Euochin yuxi, Wang & Yu & Zhang, 2024

Wang, Weihang, Yu, Ying & Zhang, Junxia, 2024, On a new genus and twelve new species of jumping spiders from southwestern China (Araneae, Salticidae, Salticinae, Euophryini), Zootaxa 5538 (3), pp. 201-232 : 225-226

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5538.3.1

publication LSID


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scientific name

Euochin yuxi

sp. nov.

Euochin yuxi sp. nov. (ľī尧奇e)

Figs 147–161

Type material. Holotype: ♂ ( MHBU-ARA-00022195 ), CHINA: Yunnan Province, Yuxi City, Xinping County, Gasa Town , 23.3058°N, 101.2994°E, 2377 m elev., 11 April 2021, leg. Z. Feng. GoogleMaps

Paratype: 1♀ ( MHBU-ARA-00025253 ), same data as holotype GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the type locality: Yuxi City. Noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Male closely resembles E. tianhe in palpal structures, but differs in the tip of embolus with only one apophysis. Female epigyne shares similarities with E. bamianshanensis (Liu, Wang & Peng, 2020) and E. zunyi sp. nov., but can be distinguished from them by the shorter distance between the copulatory openings: about half of diameter of spermatheca in E. yuxi sp. nov., whereas about one time of diameter of spermatheca in E. bamianshanensis and E. zunyi sp. nov..

Description.Male. Habitus shown in Figs 147,149.Carapace length1.287; abdomen length1.230.Measurements of eyes: AME 0.267, ALE 0.174, PME 0.054, PLE 0.142. Measurements of legs: I 1.561 (0.484, 0.245, 0.337, 0.252, 0.243), II 1.384 (0.435, 0.205, 0.304, 0.227, 0.213), III 1.667 (0.550, 0.197, 0.364, 0.313, 0.243), IV 1.977 (0.633, 0.203, 0.413, 0.428, 0.300); leg formula: 4312. Color in ethanol: carapace dark, covered with yellow and white setae. Abdomen dark brown, with yellowish-white bands and patches. Chelicera (Fig. 151) with two promarginal and one retromarginal teeth. Palp (Figs 152–153, 156–159): distal femur, patella and tibia with long white setae; embolic disc relatively small, partly hidden by the tegulum in ventral view, slightly tilted ventrally; embolus with a protruding embolic flange ventrally; CyF notable; RTA tip pointed.

Female. Habitus shown in Figs 148, 150. Carapace length 1.375; abdomen length 1.530. Measurements of eyes: AME 0.270, ALE 0.186, PME 0.063, PLE 0.129. Measurements of legs: I 1.744 (0.541, 0.274, 0.376, 0.281, 0.272), II 1.546 (0.486, 0.229, 0.340, 0.254, 0.237), III 1.863 (0.615, 0.220, 0.407, 0.350, 0.271), IV 2.210 (0.708, 0.226, 0.462, 0.479, 0.335); leg formula: 4312. Color in ethanol: similar to that of male. Chelicerae as in male. Epigyne (Figs 154–155, 160–161): size of epigynal window nearly equal to that of spermathecae in ventral view; copulatory ducts relatively long; spermathecae globular.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).













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