments I and II nearly the same length, nearly three times longer than wide; segments III-VI nearly as long as wide, segment VII slightly longer than segment III-VI; club sub-ellipsoidal, nearly 3 times longer than wide.

Prothorax subglobular, weakly tapered towards anterior margin, slightly wider than long (LP/ WP:2.8/ 3.3mm), dorsal surface with distinct midline groove, moderately rugose and coarsely punctured, lateral surface granulated; densely covered with fine greenish pubescence, and golden yellow, turquoise, and yellow-green round to elliptical scales; widest at middle, weakly convex on dorsal surface, dorsal contour highest at middle. Elytra subovate slightly longer than wide (LE/WE:5.2/ 4.1mm), moderately wider and nearly twice longer than prothorax (WE/ WP: 4.2/ 3.3mm, LE/LP: 5.2/ 2.8mm), coarsely striate punctate with minute green pubescence, dorsum very weakly convex nearly flattish with abrupt apical declivity, dorsal contour highest before the apical declivity, lateral contour evenly arcuate, widest at middle, apical declivity with sparse and slightly longer greenish fine setae. Each elytron with longitudinal stripes of golden yellow, and turquoise round scales in each stria from base to apex confluent at each ends; stripes at stria VI- IX are quite dispersed and inconspicuous at base and apex.

Legs with moderately clavate femora. Femora mostly reddish brown except the apical parts which is black, beset with adpressed piliform green scales. Tibiae reddish brown except basal and apical parts, covered with adpressed piliform green scales, and with suberect longer white setae along inner edge, weakly serrate along inner edge. Fore tibiae bear a mucro at apex. Tarsomeres densely covered with pubescence. Forecoxae moderately covered with green suberect setae and adpressed white piliform scales towards rear end; meso and metacoxae covered with greenish setae. Meso and metathorax with mint green lanceolate scales. Mesoventrite and metaventrie covered with white suberect setae. Ventrite I moderately depressed on disc, densely covered with suberect yellowish setae and with suberect piliform mint green scales towards lateral margin. Ventrite II to IV sparsely covered with moderately long suberect white setae. Ventrite V coarsely punctured with subadpressed piliform scales.

Male aedeagus as shown in Fig. 3 A–B View Figure 3 .

Female. LB: 8.0–9.1 (â: 8.8mm). LP: 2.2–3.0 (â: 2.6mm). WP: 3.0–3.5 (â: 3.22mm). LE: 5.8– 6.5 (â: 6.2mm). WE: 4.1–4.8 (â: 4.5mm). LR: 1.5–1.8 (â: 1.67mm). WR: 1.1–1.2 (â: 1.17mm). N=4 for all measurements.

Habitus is shown in Fig. 1 B–D View Figure 1 .

Females differ from males in the following: a) head has a more rugose dorsal surface, b) rostrum has shallower midline groove and less distinct V-shape ridge, c) pronotum slightly longer and wider than in male, d) pronotum has bulging sides, e) pronotum with a narrowly ovate smooth surface in the middle, and coarsely granulated on side, f) elytra moderately longer and slightly wider with a more abrupt apical declivity, and triangular projection at apex, and h) Ventrite I flat on disc. Otherwise, the female is similar to the male.

Etymology. The new species is named after its type locality- Mt. Malindang.

Distribution. Metapocyrtus (Dolichocephalocyrtus) malindangensis sp. nov. is known so far only from Mt. Malindang, Misamis Occidental.

Metapocyrtus (Dolichocephalocyrtus) baulorum sp. nov. Cabras, Pajota & Medina ( Fig. 2 View Figure 2 , A–F)

Holotype ( Fig. 2 View Figure 2 , A–C), male; Philippines- Mindanao Island / Gingoog / Misamis Oriental / III.2022 / coll. local collector (typed on white card) // HOLOTYPE male / Metapocyrtus (Dolichocephalocyrtus) baulorum sp. nov. / CABRAS, PAJOTA, & MEDINA, 2021 (typed on red card). Presently in UMCRC, it will be deposited in the National Museum of Natural History ( PNMNH) under the National Museum of the Philippines . Paratypes (5 ♂, 3 ♀) same data as the holotype. Presently in UMCRC and AAC .

Diagnosis. Metapocyrtus (Dolichocephalocyrtus) baulorum sp. nov. bears a close resemblance to Metapocyrtus (Dolichocephalocyrtus) ruficollis (Waterhouse 1842) but can easily be distinguished by the absence of conical projection on the ventral side of female’s rostrum, darker reddish-brown pronotum that has coarser punctures for males and coarse granulations for females, presence of the oblique patch at each side of the disc of pronotum and the three transverse interrupted stripes at basal, medial, and apical third of the elytra. M. (D.) baulorum sp. nov. has elytra that is weakly to moderately wider than pronotum, with coarsely striate punctures, and aedeagus with a distinctive shape.

Description. Male. Dimensions: LB: 7.2–8.8 (Holotype 8.0mm, â: 8.32mm). LP: 2.8–3.2 (Holotype 3.0mm, â: 3.04mm). WP: 3.0–3.6 (Holotype 3.2mm, â: 3.4mm). LE: 4.4–5.6 (Holotype 5.0mm, â: 5.28mm). WE: 4.0–4.2 (Holotype 4.0mm, â: 4.12mm). LR: 1.4–1.8 (Holotype 1.8mm, â: 1.68mm). WR: 1.1–1.3 (Holotype 1.3mm, â: 1.22mm). N= 6 for all measurements.

Integuments of elytra, head, rostrum, antennae, and tarsus black except for pronotum and legs with reddish-brown color. Body surface, rostrum, head, and underside are moderately lustrous.

Head finely punctured and weakly rugose, dorsal surface sparsely covered with adpressed mint green piliform scales and with sparse blue round and elliptical scales on apical half; lateroventral sides below the eye with adpressed mint green and bluish piliform scales; forehead between eyes flat; small-sized, feebly convex, and barely protruding from the outline of head; margin of eyes rugose; midline groove distinct. Rostrum coarsely punctured and rugose on basal 2/3rd and finely punctured on apical third, longer than broad (LR/WR:1.8/ 1.3mm), dorsum covered with subadpressed mint green piliform scales, longitudinal groove along midline distinct and forms a shallow lanceolate depression at middle beset with blue ovate scales, transverse groove fairly distinct; lateral sides with weakly widened apicad; lateral sides with adpressed colored piliform scales, and white setae towards apex.

Antennal scape slightly longer than funicle, scape reaching beyond the hind margin of eye covered with adpressed moderately long white setae, and funicle covered with suberect yellowish setae. Funicular segments I slightly longer than and II, nearly three times longer than wide; segments III-VI nearly as long as wide, segment VII slightly longer than segment III-VI; club sub-ellipsoidal, nearly 3 times longer than wide.

Prothorax subglobular, slightly wider than long (LP/WP:3.0/ 3.2mm), dorsal surface with distinct midline groove, rugose and coarsely punctured; sparsely covered with fine white pubescence; widest at middle, weakly convex on dorsal surface, dorsal contour highest at the middle. Pronotum with the following scaly markings of blue round scales: a) thin stripe at apical margin, b) faint small oblique patch at each side of disc, and c) thick stripes at each side of lateral margin, confluent with apical stripe. Elytra subovate slightly longer than wide (LE/WE:5.0/4.0mm), moderately wider and longer than prothorax (WE/WP: 4.0/ 3.2mm, LE/LP: 5.0/3.0mm), coarsely striate punctate with minute white pubescence, dorsum weakly convex with abrupt apical declivity, dorsal contour highest at middle, lateral contour evenly arcuate, widest at middle, apical declivity with white suberect setae. Each elytron with the following scaly markings of turquoise, blue and purple round scales: a) two small subcircular basal spots from stria II to IV and VI- VIII, b) interrupted median transverse stripe widened laterally, and c) thin transverse stripe at apical third. Legs with moderately clavate femora. Femora mostly reddish-brown except the apical parts which is black, covered with suberect white setae. Tibiae reddish brown except basal and apical parts, covered with suberect yellowish setae, weakly serrate along inner edge. Fore tibiae bear a mucro at apex. Tarsomeres densely covered with pubescence. Forecoxae moderately covered with suberect colored setae and adpressed mint green piliform scales towards rear end; meso and metacoxae with suberect bluish piliform scales and hairs. Meso and metathorax with turquoise and bluish round to elliptical scales. Mesoventrite and metaventrie densely covered with brownish hairs. Ventrite I with weak depression on disc, densely covered with suberect white setae. Ventrite II to IV sparsely covered with suberect white setae. Ventrite V rugose densely covered with adpressed white setae.

Male aedeagus as shown in Fig. 3 D–F View Figure 3 .

Female. LB: 9.1–9.8 (â: 9.56mm). LP: 2.9–4.6 (â: 4.03mm). WP: 3.2–3.8 (â: 3.6mm). LE: 6.2– 7.0 (â: 6.73mm). WE: 4.2–4.5 (â: 4.4mm). LR: 1.7–2.0 (â: 1.9mm). WR: 1.2–1.3 (â: 1.26mm). N=3 for all measurements.

Habitus is shown in Fig. 1 D–F View Figure 1 .

Females differ from males in the following: a) base of rostrum with weak bifid tubercles, which forms a deep median depression in the middle, b) pronotum moderately longer and wider than in male, c) pronotum with an ovate smooth surface in the middle, d) elytra slightly longer and wider with pronounced triangular projection at apex, e) basal and median transverse stripes reduced to subcircular patches with the lateral patch moderately elongate and bigger, f) color of fore femora nearly black on basal half and g) Ventrite I slightly bulging on disc. Otherwise, the female is similar to the male.

Etymology. The specific epithet is named after the family of Mr. Melbert Baul for being an excellent host to the research team during our expedition in Northern Mindanao.

Distribution. Metapocyrtus (Dolichocephalocyrtus) baulorum sp. nov. is known so far only from Gingoog, Misamis Oriental.

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