Rhiphaeodrilus, Csuzdi & Pavliček, 2005

Csuzdi, C. & Pavliček, T., 2005, Earthworms From Israel. Ii. Remarks On The Genus Perelia Easton, 1983 With Descriptions Of A New Genus And Two New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (2), pp. 75-96 : 86-87

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586507

persistent identifier


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scientific name


gen. nov.

Rhiphaeodrilus gen. nov.

Diagnosis. External characteristics: Setae closely paired, red-violet pigmentation present. Prostomium epilobous, dorsal pore around 5/6. Male pore on segment 15 fairly visible, usually with glandular crescent intruding into the neighbouring segments. Spermathecae open in setal line cd, nephropores irregularly alternate between b and above cd. Internal characteristics: two pairs of testes in 10, 11, and three pairs of seminal vesicles in 9, 11, 12. Four pairs of receptacula seminis 7/8, 8/9, 9/10, 10/11. Calciferous glands open directly in 11, 12. Excretory system holonephridial, nephridial bladders “S” shaped with cephalad bent ental part and ectal looping. The cross section of longitudinal muscle layer is of pinnate type.

Type species: Allolobophora handlirschi diplotetratheca PEREL, 1967 .

Other species: Not known.

Etymology: From the Latin Montes Rhiphaeus = Ural Mts.

Remarks. Rhiphaeodrilus diplotetrathecus ( PEREL, 1967) has long been placed into Perelia , but it differs from the Perelia species in three main characteristics. It has three pairs of vesicles, red-violet colour and pinnate musculature. According to the pigmentation and strictly paired setae, it shows affinity to the Eisenia MALM, 1877 and Eisenoides GATES, 1959 genera, but differs from both in the structure of nephridial bladders.

Rhiphaeodrilus diplotetrathecus ( PEREL, 1967) comb. n.

( Figs 11–12 View Figs 11–12 )

Allolobophora handlirschi diplotetratheca PEREL, 1967: 1321 .

Allolobophora (Svetlovia) diplotetratheca : PEREL, 1976: 833.

Perelia diplotetratheca : EASTON 1983: 484.

Material examined: No. 12641 3 ex., Permskaya oblast , Det. Perel. No. 12642 2 ex., Ural ,

Ilmensi zapovednik, 1958. [transliterated from Russian]

Diagnosis. Length 45–70 mm diameter; 3–4 mm; setae closely paired. First dorsal pore in 5/6, red-violet pigments present. Clitellum on 1/ n 26, 26 –32. Tubercles as thin bands on 27–31, 1/n 32. Moderately large male pore on 15; well-developed genital papillae around setae ab on 16, 26–28, 31, 32. Nephridial pores irregularly alternate between setal line b and above d. Septa 6/7–7/8, 12/13–14/15 slightly strengthened, 8/9–11/12 moderately thickened. Three pairs of seminal vesicles in 9, 11, 12 segment; four pairs of spermathecae in 7/8, 8/9, 9/10, 10/11 open in setal line cd. Calciferous glands well developed, open directly in 11, 12. Nephridial bladders “S”’ shaped, with cephalad bent ental part and ectal looping ( Fig. 11 View Figs 11–12 ). Longitudinal musculature pinnate ( Fig. 12 View Figs 11–12 ).

Remark. All the specimens were donated by T. S. PEREL and those that are registered under No. 12642 belong to the paratype series.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics













Csuzdi, C. & Pavliček, T. 2005

Perelia diplotetratheca

EASTON, E. G. 1983: 484

Allolobophora (Svetlovia) diplotetratheca

PEREL, T. S. 1976: 833

Allolobophora handlirschi diplotetratheca

PEREL, T. S. 1967: 1321
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