Oidardis marinonii, Cezar, Lucas A., Fisher, Eric M. & Lamas, Carlos J. E., 2013

Cezar, Lucas A., Fisher, Eric M. & Lamas, Carlos J. E., 2013, Four new species of Oidardis Hermann, 1912 (Diptera, Asilidae, Laphriinae, Atomosiini) from two major faunistic surveys in the Atlantic Rainforest, ZooKeys 350, pp. 47-74 : 65-68

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scientific name

Oidardis marinonii

sp. n.

Oidardis marinonii View in CoL sp. n. Figures 1 G–H, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6 J–L, 7D, 8D, 10


Pleura yellow; scutum yellow laterally and anteriorly, tergites yellow on lateral margins; scape and pedicel yellow or light brown. Males without modified tibial seta.


Holotype. Male. Body yellow and black. Total length, excluding antennae, 7.3 mm; length of thorax, 1.7 mm; length of wing, 6.2 mm; greatest width of abdomen, 1.2 mm.

Head, laterally. Face, between antennal insertion and gibbosity, plane with eye margin; gibbosity slightly prominent, equals ventral 0.33 of face height; dorsal occipital setae light-brown, lateral occipital setae light-brown, ventral occipital setae yellow; proboscis 0.52 × the height of head, with a pair of yellow macrosetae ventrally; palpus dark-brown, with yellow setae apically. Antenna. Antenna 0.74 × as long as the height of eye, yellow scape and pedicel, dark-brown postpedicel, with dark-brown and yellow setae and macrosetae; antennal insertion at dorsal 0.28 of head height; scape slightly longer than pedicel, with long ventral seta, numerous short setae on a row around the segment; pedicel oval; postpedicel lanceolate, 1.8 × length of basal two segments, golden-pollinose, except for silvery-yellow pollinosity on elliptical sensorial area on inner face, with dorsal spine subapical (3/4 length of postpedicel or beyond). Head, anteriorly. Head 1.4 × as wide as high; face 0.17 × as wide as head, silvery-pollinose, on gibbosity only; mystax long (extending beyond the apex of proboscis), comprised of 10 pale-yellow macrosetae, and few shorter setae between the rows; facial setae, other than mystax, pale-yellow; frons silvery-pollinose; orbital setae dark-brown; vertex coppery-pollinose; ocellar tubercle coppery-pollinose, lower than vertex, 0.3 × as wide as frons, anterior ocellus 0.09 × as wide as frons by the ocellus position.

Thorax. Postpronotal lobe yellow; scutum shiny dark-brown posteriorly and yellow to light-brown anteriorly, not punctate, vestiture golden, unequal-sized, reclinate anteriorly and proclinate posteriorly; one golden notopleural; scutellum dark-brown, scutellar margin strongly impressed, marginal scutellar macrosetae dark-brown, unequal-sized, longest ones slightly longer than scutellum; postalar callosity light-brown, partly with bright-blue reflections; pleuron yellow, with silvery-white pollinosity; setulae on proepisternum, katepisternum, and anepisternum yellow; two anepisternal macrosetae, plus fine setulae, yellow; tuft of katatergal macrosetae light-brown; anatergite with yellow, hair-like setae.

Legs. Coxae yellow; trochanter yellow, with fine yellow setulae; femora reddish-yellow, slightly darkened dorsally, covered with short stout brown setulae dorsally, with dark setae on apical 1/3 dorsally, ventrally with weak yellow setae in two rows and fine yellow setulae apically, hind femur with 3 long yellow ventral macrosetae; anterior four tibiae entirely yellow, with yellow setulae, long yellow macrosetae, long dark-brown macrosetae and thick spines; hind tibia orange, with stout golden setulae apically, white setulae ventrally, long dark-brown macroseta inserted ventrally on the middle, long dark-brown macrosetae posteriorly, and long dark-brown macrosetae anterodorsally; modified tibial setae absent; tarsi reddish-brown, with claw-like dark-brown setae ventrally, stout dark-brown setae dorsally, and densely covered with thick spine-like dark-brown setae, 5th tarsomere with 3 setae apically, opposite the claws and longer than them; claws yellow on base and black apically; pulvilli yellow and fringed; empodium shorter than claws.

Wing. Brownish, darker along upper margin; cell r1 with short slightly-concave stalk (2 × the length of r-m); crossvein r-m at distal half of cell d, distal to the end of Sc; cell m3 narrowing distally (M2 and M3 converging by the end of cell m3), with stalk slightly longer than r-m, apex of m3 and apex of cell d parallel, unaligned, apex of m3 before apex of d, and unaligned, apex of m3 beyond apex of d (right wing) and apex of m3 before apex of d (left wing); crossvein bm-cu long, base of M3 and CuA1 distant from each other and not appearing as an “X”; cell cup with stalk shorter than r-m; posterior margin of wing slightly convex at distal half; calypters pale-yellow, with light-brown margin and fringe of short brown setae; halter with yellow stem, brown knob.

Abdomen. Black with yellow lateral margins, punctate, with sides nearly parallel, T2 1.46 × wider than long; vestiture longer and lighter laterally and ventrally, several light-yellow macrosetae present on lateral margin of T1, T2, T3, and T4. Male terminalia. Hypopygium very conspicuous; hypandrium regular-sized (2/3 the width of hypopygium or more), much wider than long, anterior margin concave, posterior margin slightly pointed (hypandrium triangular-like); gonocoxites free, gonocoxal prolongation blunt, smoothly curved inwards, with 3 spines at apex; gonostylus reduced, much wider than long, laterally flattened, fused basally to gonocoxite, attached to the base of gonocoxite; apex of phallus with three equal-sized prongs; epandrium straight in lateral view; lobes of hypoproct short.

Female. Total length, excluding antennae, 6.2 mm, (n=1); length of thorax, 1.6 mm, (n=1); length of wing, 7.0 mm, (n=1); greatest width of abdomen, 1.1 mm, (n=1). Differs from male as follows: gibbosity that equals ventral 0.3 of face height; proboscis 0.6 × the height of head; antenna 0.71 × as long as the height of eye; antennal insertion at dorsal 0.24 of head height; postpedicel 1.7 × length of basal two segments; head 1.52 × as wide as high; face 0.18 × as wide as head; mystax comprised of 8 macrosetae; tuft of katatergal macrosetae yellow; femora yellow and slightly darkened dorsally, except entirely reddish-brown hind femur; femora ventrally with weak yellow setae in two rows; tibiae with yellow setulae, long yellow macrosetae, and long dark-brown macrosetae; hind tibiae entirely covered by dark-brown setulae, with long, dark-brown macroseta inserted ventrally on the middle and long, dark-brown macrosetae anterodorsally; cell m3 parallel-sided distally (M2 and M3 parallel by the end of cell m3), and with stalk as long as r-m; apex of cell m3 and apex of cell d angled and unaligned, apex of m3 before apex of d; calypters white; halter with milk-coffee knob; abdominal segments narrow, T2 1.88 × wider than long; several macrosetae present on lateral margin of T1, T2, and T3; one lateral marginal macrosetae present on T4. Female genitalia. Three spermathecae; reservoirs cylindrical, coiled; spermathecal ducts opening independently at the bursa; genital fork rectangular, U-shaped, arms anteriorly thick, posteriorly slender, divergent; accessory glands distinguishable only for the duct and opening to bursa.

Morphological variation. Total length, excluding antennae, 6.2-7.3 mm, (n=5); length of thorax, 1.4-1.8 mm, (n=5); length of wing, 5.7-6.6 mm, (n=5); greatest width of abdomen, 1.0-1.1 mm, (n=4). Some specimens differed from the holotype, as follows: gibbosity that equals ventral 0.26-0.35 of face height; proboscis 0.56-0.64 × the height of head; antenna 0.71-0.82 × as long as the height of eye; light-brown scape and pedicel, dark-brown postpedicel; antennal insertion at dorsal 0.2-0.31 of head height; postpedicel 1.6-2.7 × length of basal two segments; head 1.42-1.53 × as wide as high; face 0.14-0.18 × as wide as head; face golden-pollinose, as a whole; mystax comprised of 8-10 golden macrosetae; ocellar tubercle 0.3-0.34 × as wide as frons; anterior ocellus 0.11 × as wide as frons by the ocellus position; one or two anepisternal macrosetae; apex of cell m3 and apex of cell d unaligned, apex of m3 before apex of d, or unaligned, apex of m3 beyond apex of d; crossvein bm-cu short, base of M3 and CuA1 arranged almost as an “X”; T2 1.11-1.41 × wider than long.


Brazil ( São Paulo and Paraná).


This species is similar to Oidardis fontenellei in general morphology and color pattern. However, since the examined specimens of Oidardis marinonii come from a small collection series and are poorly preserved, the observed differences in color of antenna and legs should be used cautiously. The direction of vestiture on the posterior portion of scutum and the absence of the modified tibial seta on males in Oidardis marinonii thus become all the more important for separating these species. Nevertheless, the general color pattern-paler pleura and dark scutum-is quite noticeable, even considering preservation issues of the material, and is still reliable when distinguishing both species from others in Oidardis .

It is also important to remark that the holotype presents an asymmetry concerning the relative position of cells d and m3, when left and right wings are compared.

Oidardis marinonii probably occur in the understory of dense forests, since it is recorded for Cubatão. This locality is situated in the coastal forests of Serra do Mar, a typical Ombrophilous Dense Forest. Therefore, in Ponta Grossa-situated in Araucaria Moist Forest area, but largely covered by grasslands ("campos limpos")- Oidardis marinonii possibly occupies patches of Araucaria woodlands and riparian forests ( Marinoni and Dutra 1991, Olson et al. 2001).


Honors late Dr. Renato Marinoni, for his efforts on promoting, besides other projects, an important zoological survey in Paraná State (PROFAUPAR), that made available specimens for this species, and many other, to be recognized and described.

Type-material examined.

Holotype: Brazil: Paraná, Ponta Grossa, Parque Estadual de Vila Velha - IAP, (25°2'37.29"S, 50°14'52.83"W), 22.xii.1986, coll. Lev. Ent. PROFAUPAR - male (DZUP). Paratypes: Brazil: Same locality as holotype, 15.xii.1986, coll. Lev. Ent. PROFAUPAR - 1 female, 3 males (DZUP, MZUSP); same locality, 22.xii.1986, coll. Lev. Ent. PROFAUPAR - 5 males (DZUP, MZUSP); same locality, 29.xii.1986, coll. Lev. Ent. PROFAUPAR - 3 males (DZUP); São Paulo, Cubatão, (23°53'44.02"S, 46°25'32.28"W), 15.xii.1955, coll. Pereira, Martinez, Werner & d’Andretta - 1 male (MZUSP).















