Capparis roxburghii DC., Prodr.

Turner, Ian M., 2022, FROM ACACIA TO ZIZIPHUS: PLANT NAMES COMMEMORATING THE BOTANIST WILLIAM ROXBURGH, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 79 (1911), pp. 1-102 : 29-31

publication ID 10.24823/EJB.2022.1911

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scientific name

Capparis roxburghii DC., Prodr.


Capparis roxburghii DC., Prodr. View in CoL 1: 247–248 (1824). – Type: Ind. Orient., W. Roxburgh s.n.

( holotype BM [ BM000629297 ]) .

De Candolle cited ‘ C. aguba herb. Banks v.s.’ when describing this species. There is a Roxburgh specimen in BM (that includes the Banks Herbarium) with a pencil annotation of ‘ Capparis Aguba Roxburgh’, which I take to be the holotype of C. roxburghii DC. This specimen may have been misplaced or overlooked in the past, as Raghavan (1972) designated a Roxburgh specimen in K as ‘type’, but this was not required.

Cassia roxburghii DC., Prodr. 2: 489 (1825). – Cathartocarpus roxburghii (DC.) Loudon, Hort. Brit. 167 (1830). – Type : India, BGC [Botanic Gardens Calcutta], vii 1818, N. Wallich s.n. (lectotype G-DC [ IDC800 LM-429/17], designated here).

The Prodromus Herbarium in Geneva contains a specimen labelled ‘M. Wallich, July

1818 BGC’ that is clearly original material for de Candolle’s name and is here selected as lectotype. A Wallich collection [EIC 5308] in K was referred to as holotype by de Wit (1955), but the specimens are not annotated with the collection dates of the G-DC specimen and therefore cannot be assumed to be duplicate material. I therefore do not accept de Wit’s statement as a first-step lectotypification.

Cassine albens (Retz.) Kosterm., Gard. Bull. View in CoL Singapore 39(2): 178 (1987) [‘1986’]. – Schrebera albens Retz., Observ. Bot. 6: 25 (1791). – Type : J.G. Koenig s.n. (lectotype LD [ LD1808462 ], designated by Fischer, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1932: 53 [1932]).

Neerija dichotoma Roxb., Fl. Ind. View in CoL 2: 444 (1824). – Rhamnus nerija Spreng., Syst. Veg. 4(2) cur. post. 86 (1827), nom. illegit., superfl. – Elaeodendron roxburghii Wight & Arn., Cat. Ind. Pl. View in CoL 30, sub no. 485 (1833), nom. illegit., superfl. – Type: [unpublished illustration] Icones Roxburghianae 73 (lectotype K, designated here).

Cassine glauca var. roxburghii Pierre, Fl. Forest. Cochinch. 4: sub t. 296A (1893). – Type: Canara, Ritchie (not traced).

Elaeodendron roxburghii Wight & Arn. is a superfluous renaming of Neerija dichotoma Roxb. As no original specimens have been located, Roxburgh’s drawing is selected as lectotype here. Cassine glauca var. roxburghiana was based on Elaeodendron glaucum var. 2 of Lawson. The only cited collection for this was a Ritchie specimen from Canara, which I have not traced.

Castanopsis castanicarpa (Roxb.) Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. View in CoL 11: 185 (1842). – Quercus castanicarpa Roxb., Pl. Coromandel View in CoL 3: 93, t. 296, f. 2 (1820). – Castanea roxburghii Lindl. View in CoL in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 2: 16 (1830), nom. illegit., superfl. – Type: [published illustration] ‘ Quercus View in CoL castanicarpa’, Roxburgh, Pl. Coromandel 3: t. 296, f. 2 (1820) (lectotype designated here).

Lindley’s Castanea roxburghii View in CoL is superflous to Quercus castanicarpa Roxb. As View in CoL no Roxburgh specimens have been located, the name is here lectotypified to the plate in the original publication.

Castanopsis indica (Roxb. ex Lindl.) A.DC., J. Bot. View in CoL 1: 182 (1863). – Castanea indica Roxb. ex Lindl. View in CoL in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 2: 5 (1830–1831). – Type: Nepalia, 1821, N. Wallich s.n. [ EIC 2761 A] (lectotype CGE [ CGE00046361 About CGE ], designated here; isolectotype K-W [ K001117038 ]).

Quercus serrata Roxb., Fl. Ind. View in CoL 3: 641 (1832), nom. illegit., non Q. serrata Murray (1784) View in CoL . – Quercus prinodes Voigt, Hort. Suburb. Calcutt. View in CoL 277 (1845), nom. illegit., non Q. prinoides Willd. (1805) View in CoL . – Quercus roxburghii Endl., Gen. Pl. Suppl. View in CoL 4(2): 28 (1848). – Quercus serrata var. roxburghii (Endl.) A.DC., Prodr. View in CoL 16(2): 51 (1864). – Quercus acutissima var. roxburghii (Endl.) Schottky, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 47: 639 (1912). – Quercus acutissima subsp. roxburghii (Endl.) A.Camus, Chênes, Atlas View in CoL 1: 86 (1934). – Type: [unpublished illustration] Icones Roxburghianae 2393 (lectotype K, designated here).

Quercus roxburghii Endl. View in CoL represents a nomen novum for the illegitimate later homonym Quercus serrata Roxb. View in CoL Roxburgh’s drawing is here designated as lectotype. Castanopsis indica (Roxb. ex Lindl.) A.DC. View in CoL was first described in print by Lindley, who referred to characters relating to foliage and fruit. I therefore select a fruiting specimen in CGE as lectotype.


Bristol Museum














Capparis roxburghii DC., Prodr.

Turner, Ian M. 2022

Cassine albens (Retz.)

Kosterm. 1987: 178

Quercus acutissima subsp. roxburghii (Endl.) A.Camus, Chênes, Atlas

A. Camus, Chenes 1934: 86

Quercus acutissima var. roxburghii (Endl.) Schottky, Bot. Jahrb. Syst.

Schottky 1912: 639

Castanopsis indica (Roxb. ex Lindl.) A.DC., J. Bot.

Lindl. 1863: 182

Quercus roxburghii Endl., Gen. Pl. Suppl.

1848: 28

Castanopsis castanicarpa (Roxb.) Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég.

Spach 1842: 185

Quercus serrata

Roxb., Fl. Ind. 1832: 641

Neerija dichotoma

Roxb., Fl. Ind. 1824: 444

Schrebera albens

Retz., Observ. Bot. 1791: 25
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