
Shi, Xiaoqing, Zhao, Yunyun, Shih, Chungkun & Ren, Dong, 2013, New fossil mesoserphid wasps (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea) from the Jehol Biota, China, Zootaxa 3710 (6), pp. 591-599 : 597

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3710.6.5

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Key to Subfamilies of Mesoserphinae and Karataoserphinae

1. Hind wing cell r present................................................................................ 2

- Hind wing cell r absent................................................................................ 11

2. Fore wing some veins reduced........................................................................... 3

- Fore wing all veins present.............................................................................. 7

3. Hind wing r-m, M, Cu absent............................................................................ 4

- Hind wing at least r-m and (or) M, Cu present............................................................... 5

4. Metasoma tergites with coarse sculpture........................................... Oxyuroserphus Rasnitsyn, 1994

- Metasoma tergites without coarse sculpture.......................................... Auliserphus Rasnitsyn, 1986 b

5. Fore wing with Rs+M, Rs and 1m-cu complete, the basal section of 1-M absent.............. Udaserphus Rasnitsyn, 1983

- Fore wing with partial of Rs+M, Rs, 1m-cu and 1-M absent..................................................... 6

6. Fore wing 2-Rs+M partly reduced; 2-Rs+M distal to 1m-cu.......................... Scoliuroserphus Rasnitsyn, 1986 b

- Fore wing 1-Rs+M and 2-Rs+M partly reduced; 2-Rs+M adjacent to 1m-cu........... Campturoserphus Rasnitsyn, 1986 b

7. Fore wing 2r-rs more than 5 times as long as pterostigma width.......................... Turgoserphus Rasnitsyn, 1990

- Fore wing with 2r-rs less than 2.1 times as long as pterostigma width............................................. 8

8. Fore wing 1-Rs/1-M<2................................................................................. 9

- Fore wing 1-Rs/1-M≥2............................................................ Mesoserphus Kozlov, 1968

9. 1cu-a in line with 1-M..................................................... Sinoserphus Shih, Feng et Ren, 2011

- 1cu-a distal to 1-M................................................................................... 10

10. Fork of Rs+M is located approximately 1/5 of the distance between 1m-cu and 2r-rs...................................................................................................... Yanliaoserphus Shih, Feng et Ren, 2011

- Fork of Rs+M is located approximately 1/2 of the distance between 1m-cu and 2r-rs..................................................................................................... Codoserphus Shi, Shih et Ren , gen. nov.

11. Third valvula bent upward...................................................... Lordoserphus Rasnitsyn, 1994

- Third valvula straight................................................................................. 13

12. Number of antennomeres ≥25.............................................. Beipiaoserphus Zhang et Zhang, 2000

- Number of antennomeres ≤17........................................................................... 14

13. Fore wing Rs+M, 1m-cu, 1-Rs and 1-M absent................................... Karataoserphinus Rasnitsyn, 1994

- Fore wing Rs+M, 1m-cu, 1-Rs and 1-M present..................................... Karataoserphus Rasnitsyn, 1994

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