Codoserphus euneurus Shi, Shih et Ren

Shi, Xiaoqing, Zhao, Yunyun, Shih, Chungkun & Ren, Dong, 2013, New fossil mesoserphid wasps (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea) from the Jehol Biota, China, Zootaxa 3710 (6), pp. 591-599 : 596-597

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3710.6.5

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scientific name

Codoserphus euneurus Shi, Shih et Ren

sp. nov.

Codoserphus euneurus Shi, Shih et Ren , sp. nov.

( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 A, B and Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 C, D, E)

Diagnosis. Fore wing 1-Rs 2 times as long as 1-M; 2cu-a straight and distal to 1m-cu.

Description. Holotype gender unknown. Body length 6.45 mm, Head round and narrower than mesosoma (head width = 1.18 mm, mesosoma width = 1.32 mm). Eyes color paler than gena. Antenna longer than head and mesosoma combined, left with 13 antennomeres preserved and right with 14 antennomeres. Scape not well preserved, flagellomeres gradually decreasing in length from base to apex with the terminal one shortest.

Fore wing with all veins present ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 A, B), with seven cells enclosed by tubular veins; pterostigma elongate and narrow, acute apically, not widened beyond mid-length; C and R robust, extending to apex of fore wing; cell r closed and triangular; Rs straight reaching distal C; 1-Rs two times longer than 1-M and arched to the basal of wing; cell 1mcu relatively smaller than cua and trapezoid with 1-M approximately 1.2 times as long as 1m-cu; Cell 1+2r six-sided as an obtuse hexagon and surrounded by R, 1-Rs, 1-Rs+M, 2-Rs+M, 2-Rs, and 2r-rs. M+Cu straight and distinct; M and Cu straight at base, slightly curved apex. Forking of Rs+M is located approximately 40% of the distance between 1m-cu and 2r-rs. 2r-rs arising from basal one third to half of pterostigma, almost perpendicular to pterostigma.

Hind wing well-preserved, with tubular veins C, R, M+Cu, Cu, M, and r-m present; cell r absent.

Mesosoma subhexagonal and relatively elongated; pronotum long and narrower head; mesoscutum board with notauli distinctly impressed; axilla developed, tegula triangular; scutellum gently arched; propodeum areolated.

Metasoma oval with 6 or 7 terga discernable; first segment subtriangular; second to fifth segments rectangular; terminal segment shortest without preserved genitalia. Corresponding sternum also visible, with color paler than that of tergum.

Foreleg with femur, tibia and tarsus partially preserved, femur darker than tibia and tarsus; midleg with partial coxa, femur and tibia present, both femur and tibia shorter than that of hindleg; hindleg with subovalcoxa, trochanter smaller than coxa, spindle-shaped femur, tibia longer than femur, narrow basally and gradually widened apically, tarsus partially preserved, paler than coxa and femur.

Etymology. The specific name is for the well preservation of specimen.

Measurements (in mm). Head length 0.73, width 1.18; mesosoma length 1.88, width 1.32; Metasoma length 3.05; lengths of metasomal segments are 0.32, 0.37, 0.40, 0.51, 0.52, 0.41 and 0.19; body length 6.43; length of right antenna 4.65 (lengths of flagellomeres of right antenna are as follows, F1: F2: F3: F4…F 13= 0.47: 0.44: 0.44: 0.42: 0.40: 0.37: 0.33: 0.30: 0.30: 0.27: 0.27: 0.17: 0.15), length of left antenna 4.02; fore wing length 4.91, width 2.08; hind wing length>2.65, width>0.98.

Remarks. Compared with C. calophlebius , C. euneurus is different by fore wing 1-Rs 2 times as long as 1-M (versus 1-Rs as long as 1-M); 1-M slightly longer than 1m-cu (versus 2 times as long as); 2cu-a straight (versus 2cu-a anteriorly bent inwards) and 2cu-a distal to 1m-cu (versus 2Cu-a meeting 1m-cu in line for that of C. calophlebius ).

Type materials. Holotype, gender unknown, CNU-HYM-LB2012054. A well-preserved almost complete body with antenna, both fore wings and clear hind wings, part of legs ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 A, B). Paratypes, CNU-HYM- LB2012051, male, a well-preserved almost complete body with antenna, both fore wings and hind wings, part of legs ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 C); CNU-HYM-LB2012052, male, a well-preserved almost complete body with antenna, both fore wings and part of hind wings and legs ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 D); CNU-HYM-LB2012053, female, a well-preserved body with left fore wing and antenna, partial hind wings and legs ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 E).

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