Messatoporus compressicornis Cushman 1929
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Felipe (2021-08-25 00:16:44, last updated by Plazi 2023-12-08 23:53:26) |
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Messatoporus compressicornis Cushman 1929 |
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Messatoporus compressicornis Cushman 1929 View in CoL
( Figs 71 View FIGURES 71–75 , 261, 263 View FIGURES 260–271. 260–261 , 284 View FIGURES 279–288 , 313 View FIGURES 313–320 )
* Messatoporus compressicornis Cushman 1929: 12–13 View in CoL . Description, keyed. Holotype ♀ (USNM, examined). Type data:
[ USA] Pa. [Pennsylvania], Inglenook, VIII, JNKnull; No. 40580 Messatoporus major Cushman 1929: 5 , 13. Description , figure, keyed. Holotype ♀ ( USNM, examined). Type data: [ USA] Fla
[Florida], Orlando, coll. OCMcBride, 073-25. Type No. 40581. Synonym by Townes (1962: 467) Messatoporus compressicornis: Townes 1962: 467–468 , 561. Description, distribution, figure, keyed. Messatoporus compressicornis: Yu & Horstmann 1997:274 . Listed Messatoporus compressicornis: Ruíz 2002:641 . Listed. Messatoporus compressicornis: Yu et al. 2005 . Listed. Messatoporus compressicornis: Kasparyan & Ruíz 2005: 106 , 109. Distribution, keyed. Messatoporus compressicornis: Kasparyan & Ruíz 2008: 314 , 318, 373. Diagnosis, distribution, figure, keyed.
Female. Holotype ♀. Fore wing 9.38 mm. long. HEAD: Clypeus basally convex, apically abruptly flattened, centrally concave; CHW 2.58; CWW 1.78; apical area medially concave, laterally slightly projected, its margin very sharp, raised. MLW 1.58; MWW 0.39; mandible with moderately sparse and long hairs; dorsal tooth in front view not distinctly projected upward, much longer than ventral tooth; ventral tooth somewhat rhomboid. MSM 0.22. Antenna with 21 flagellomeres; flagellum strongly flattened and compressed on apical 0.3; apex of apical flagellomere about as wide as base, not distinctly tapered. Supra-antennal area shiny, scarcely punctate, not strigulate near antennal sockets, ventrally and around ocelli distinctly concave, with slight median line. Uniformly curved, fading out at a distance about as long as basal width of mandible from the hypostomal carina. Temple and gena moderately wide, gena somewhat swollen and projected (as in Fig. 261 View FIGURES 260–271. 260–261 ).
THORAX: Pronotum glabrous, shiny, impunctate, ventrally with strong wrinkles; epomia strong, complete, moderately long, ending near dorsal margin of pronotum, gradually diverging from collar, after diverging from collar distinctly curved. Mesoscutum moderately and uniformly convex, ovoid, 1.21 × as long as wide, sparsely pilose, shiny, asperous; notaulus reaching about 0.73 of mesoscutum length, moderately impressed, surface over notaulus smooth, medially parallel; scuto-scutellar groove moderately deep, with distinct longitudinal wrinkles. Subtegular ridge weakly projected; epicnemial carina reaching about 0.7 of distance to subtegular ridge, irregular; sternaulus moderately strong, wide and shallow at posterior 0.25, strongly sinuous, with vestigial vertical wrinkles; scrobe moderately deep; mesopleural suture with strong longitudinal wrinkles along entire length. Mesosternum medially without transverse depressions; median portion of posterior transverse carina of the mesothoracic venter short and almost indistinct, arched backwards. Transverse sulcus at base of propodeum very wide, about 0.81 × as long as anterior area of propodeum, smooth; metapleuron moderately punctate, without transverse wrinkles, moderately pilose; juxtacoxal carina absent. Fore tibia distinctly swollen; tibiae with numerous widely spaced bristles; hind coxa with moderately strong punctures separated by more than their own diameter.
PROPODEUM: 1.08 × as long as wide, shiny, sparsely pilose; anterior area scarcely punctate; spiracle elongate, SWL 5.00; anterior transverse carina medially slightly arched forwards. Propodeal wrinkles strong, closely spaced, mostly incomplete and overlapped, with some disperse complete wrinkles, mostly slightly curved or somewhat sinuous; posterior transverse carina distinct as very weak sublateral crests.
WINGS: Fore wing vein 1-Rs+M distinctly sinuous, with bulla placed on basal 0.4; crossvein 1m-cu irregular, limit between two veins more or less traceable; vein 1M+Rs anteriorly straight, posteriorly curved; fore wing crossvein 1 cu-a basad of 1M+Rs by 0.45 of its own length; vein 2Cua 0.42 × as long as crossvein 2cu-a; bulla of crossvein 2m-cu placed on midlength, occupying about 0.28 of its length; cell 1+2Rs small, APH 0.67, pentagonal, distinctly higher than wide, AWH 0.83; crossvein 3r-m fully spectral, 2r-m and 3r-m parallel, about same length; vein 3-M distinctly shorter than 2-M; 4-Rs distinctly sinuous; 4-M semi-spectral, straight. Hind wing vein 1-M forming distinctly obtuse angle with vein Cua; vein 2-Rs entirely tubular, apically weaker, reaching wing margin; HW1C 1.02; vein Cub distinctly convex on apical half, forming distinctly obtuse angle with vein Cua (basally curved); vein 2-1A reaching 0.80 of distance to posterior wing margin.
METASOMA: First tergite moderately short, about 0.34 × as long as T2–8, Somewhat depressed, ventrolaterally rounded, dorsally glabrate, laterally moderately pilose; T1LW 3.43; T1WW 1.49; spiracle on 0.59 of its length, distinctly prominent; median depression elongate, very shallow; lateral and median posterior depressions absent; median dorsal absent, dorsolateral absent, but traceable as limit between dorsal and lateral portions, ventrolateral carina absent. T2LW 1.09; T2WW 2.04; thyridium about as long as wide, without a small circular depression just behind it; T2–8 smooth between punctures, moderately and uniformly pilose. OST 0.93; ovipositor moderately stout, straight, basally cylindric, apically slightly depressed; dorsal valve with five moderately strong ridges; ventral valve apex with 6 teeth, 1st, 2nd and 3th widely spaced; surface in between teeth densely microsculptured, surface anterior to first tooth rugulose.
Color. Head, mesosoma and metasoma black with light yellow marks. Head: black; clypeus, mandible except apex and ventral margin, mouthparts, supra-clypeal area and complete orbital band, light yellow (229, 208, 109); f5–9 entirely white, f4 apically white and f10–15 with dorsal basal white marks. Mesosoma: black; collar, dorsal margin of pronotum (wider at posterior 0.5), subcircular spot on mesoscutum, scutellar carina, scutellum, axillar carinae, postscutellum, tegula, subalar ridge, central mark on mesopleuron, mesosternum except posterior lateral spot, dorsal division of metapleuron, most of metapleural triangle, metapleuron except anterior margin and posterior spot and arc-shaped mark on propodeum, light yellow; fore and mid coxae and first trochanters light yellow, coxae with posterior and apical dark brown marks, trochanters with basal dark brown marks; fore and mid second trochanters, femora, tibiae and tarsi light orange (222, 132, 054), basal mark at second trochanters and both t4–5, blackish; hind coxa light yellow with three longitudinal stripes, anterior one extending on basal 0.5, lateral one reaching coxa apex and posterior one extending on basal 0.8; hind first trochanter light yellow with basal blackish mark; second trochanter and femur light orange, second trochanter with basal black mark; hind tibia bright yellow (235, 208, 064), apically orangish; extreme apex of hind tibia, tibial spurs and basal 0.4 of t1, dark brown; apical 0.6 of t1 and t2–5, whitish. Metasoma: black; anterior 0.5 and posterior 0.2 of T1, light yellow; T1–7 with posterior bright yellow stripes, progressively wider and occupying lateral areas towards apex, T8 only laterally yellow; S1–7 yellow, S2–5 with anterior dark brown areas.
Male. Fore wing 5.69–9.42 mm long. Generally similar to female, except for the following: scape ventrally light orange, scape dorsally and pedicel dark brown; light yellow areas at collar and dorsal margin of pronotum connected; area over notaulus light yellow; fore and mid coxa without posterior black marks; hind second trochanter almost entirely dark brown; apex of hind femur with dark brown mark; basal 0.5 of hind tibia whitish, apical 0.5 blackish.
Variation. Fore wing 6.69–10.39 mm long. Malar space sometimes partially light yellow; antenna with 21–23 flagellomeres; mesoscutum laterally sometimes with longitudinal light yellow dash; mid tarsus sometimes entirely fuscous. White marks at f10–15 stronger and connected at Mexican specimens. Light orange areas sometimes bright orange (213, 110, 052); dark brown marks at hind tibia and tarsus sometimes blackish; median depression on T1 weak to strong.
Comments. Messatoporus compressicornis is part of a group of four very close species, which apparently form a monophyletic group (see Analysis 2). Along with the recovered synapomorphies, species of that group are generally similar in size and color pattern, and share features like flagellum subapically strongly flattened, postscutellum yellow and T7–8 much longer than T5–6. Among these species, M. compressicornis can be differentiated from M. nigriscapus sp. nov. by having hind femur entirely orange (vs. deep yellow, dorsal face black); mandible basally yellow (vs. entirely black); orbital band complete (vs. shortly interrupted at dorsal margin of eye); collar yellow (vs. black); thyridium about as wide as long (vs. much wider than long); and ovipositor dorsal valve with five moderately strong ridges (vs. four). It can be isolated from both M. keraiopetalus sp. nov. and M. depressifrons sp. nov. by the hind femur entirely orange (vs. ventrally black, dorsally deep yellow); fore and mid femora entirely orange (vs. dorsally with strong longitudinal brown stripes); ovipositor dorsal valve with five moderately strong ridges (vs. four); supra-antennal area with slight median carina (vs. median carina indistinct, represented only by a smoother area or depression); and mesosternum medially without transverse wrinkles (vs. with short transverse wrinkles).
Biology. One specimen from Plummers Island, Maryland, was reared from Trypoxillon collinum rubrocinctum ( Crabronidae ). The species is also recorded in the literature attacking Ancistrocerus tuberculocephalus sutterianus Saussure ( Vespidae , Eumeninae). One paratype from Thomasville, Alabama, was collected on a Quercus sp. Many specimens were collected in urban or rural areas, what may indicate that the species can occupy areas with significant anthropogenic disturbance. Dozens of specimens were collected in fruitfly traps or Steiner traps at Florida during the 1952–1971, in Citrus grove and yards with Citrus trees as part of a monitoring programme for medfly. One specimen from Jacksonville was collected on x Citrofortunella mitis ; one specimen in a soybean field; and one specimen on Hibiscus sp. Some specimens were also collected in a green area behind the Doyle Conner Building, Gainesville, Florida Department of Agriculture. In the material from these collecting events, M. compressicornis was by far more common than the sympatric species M. discoidalis .
Material examined. 150 ♀, 110 ♂♂. Holotype ♀ ( M. compressicornis ) from USA, Pennsylvania, Inglenook, No. 40580. Pinned. Right hind tarsus and right ovipositor sheath missing; otherwise in good shape . Holotype ♀ ( M. major ) from USA, Florida, Orlando. About half of right antenna, mid t5 and both hind legs missing; apical 0.7 of left fore wing detached and sticked to right fore wing; otherwise in good shape. Paratypes ( M. compressicornis ): 1 ♀ from USA, Alabama, Thomasville , 20.IV.1910 , WDPierce, No. 40580, on Quercus sp. ; 1 ♀ from USA, Distict of Columbia , 15.VIII.1898 , No. 4580. 1 ♂ from USA, Pensylvannia, Speeceville , 8.VII.1909 , PRMyers, Paratype 40580, 312. Other specimens: 1 ♀ from USA, Connecticut, Stamford , 13.VIII.1940 , RTLab ( AEIC); 1 ♀, same data except 24.VII.1931 ( USNM) . 1 ♂ from USA, New Jersey, Tabernacle , 11.VI.1939 , Townes ( AEIC) . 1 ♂, same data except Ramsey , 16.VII.1916 ( USNM) . 1 ♀ from USA, Missouri, Wayne Co., Williamsville , V.1968 , JTBecker. 1 ♀ from USA, Kentucky, Golden Pond , VII.1965 , Malaise trap; 1 ♀, same data except V.1965 ( AEIC) ; 1 ♀ from USA, Maryland, Cumberland, nr. Thomas Road , 13.VIII.1960 , CFWMusenbeck; 1 ♀, same data except Plummers Island , 27.VII.1962 , KVKrombein, “Host: Trypoxylon rubro-cinctum Pack. // Year 1962/ Nest M4/ Cell 4”; 1 ♂, same data except 5.VI.1903 , WVWarner. 1 ♀ from USA, Virginia, Fluvanna Co., 1929, WRobinson bequest ( USNM) . 1 ♀, same data except Dunn Loring , 11.IX.1949 , KVKrombein. 1 ♂ from USA, North Carolina, Souther Pines , 31.X.1950 , Townes. 1 ♂ from USA, South Carolina, Greenville Co., Mt. Lake , 1.VIII.1950 , HTownes & GTownes; 1 ♀, same data except McClelanville , 15.V.1944 , Townes & Townes; 1 ♀, same data except Cleveland , 29.IX.1975 , GFTownes; 1 ♂, same data except 25.V.1971 , GTownes family; 1 ♀, same data except 24.V.1971 ; 1 ♂, same data except 1.VI.1971 ; 1 ♀, same data except 20.V.1971 , N.714–250. 1 ♂ from USA, Texas, Kerrville , 1.V.1988 , Townes & Townes; 5 ♂, same data except 4.V.1988 ; 2 ♀, 3 ♂, same data except 6.V.1988 ; 1 ♂, same data except 8.V.1988 ; 1 ♂, same data except 18.V.1988 . 4 ♂ from USA, Alabama, Gulfshores , 25.IV.1968 , Townes & Townes; 1 ♂, same data except 24.IV.1968 ; 2 ♂, same data except 23.IV.1968 ; 1 ♂, same data except 22.IV.1968 . 1 ♀ from USA, Georgia, Sapelo Island , 15.VII–9.VIII.1987 , LMasner & party ( AEIC). 1 ♀ from USA, Georgia, Atlanta , 21.V.1935 ; 1 ♀, same data except 8.VIII.1941 , PWFattig; 1 ♂, same data except 11.VII.1941 ; 1 ♂, same data except 23.VII.1942 ( USNM) . 4 ♂♂, same data except Smyrna, Pt. 3, 26.V.1983 , Malaise trap, Gupta; 2 ♀, 7 ♂♂, same data except VI.1983 ; 4 ♂♂, same data except VII.1983 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except VIII.1983 ( FSCA) . 1 ♀ from USA, Florida, Fort. Myers , V.1968 , GHeinrich ( CNCI); 1 ♀, same data except 22.V.1967 ; 1 ♀ 1♂, same data except 28.IV.1970 , 1 ♀, same data except 5.V.1969 ( ZSMC) ; 1 ♂ from USA, Florida , Alachua Co., 2 mi N Gainesville, 30.IX.1974 , HDavis & WJetter, Cypress Dome Project; 1 ♀, same data except Bradenton , 7.X.1963 , Steiner trap, DCChancey; 1 ♀, same data except 16.IX.1964 ; 2 ♀, same data except 10.XI,1965 ; 1 ♀ 2 ♂, same data except Clay Co., Gold Gench Branch State Park, Ravine hardwoods, 15.III–2.IV.1996 , Malaise trap, CPorter & LStange; 1 ♂, same data except 2.IV–5.V.1996 ; 2 ♂, same data except 1–14.VII, 1996 ; 1 ♂, same data except VI.1997 ; 1 ♀, same data except Ravine mixed wood, 5–26.IV.1996 ; 1 ♀ 2 ♂, same data except 15.V.1996 ; 1 ♂, same data except 15.VI.1996 ; 1 ♀, same data except Orange Park , 18.IV.1970 , trap unknown, ZFZeiger; 1 ♀, same data except Collier Co., Everglades City , 11.VI.1974 , JBHeppner ( FSCA); 1 ♀, same data except Everglades, Royal Palm Ham. , 2.V–2.VIII.1985 , SPeck & JPeck ( AEIC). 1 ♀, same data except Lake Co., Leesburg , 16.X.1961 , CHCurran ( AMNH); 1 ♀, same data except Coral Gables , 25.III.1949 , ODLink, “ in trap ” ; 1 ♀, same data except 22.VII.1958 , RWSwanson; 1 ♀, same data except Dade City , 15.X.1963 , Steiner trap, GFWade Sr.; 1 ♀, same data except 29.IV.1964 , GVBarber; 1 ♀, same data except Dade Co ,m Ross & Castello Hammock, 9.IV.1959 , trap unknown, HVWeems Jr.; 1 ♂, same data except 30.III.1963 ; 1 ♀, same data except De Land, 9.X.1961 , fruit fly trap, GWDesin; 1 ♀, same data except Fruitville , 23.III.1961 , CLYax; 1 ♀, same data except De Leon Springs, 20.VIII.1963 , Steiner trap, GWDesin; 1 ♀, same data except Ellenton , 14.XI.1962 , Medfly trap, DCChancey ( FSCA) ; 1 ♀, same data except Gainesville , III.1986 , JLaSalle ( AEIC); 1 ♀, same data except 610 NW 54th Terr. , mixed pine /hardwoods, 15.V.1997 , unknown trap, LStange; 1 ♀, same data except Gainesville, Beville Hts , 15–30.IV.1986 , LStange; 1 ♂, same data except 16–30.XI.1986 ; 1 ♂, same data except AEI, 25–30.IV, 1986, Malaise trap, JLaSalle ; 1 ♀, same data except Foyle Conner Building , 10.IX.1973 , EEGrissel; 1 ♂, same data except 11.IX ; 1 ♂, same data except 12.IX ; 1 ♀, same data except 30.V–10.VI.1986 , CPorter; 1 ♀, same data except 23.X.1989 ; 1 ♀, same data except 8.V.1994 ; 1 ♀, same data except DPI, 5.III.1982 , LStange; 1 ♂, same data except 25.III.1982 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pierce’s Homestead , 24.III.1970 , WHPierce; 2 ♂, same data except 25.III.1976 ; 1 ♂, same data except Rock Cr., Pt. 1, 1.XI.1984 , Gupta; 2 ♂, same data except Summer creek , 26.VI–9.VII.1988 , CPorter; 1 ♂, same data except 16–20.X.1989 ; 1 ♂, same data except UF Campus, Pt. 3, 20.V.1985 , JBrambila; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 1, 1.VII.1985 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 2, 10.VII.1985 ; 1 ♂, same data except 15.VII.1985 ; 1 ♂, same data except 21.VII.1985 ; 1 ♂, same data except 15.VIII.1985 ; 1 ♂, same data except 28.IV.1986 ; 3 ♂, same data except 21.VII.1986 ; 1 ♂, same data except Gainesville , 16.III.1982 , LStange; 1 ♀, same data except Gilett , 9.XI.1961 , Steiner trap, DCChancey; 1 ♀, same data except Haleah , 22.I.1962 , HVWeems Jr.; 1 ♀, same data except Hardee Co., Lemomn Grove , 25.XI.1966 , RHRhodes; 1 ♀, same data except Sweet Water , 17.XI.1964 ; 1 ♂, same data except Highlands Co., Archbold Biological Station , 23.III.1978 , insect fly trap, HVWeems Jr & LLLampert Jr; 1 ♂, same data except 14.V.1978 , LLLampert Jr.; ♂, same data except 15.V.1978 ; 1 ♂, same data except “ 31.IV.1978 ” ( FSCA) ; 1 ♂, same data except Lake Placid, Archbold Biological Station , 5.VI.1967 ( ZSMC) ; 1 ♀, same data except Hillsborough Co., Lutz , 23.XII.1972 , Steiner trap, KCLowery; 1 ♀, same data except Holy Hill , 11.VI.1963 , JNPott; 7 ♂, same data except Homestead, Tropical Reseach and Education Center , Pt. 15, 8.IV.1988 , unknown trap, Gupta; 1 ♀, same data except 25.IX.1949 , Link & Calkins ( USNM) ; 1 ♀, same data except 21.VIII.1949 , DWCalkins; 1 ♀, same data except 10.IX.1949 , ODLink; 1 ♀, same data except Duval Co., Jacksonville, Oaks Road , 5.X.1982 , unknown trap, GVirgona, “ on Citrofortunella mitis ” ; 2 ♀, same data except Leon Co., Tall Timbers Research Station, Pt. 6, 8–17.V.1983 , Malaise trap, Gupta; 1 ♂, same data except 18–24.V.1983 ; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. 10, VI.1983 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. 7, 25.IV.1984 ; 1 ♀, same data except Lily , 14.XI.1963 , Steiner trap, R.H. Rhodes; 1 ♀, same data except Manatee Co., 2.VI.1961 , fruit fly trap, DCChancey; 1 ♀, same data except 5.VI.1961 ; 1 ♀, same data except 4.IV.1962 ; 1 ♀, same data except 31.X.1962 ; 1 ♀, same data except 24.I.1952 , Steiner trap; 1 ♀, same data except 21.VI.1961 ; 1 ♀, same data except 4.VIII.1961 ; 1 ♀, same data except 31.VIII.1961 ; 1 ♀, same data except 4.X.1961 ; 1 ♀, same data except 5.X.1961 ; 1 ♀, same data except 17.X.1961 ; 1 ♀, same data except 30.X.1961 ; 1 ♀, same data except 15.X.1962 ; 1 ♀, same data except 29.X.1962 ; 1 ♀, same data except 4.X.1963 ; 2 ♀, same data except 24.X.1963 ; 1 ♀, same data except 29.IV.1964 ; 1 ♀, same data except 3.VIII.1964 ; 1 ♀, same data except 15.X.1964 ; 1 ♀, same data except 28.X.1964 ; 1 ♀, same data except 29.XII.1965 ; 3 ♀, same data except 21.XI.1967 ; 1 ♀, same data except Bethany , 5.V.1966 ; 1 ♀, same data except Cortez , 15.XI.1971 , fruit fly trap; 1 ♀, same data except Duette , 8.II.1867 , Steiner trap; 1 ♀, same data except Harrison Hammock , 16.VI.1964 ; same data except Parrish , 25.V.1967 ; 1 ♀, same data except Marion Co., Ocala Natural Forest , 10.IX.1963 , TRAdkins; 1 ♀, same data except Melrose , 8.XI.1960 , unknown trap, REWoodruff; 1 ♀, same data except Miami , 2.V.1949 , ODLink, “ in trap ” ; 1 ♀, same data except 9.IX.1949 , ODLink ( FSCA); 1 ♀, same data except 50 km SW Miami , 28.VII–15.IX.1985 , Peck ( AEIC) ; 1 ♀, same data except Monroe Co., 11.XII.1931 , CDBaxcus; 1 ♀, same data except new Smyrna Beach , 21.VII.1961 , fruit fly trap, GWDesin; 1 ♀, same data except Ona , 9.XI.1962 , Steiner trap, RHRhodes; 1 ♀, same data except Orange Co., X.1931 , McPhail trap, ODLink; 1 ♀, same data except X.1936 ; 1 ♀, same data except Orlando , 15.XI.1961 , fruit fly trap, JRWooley; 3 ♀, same data except 7.VIII.1962 , Steiner trap, NPolt; 1 ♀, same data except 25.V.1967 , RJMorgott; 1 ♀, same data except 26.V.1967 , “soil”; 1 ♀, same data except Orlevista , 1.VII.1948 , unknown trap, ODLink, “at Hibiscus ”; 1 ♀, same data except Palm Beach Co., Belle Glade , 19.X.1965 , CESeiler; 1 ♀, same data except 3.X.1972 , “insectary screen”; 1 ♂, same data except 24.X.1972 ; 1 ♂, same data except 13.XI.1972 ; 1 ♂, same data except 14.XI.1972 ; 1 ♀, same data except 25.VIII.1974 , insect fly trap, “2:00 PM” ; 1 ♀, same data except Palma Sola , 30.I.1967 , Steiner trap, DCChancey; 1 ♀, same data except palmetto, 21.VIII.1964 ; 1 ♀, same data except 22.XII.1965 ; 2 ♀, same data except 22.XI.1966 ; 1 ♀, same data except 20.XII.1966 ; 1 ♂, same data except Sanford, Central Florida Research and Education Center , Pt. 11, 9.IV.1987 , unknown trap, AAli; 3 ♂♂, same data except 14.IV.1987 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except 22.IV.1987 ; 2 ♂♂, same data except 28.IV.1987 ; 1 ♀, same data except 27.X.1987 ; 1 ♀, same data except Sarasota , 23.IX.1960 , Medfly trap, CLYax; 1 ♀, same data except 17.XI.1960 , fruit fly trap; 1 ♀, same data except 31.X.1961 ; 1 ♀, same data except 3.IX.1963 , Steiner trap; 1 ♀, same data except 10.X.1963 ; 1 ♀, same data except 15.X.1963 ; 1 ♀, same data except 29.XI.1963 ; 1 ♀, same data except 19.V.1964 ; 1 ♀, same data except 28.XI.1962 , FBGorsky; 2 ♀, same data except Siesta Key , 22.V.1963 , EHFrederic; 1 ♀, same data excetpt St. Petersburg , 29.VIII.1962 , WCCarrol ( FSCA); 1 ♂, same data except Tarpon Springs , 21.III.1950 , Townes ( AEIC) ; 1 ♀, same data except Tampa , 29.IV.1964 , TJFavoroso; 1 ♀, same data except Vero Beach, Florida Medican Entomological Laboratory, Pt. 13, X.1983 , unknown trap, Nayar; 1 ♀, same data except 3 mi. S Wauchula , 4.XII.1963 , Steiner trap, RHRhodes; 1 ♀, same data except Daytona Beach , 20.VI.1961 , GWDesin; 1 ♀, same data except 13.XII.1961 , fruit fly trap; 1 ♀, same data except Fr. Pierce, 28.III.1961 , EE Prange; 1 ♀, same data except 29.XI.1961 , unknown trap; 1 ♀, same data except Mount Dorsa , 23.VI.1961 , Steiner trap, CLFelshaw; 1 ♀, same data except Dade Co., 6.V.1983 , PJLandolt, “USDA lab”; 1 ♀, same data except Duval Co., Jacksonville , 3.X.1982 , trap unknown, CVirgona, “on Citrofortunella mitis ” (FSCA) ; 1 ♂, same data except Paradise key, 7.IV.1951 , Townes & Townes; 1 ♀, same data except 12.IV.1951 ( AEIC) ; 1 ♂ from MEXICO, Tamaulipas, Gomez Farías, Reserva El Cielo, Los Cedros. 20–21.V.1993 , RWharton ( TAMU).
Distribution. Widely distributed throughout eastern USA and Mexico ( Fig. 313 View FIGURES 313–320 ). In the USA, it reaches from Connecticut in the north to southern Florida, and west until Missouri. In Mexico it was recorded from several sites on the eastern coast. It was not collected in Texas, which would seem to be a natural transition from southeastern USA to northern Mexico. Specimens of M. discoidalis , however, have been collected at many sites in Texas; the absence of specimens of M. compressicornis may indicate that M. compressicornis is really absent in the extreme south of the USA. Messatoporus compressicornis occurs in sympatry with M. discoidalis in all of its distribution, but it seems not to overlap its distribution with its close Central American species.
Cushman, R. A. (1929) A revision of the north American Ichneumon-flies of the genus Mesostenus and related genera. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 74 (2761), 1 - 58. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.74 - 2761.1
Kasparyan, D. R. & Ruiz, E. C. (2005) A review of the North American species of Messatoporus Cushman (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Cryptini). Zoosystematica Rossica, 14 (1), 105 - 122.
Kasparyan, D. R. & Ruiz, E. C. (2008) Cryptini de Mexico (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Cryptinae) Parte II. Serie Avispas parasiticas de plagas de plagas y otros insectos. Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Victoria, Mexico, 377 pp.
Townes, H. K. & Townes, M. (1962) Ichneumon-flies of American north of Mexico: 3 Subfamily Gelinae, Tribe Mesostenini. United States National Museum Bulletin, 213 (3), 1 - 602. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 03629236.216.1 - 3
Yu, D. S. & Horstmann, K. (1997) A catalogue of world Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 58, 1558 pp.
Yu, D. S., Achterberg, C. & Horstmann, K. (2005) Interactive Catalogue of World Ichneumonoidea Taxonomy, biology, morphology and distribution Compact Disc (Master version). Taxapad. Vancouver, Canada.
FIGURES 71–75. Lateral view. 71, M. compressicornis*. 72, M. nigriscapus*. 73, M. depressifrons*. 74, M. keraiopetalus. 75, M. arcuatus.
FIGURES 260–271. 260–261, Gena, lateral. 260, M. longicaudis*. 261, M. compressicornis. 262–264, Antenna. 262, M. tibiator. 263, M. compresscornis. 264, M. antennator, male. 265–266, Hind t4. 265, M. paeneater*. 266, M. nigriscutus*. 267–271, Metasoma and ovipositor. 267, M. opacus*. 268, M. discoidalis. 269, M. longicaudis*. 270, M. convexus. 271, M. townesi.
FIGURES 279–288. Ovipositor tip. 279, M. discoidalis. 280, M. paradoxus*. 281, M. tibiator. 282, M. citreocephalus*. 283, M. teutonicus*. 284, M. compressicornis. 285, M. nigriscutus*. 286, M. bennetti*. 287, M. semiaurantigaster*. 288, M. titans*.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Messatoporus compressicornis Cushman 1929
Santos, Bernardo F. & Aguiar, Alexandre P. 2013 |
Messatoporus compressicornis
Cushman, R. A. 1929: 13 |