Oepikodus Lindström, 1955

Zhen, Yong Yi, Percival, Ian G. & Webby, Barry D., 2003, Early Ordovician Conodonts from Far Western New South Wales, Australia, Records of the Australian Museum 55 (2), pp. 169-220 : 199

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scientific name

Oepikodus Lindström, 1955


Oepikodus Lindström, 1955

Type species. Oepikodus smithensis Lindström, 1955 .

Remarks. Revision of the original form species concept ( Lindström, 1955) led to recognition of a trimembrate apparatus consisting of prioniodiform, oepikodiform, and oistodiform elements ( Lindström, 1971; Lindström, in Ziegler, 1975; Lindström, in Ziegler, 1977; Bergström & Cooper, 1973; van Wamel, 1974). Subsequently, Sweet (1988) and Johnston & Barnes (2000) interpreted the genus as consisting of a quinquimembrate apparatus incorporating three morphotypes of ramiform S elements . Further recognition of two pastinate (Pa and Pb) elements (Stouge & Bagnoli, 1988; Albanesi, in Albanesi et al., 1998) and four morphotypes of ramiform S (Sb1, Sb2, Sc, and Sd) elements ( Repetski, 1982) imply a seximembrate or septimembrate apparatus for the genus, including pastinate Pa and Pb, makellate M, and ramiform S elements . In a more recent revision (Stewart & Nicoll, in press; Nicoll & Ethington, in press), Oepikodus was defined as consisting of a septimembrate apparatus, including pastinate Pa and Pb, makellate M, and quadriramate or modified quadriramate S elements . Nicoll & Ethington (in press) suggested that Oepikodus can be distinguished from Prioniodus (and Baltoniodus ) mainly on the basis of the morphology of their Sa elements , those of Oepikodus being quadriform alate, while Sa elements in the other two genera are triform alate.

Albanesi, G. L., M. A. Hunicken & C. R. Barnes, 1998. Bioestratigrafia, biofacies y taxonomia de conodontes de las secuencias ordovicicas del Cerro Porterillo, Precordillera central de San Juan, R. Argentina. Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias 12: 1 - 249.

Lindstrom, M., 1955. Conodonts from the lowermost Ordovician strata of south-central Sweden. Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar 76: 517 - 604.

Lindstrom, M., 1971. Lower Ordovician conodonts of Europe. In Symposium on conodont biostratigraphy, ed. W. C. Sweet & S. M. Bergstrom. Geological Society of America, Memoir 127: 21 - 61.

Repetski, J. E., 1982. Conodonts from E 1 Paso Group (Lower Ordovician) of westernmost Texas and southern New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources, Memoir 40: 1 - 121.

Sweet, W. C., 1988. The Conodonta: Morphology, Taxonomy, Paleoecology, and Evolutionary History of a Long-Extinct Animal Phylum. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

van Wamel, W. A., 1974. Conodont biostratigraphy of the Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician of north-western Oland, south-eastern Sweden. Utrecht Micropalaeontological Bulletins 10: 1 - 125.

Ziegler, W., ed., 1975. Catalogue of Conodonts. II: 1 - 403.

Ziegler, W., ed., 1977. Catalogue of Conodonts. III: 1 - 574.