Otacilia subshanxi, Guo & Mu & Zhang, 2024

Guo, Minghao, Mu, Yannan & Zhang, Feng, 2024, A new Otacilia Thorell, 1897 species from Hubei Province, China (Araneae, Phrurolithidae), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 137014-e 137014 : e137014-

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/BDJ.12.e137014

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft

scientific name

Otacilia subshanxi

sp. nov.

Otacilia subshanxi sp. nov.


Type status: Holotype. Occurrence: sex: male; lifeStage: adult; occurrenceID: E556732B-3666-537F-AB57-06D34F340423; Taxon: scientificName: Otacilia subshanxi ; order: Araneae ; family: Phrurolithidae ; genus: Otacili; Location: country: China; stateProvince: Hubei; county: Zhushan; locality: Shunshuiping Villag ; verbatimLatitude: 31°33'7.1359″N; verbatimLongitude: 110°1'10.4883″E; Event: year: 2023; month: 9; day: 19 GoogleMaps

Type status: Paratype. Occurrence: sex: 1 male, 5 females; lifeStage: adult; occurrenceID: 74251D57-B22A-59A7-B2A8-7AFE3F008FFE; Taxon: scientificName: Otacilia subshanxi ; order: Araneae ; family: Phrurolithidae ; genus: Otacili; Location: country: China; stateProvince: Hubei; county: Zhushan; locality: Shunshuiping Village ; verbatimLatitude: 31°33'7.1359″N; verbatimLongitude: 110°1'10.4883″E; Event: year: 2023; month: 9; day: 19 GoogleMaps


Male (Holotype): total length 3.04, carapace 1.50 long, 1.30 wide; abdomen 1.54 long, 1.03 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.08, ALE 0.09, PME 0.08, PLE 0.10; AME – AME 0.05, AME – ALE 0.01, ALE – ALE 0.22, PME – PME 0.10, PME – PLE 0.06, PLE – PLE 0.40, ALE – PLE 0.08. EAW 0.52, CRW 0.68, EAW / CRW 0.76, CRW / CW 0.52. MOA 0.26 long, anterior width 0.21, posterior width 0.27. CH 0.11, CH / AME 1.38. Labium 0.15 long, 0.22 wide. Sternum 0.87 long, 0.78 wide. Leg measurements: Ⅰ 6.15 (1.57 + 0.55 + 1.81 + 1.48 + 0.74), Ⅱ 4.91 (1.30 + 0.51 + 1.27 + 1.15 + 0.68), Ⅲ 4.02 (1.08 + 0.45 + 0.80 + 1.07 + 0.62), Ⅳ 6.51 (1.78 + 0.54 + 1.53 + 1.80 + 0.86). Spination: femur I d 1 pl 4, femur Ⅱ d 1 pl 2, femur Ⅲ – Ⅳ d 1, tibia Ⅰ pv 7 rv 8, tibia Ⅱ pv 7 rv 6, metatarsus Ⅰ pv 4 rv 4, metatarsus Ⅱ pv 4 rv 3.

Colouration (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 A, Fig. 2 View Figure 2 A and B). Carapace slightly brown, radial striae indistinct, with one black longitudinal stripe nearly same width as eye area. Abdomen grey, with small dorsal scutum darker than carapace, with black pattern beside dorsal scutum anteriorly and four black transverse stripes at posterior of abdomen. Legs yellow, with black annuli near ventral of tibiae I – Ⅳ tip.

Palp as in Fig. 3 View Figure 3 A – D. Femur with large, well-developed apophysis at middle part. Prolateral tibial apophysis distinct. Tibial nearly as long as wide. Retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) with wide base and narrow, tip blunt, base of retrolateral with a small tuber (Fig. 3 View Figure 3 D), a row of strong setae at base of RTA (Fig. 3 View Figure 3 B). Bulb pyriform, sperm duct distinct, tapering off close to embolus. Embolus wide, hook-like, blade-shaped. Conductor small, triangular, membranous.

Female (Paratype): total length 3.52, carapace 1.52 long, 1.36 wide; abdomen 2.00 long, 1.22 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.09, ALE 0.10, PME 0.08, PLE 0.09; AME – AME 0.04, AME – ALE 0.01, ALE – ALE 0.21, PME – PME 0.10, PME – PLE 0.06, PLE – PLE 0.37, ALE – PLE 0. 06. EAW 0.48, CRW 0.69, EAW / CRW 0.69, CRW / CW 0.51. MOA 0.27 long, anterior width 0.19, posterior width 0.27. CH 0.09, CH / AME 1.00. Labium 0.15 long, 0.25 wide. Sternum 0.93 long, 0.79 wide. Leg measurements: Ⅰ 6.00 (1.50 + 0.52 + 1.85 + 1.44 + 0.69), Ⅱ 4.93 (1.25 + 0.51 + 1.33 + 1.13 + 0.71), Ⅲ 4.29 (1.14 + 0.47 + 0.93 + 1.12 + 0.63), Ⅳ 6.32 (1.68 + 0.59 + 1.37 + 1.77 + 0.91). Spination: femur I d 1 pl 4, femur Ⅱ d 1 pl 3, femora Ⅲ – Ⅳ d 1, tibia Ⅰ pv 7 rv 8, tibia Ⅱ pv 7 rv 6, metatarsus Ⅰ pv 4 rv 4, metatarsus Ⅱ pv 4 rv 3. Other characters as in male, except dorsal scutum absent (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 B, Fig. 2 View Figure 2 C and D).

Epigyne as in Fig. 3 View Figure 3 E and F. Epigynal plate sclerotised, non-transparent, with two large atriums. Median septum wide, edge arched, widest at middle part. Copulatory openings located at middle part of atrium, separated by septum. Copulatory ducts short and thick, straight. Connecting tubes long and thin, curved. Bursae balloon-shaped, transparent. Spermathecae oval and small, bean-shaped. Fertilisation ducts short, located anteromesally on spermathecae.


This new species resembles O. shanxi Mu & Zhang, 2021 in having a similar femoral apophysis, atrium, curved connecting tubes, but it can be recognised by: 1) the wide embolus (vs. thin, cf. Fig. 3 C and fig. 7 F in Mu and Zhang 2021), 2) the thin retrolateral tibial apophysis (vs. wide, cf. Fig. 3 B and fig. 7 G in Mu and Zhang (2021)) and 3) the thin median septum (vs. wide, cf. Fig. 3 E and fig. 7 F in Mu and Zhang (2021)).


This species is named for its similarity to O. shanxi Mu & Zhang, 2021 .


Know only from the type locality (Fig. 4 View Figure 4 ).











