Messatoporus transversostriatus (Spinola 1840)

Santos, Bernardo F. & Aguiar, Alexandre P., 2013, <strong> Phylogeny and revision of <em> Messatoporus </ em> Cushman (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), with descriptions of sixty five new species </ strong>, Zootaxa 3634 (1), pp. 1-284 : 195-198

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Felipe (2021-08-25 00:16:44, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 18:07:08)

scientific name

Messatoporus transversostriatus (Spinola 1840)


Messatoporus transversostriatus (Spinola 1840) View in CoL

( Figs 67 View FIGURES 66–70 , 133–137 View FIGURES 133–137 , 140 View FIGURES 139–152 , 185 View FIGURES 180–188 , 253 View FIGURES 242–259 , 370 View FIGURES 369–376 )

* Mesostenus transversostriatus Spinola : 39. Description. Holotype ♂ (MRSN, pictures examined). Type data: [ Brazil] Pará. Mesostenus transversostriatus: Dalla Torre 1902 . Listed.

Mesostenus transversostriatus: Schmiedeknecht 1908:57 . Listed.

* Messatoporus transversostriatus: Townes & Townes 1966 View in CoL . Generic transfer.

Messatoporus transversostriatus: Yu & Horstmann 1997:274 View in CoL . Listed.

Messatoporus transversostriatus: Yu et al. 2005 View in CoL . Listed.

Female. Fore wing 14.69 mm. HEAD: Mandible densely covered with moderately long hairs; MLW 1.63; MWW 0.32; dorsal tooth in front view projected upwards, much longer than ventral tooth; ventral tooth somewhat rhomboid. MSM 0.37. Clypeus basally convex, apically abruptly flattened, centrally concave; CHW 2.62; CWW 3.11; apical area medially concave, laterally slightly projected, its margin very sharp, raised. Antenna with 24 flagellomeres; flagellum uniform; apex of apical flagellomere about as wide as base, not distinctly tapered. Supraantennal area shiny, scarcely punctate, not striate near antennal sockets, ventrally and around ocelli distinctly concave, dorsally with very weak median line, ventrally fading. Fading out at distance about as long as basal width of mandible from the hypostomal carina. Temple and gena moderately wide, gena somewhat swollen and projected (as in Fig. 261 View FIGURES 260–271. 260–261 ).

THORAX: Pronotum sparsely pilose, shiny, densely punctate, ventrally weakly rugulose, with moderately strong striation restricted to ventral corner; epomia moderately strong, complete, moderately long, ending near dorsal margin of pronotum, after diverging from pronotal collar distinctly curved. Mesoscutum moderately convex, flattened posteriorly, ovoid, 1.24 × as long as wide, densely covered with short hairs, shiny, densely punctate; notaulus reaching about 0.76 of mesoscutum length, deeply impressed, surface over notaulus with weak and short transverse wrinkles; scuto-scutellar groove moderately deep, with distinct longitudinal wrinkles. Subalar ridge moderately projected; epicnemial carina apically very weak, reaching about 0.7 of distance to subalar ridge, distinctly sinuous; sternaulus complete and strong, wider on posterior apex, strongly sinuous, with weak vertical wrinkles; scrobe very shallow; mesopleural suture with strong longitudinal wrinkles along entire length. Mesosternum medially with short transverse wrinkles; median portion of posterior transverse carina of the mesothoracic venter indistinct. Transverse sulcus at base of propodeum moderately wide, about 0.49 × as long as anterior area of propodeum, impunctate; metapleuron moderately punctate, posteriorly also weakly rugulose, without transverse wrinkles, dorsally moderately pilose, ventrally densely pilose; juxtacoxal carina absent. Fore tibia distinctly swollen. Mesal lobe of t4 with a distinct cluster of stout bristles. Hind coxa with moderately strong punctures separated by about their own diameter, dorsally foveolate.

PROPODEUM: 1.17 × as long as wide, shiny, moderately pilose; anterior area sparsely punctate, with a median cluster of punctures, or moderately punctate; spiracle elongate, SWL 5.87; anterior transverse carina medially slightly arched forwards. Propodeal wrinkles anteriorly very close and moderately strong, posteriorly stronger and more widely spaced, mostly complete, often ramificated, mostly slightly curved or somewhat sinuous; posterior transverse carina entirely absent.

WINGS: Fore wing vein 1-Rs+M distinctly sinuous, with bulla placed around its midlength; crossvein 1m-cu irregular, limit between 1m-cu and 1-Rs+M more or less traceable; vein 1M+Rs anteriorly irregular, posteriorly curved; fore wing crossvein 1 cu-a basad of 1M+Rs by 0.36 of its own length; vein 2Cua 0.72 × as long as crossvein 2cu-a; bulla of crossvein 2m-cu placed on midlength; cell 1+2Rs small, APH 0.57, pentagonal, distinctly wider than high, AWH 1.39; crossvein 3r-m partially spectral, 2r-m and 3r-m subparallel, about same length; vein 3-M distinctly shorter than 2-M; 4-Rs distinctly sinuous; 4-M tubular, straight. Hind wing vein 1-M forming distinctly obtuse angle with vein Cua; vein 2-Rs entirely tubular, apically weaker, reaching wing margin; HW1C 0.72; vein Cub distinctly convex on posterior half, forming distinctly obtuse angle with vein Cua (basally curved); vein 2-1A reaching 0.93 of distance to posterior wing margin.

METASOMA: First tergite moderately long, about 0.42 × as long as T2–8, somewhat depressed, ventrolaterally rounded, dorsally glabrate, laterally moderately pilose; T1LW 4.12; T1WW 1.64; spiracle on 0.5 of its length, distinctly prominent; median depression elongate, distinct; lateral and median posterior depressions absent; ventrolateral carina absent. T2LW 1.32; T2WW 1.69; thyridium longer than wide, without small circular depression just behind it; T2–8 minutely coriarious, moderately and uniformly pilose except glabrate posterodorsal area in T2–3. OST 1.31; ovipositor moderately stout, straight, basally cylindric, apically distinctly depressed; dorsal valve with five moderately strong ridges; ventral valve apex with 8 teeth, apical teeth progressively more closely spaced; surface anterior to first tooth not rugulose.

Color. Head, mesosoma and metasoma black and pale or light yellow, with orange marks. Head: black; clypeus, mandible except apex, mouthparts, supra-clypeal area and complete orbital band, pale yellow (241,223,163); f6–10 entirely white, f5 and f11 partially white. Mesosoma: black; collar, dorsal margin of pronotum, subcircular spot on mesoscutum, scutellar carina, scutellum except posterior margin, axillar carinae, tegula, subalar ridge, central mark on mesopleuron reaching ventral margin, most of mesosternum, dorsal 0.2 of mesepimeron, dorsal division of metapleuron, posterior 0.3 of metapleuron, lateral triangular mark at anterior area of propodeum and lateral posterior mark on propodeum (somewhat with shape of an inverted “J”), pale yellow; ventral 0.3 of metapleuron dark orange; fore coxa pale yellow, with apical dark brown mark; remainder of fore leg bright yellow (234,208,045), fore trochanter with dorsal blackish stripe, femur with dorsal and ventral blackish stripes, dorsal one apically fading; fore t5 dorsally blackish; mid and hind coxae and first trochanters brownish orange (163,072,038), with weak basal blackish marks; mid second trochanter deep yellow, apically orangish; hind second trochanter and femur deep orange with small apical blackish marks; mid femur, mid and hind tibiae and tarsi, bright yellow; mid femur with dorsal and ventral blackish stripes, dorsal one apically fading; mid t5 dorsally fuscous; hind tibia apically brownish, hind tarsus apically whitish. Metasoma: black; T1 orange on basal 0.25, light yellow on apical 0.15, ventrolaterally orange on basal 0.8; S1 orange; T2–7 with apical light yellow stripes, stripes progressively extending laterally; T2–5 with sparse basal brownish marks; T8 laterally light yellow; S2–6 pale yellow with progressively smaller lateral brownish marks.

Male. Fore wing 7.97–12.18 mm long. Very similar to female, except that slightly more pilose; antenna with 27–31 flagellomeres; all of the other observed variations between males and females are also found, usually in higher degree, between females of different localities (see below).

Variation. Fore wing 14.69–16.66 mm long. Malar space completely black to completely white, most specimens intermediary between the two states; wrinkles on pronotum and mesopleuron sometimes very weak; orange area on T1 dorsally sometimes reaching basal 0.7; ovipositor sometimes very slightly upcurved. Black and pale yellow areas at meso and metasoma variously turning to bright orange (210,093,037) or brownish orange (161,061,022). Specimen from Chapada dos Veadeiros with almost indistinct wrinkles on pronotum and mesopleuron. Specimens from Uruguay with anterior transverse carina medially distinctly arched forwards.

Messatoporus transversostriatus shows a very wide array of variation in its color patterns, varying mostly in the extension of orange areas at the meso and metasoma. Some specimens have an almost entirely black and yellow pattern, with other specimens showing various orange marking. Specimen with most extensively orange mesosoma (from Cochabamba) with the following orange areas: ventral 0.6 of epicnemium and mesopleuron, mesosternum, metapleural triangle, metapleuron, lateral and central portions of anterior area of propodeum, most of posterior area (except yellow marks and anterior black portion), most of fore coxa, trochanters and femur, mid femur, mid and hind coxae and trochanters without blackish marks. Specimens with most extensively orange metasoma (from Nova Teutônia and Belo Horizonte) with all black areas turning to orange. Most specimens present an intermediary pattern between the one in the Description (less extensively orange) and the most extensively orange specimens. The holotype at MRSN has the following orange areas: ventral 0.5 of mesopleuron posteriorly, mesosternum, metapleural triangle, metapleuron, fore trochanters and femur and mid femur. Some males with apical blackish marks at hind femur; one male with central mark on mesopleuron medially divided in two separate marks; one male with posterior marks on propodeum medially connected, forming a single somewhat M-shaped mark. Messatoporus transversostratus might be a complex of several very close species, but this investigation demands a detailed study, which is beyond the scope of the present work. There are no distinctive boundaries to divide the apparently continuous variation observed into different species.

Comments. Very similar to M. titans sp. nov., both in general morphology and color patterns, particularly on propodeum and mesopleuron. In fact, M. titans can be easily mistaken with of the most extensively black specimens of M. transversostriatus , except for the following characters: mid and hind coxae, hind trochanters and femur mostly bright to dark orange (vs. coxae black and whitish, hind trochanters and femur dark brown); S1 whitish (vs. black); ovipositor ventral valve with eight teeth (vs. four); dorsal valve with five moderately strong ridges (vs. three); and scuto-scutellar groove with distinct longitudinal wrinkles (vs. smooth).

M. transversostriatus is also similar to M. amplithorax sp. nov., from which it can be isolated by having two sublateral yellowish spots at anterior area of propodeum; yellow marks at posterior area wider anteriorly (vs. wider posteriorly; Figs 181, 183 View FIGURES 180–188 ); T2 anteriorly without sublateral yellowish marks (vs. with ovoid sublateral marks); mandible except apex pale yellow (vs. entirely black); central mark on mesopleuron connected to yellow spot at subalar ridge or almost so (vs. distinctly separated); anterior transverse carina medially slightly arched forwards (vs. straight); and ovipositor ventral valve with eight teeth (vs. five). It can be differentiated from M. interceptus sp. nov. by the yellowish marks at anterior area of propodeum, mandible except apex yellow, central mark on mesopleuron connected to subalar ridge, and also by the complete orbital band (vs. interrupted at dorsal margin of eye); propodeum large, in lateral view almost as high as thorax (vs. small and somewhat rounded, distinctly shorter than thorax in lateral view – Fig. 69 View FIGURES 66–70 ); T1 laterally at least partially blackish (vs. laterally yellow); and ovipositor dorsal valve with five moderately strong ridges (vs. three).

The most extensively orange specimens of M. transversostriatus can also be mistaken with specimens of M. nigriscutus sp. nov., particularly because both species have generally large size and occur in sympatry along southern and southeastern Brazil. However, M. transversostriatus can be isolated from M. nigriscutus by having pronotum, mesoscutum and anterior area of propodeum with whitish or pale yellow marks (vs. entirely black); orbital band complete (vs. widely interrupted); epomia complete (vs. distinct only after diverging from collar); notaulus with distinct transverse wrinkles (vs. smooth); and anterior transverse carina of propodeum medially slightly arched forwards (vs. straight).

Biology. Specimens from Minas Gerais were reared from nests of unidentified Pompilidae (labeled as “ Psammocharidae ”). One specimen, from Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo, was collected in a suspended Malaise trap installed about 6 meters high, near the top of a tree.

Material examined. 39 ♀, 12 ♂♂. Pictures of the holotype. Pinned. Very dirty and badly broken; apical third of right antenna, right fore t2–5, both mid t2–5, both hind tarsi and anterior and apical portions of right fore wing missing; right hind wing with a cleft around its midlength; left antenna and metasoma broken and re-glued to paper card. Other specimens : 1 ♀ from PANAMA, Canal Zone, Corozal , 30.V.1937, RBliss, “in jungle.” 2 ♀ drom PANAMA, Darien, Parque Nacional Darien, Pire, Estación Rancho Frio , 80 m, 21.III–4.IV.2000, Cambra, Santos & Bermudez ; 1 ♀, same data except 16.XI.2000 – 17.I.2001 . 1 ♀ from FRENCH GUYANA, Nouragues, Saut Parraré , 10.XI.2009, S.E. A.G. ( UFES) 1 ♀ from SURINAME, Paramaribo, Ma Retraite , 18–23.II.1964, DCGeijskes . 1 ♀ from COLOMBIA, Chocó, PNN Utrio, ocalito Dosel , 20 m, 16.VIII–7.IX.2000, JPérez . 1 ♂ from COLOMBIA, Vichada, PN Tuparo, Bosque da Sabana , 140 m, 8–28.VIII.2000, Wvillalba ( AEIC) . 1 ♂ from GUYANA, Bartica , 6.VI.1901 ( ZMHB) . 1 ♀ from PERU, Quincemil, nr. Marcapata , 750 m, IX.1962, Lpeña ( AEIC) . 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, Pará, Óbidos, Colônia Rio Branco , X.1953, FMOliveira, Coleção Campos Seabra ( MNRJ) . 1 ♀ from BRAZIL ( ZMUC) . 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, Bahia, Ipiaú, Fazenda Afegan, Pt. 2, 21.XII.2002, Malaise trap, JCardoso & JMaia . 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, Goiás, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, Pt. 12, 23–25.IX.2005, Malaise trap, APAguiar et al . 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, Espírito Santo, Santa Teresa, Estação Biológica Santa Lúcia, Trilha principal, dossel 6 m, 6.XI–12.XI.2005, Malaise trap, MTTavares et al .; 1 ♀, same data except Guarapari, Parque Estadual Paulo César Vinha, Restinga , 15–23.V.2006, Malaise trap, RKawada et al .; 1 ♀, same data except Pt. M 4, 8–15.V.2006 ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. M 8, 2–9.XI.2006, BCAraújo & MSantos ; 1 ♂, same data except Pt. M 1, 2–10.XII.2006 . 1 ♂ from BRAZIL, Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Estação Ecológica UFMG, 10.IV.1992, HRPimenta, “12B(20-05-93) ex. Psammocharidae ; 2 ♀, same data except 26.IV.1994, HRPimenta, “4A.EE 26.04.94 *20.5.94 // ref. 3&4” ; 1 ♂, same data except 17.VIII ; 1 ♀, same data except 25.V., “A1 de 25/5 último a *5/10 // ref. 10” ; 1 ♀, same data but without collecting dates ; 1 ♀, same data except “ C. Pref –UFMG// 21.A.7 // ex Psammocharidae ”, 5.IV.1995 ; 1 ♀, same data except 1.VIII.1996, “21.A.4 // ex. Psammocharidae ; 1 ♀, same data but without collecting dates, “21.A.3 // ex. Psammocharidae .” 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, Minas Gerais, Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, Trilha do Vinhático , 26.VII–1.VIII.2006, Malaise trap, JCRFontenelle ( UFES) . 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro ( NRMS) . 1 ♀, same data except Parque Nacional da Floresta da Tijuca [“Distrito Federal” on label], Represa do Cigano , 30.X.1943, NSantos, cc. 336 ( MNRJ) . 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, São Paulo, Descalvado, Fazenda Itaúna, Pt. A1, 20.X.2005, Malaise trap, NWPerioto et al. ( IBRP) . 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, Paraná, Campina Grande, nr. Curitiba , 20.II.1966, Townes & Townes . 1 ♀ from BRAZIL, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia , 300–500 m, 16.III.1948, FPlaumann ; 1 ♀, same data except 1.IV.1948 ; 1 ♀, same data except 31.X.1952 ; 1 ♂, same data except 2.I.1953 ; 1 ♀, same data except 27.I.1953 ( AEIC) ; 1 ♀, same data except 11.II.1962, FPlaumann ; 2 ♂♂, same data except II.1966 ; 1 ♂, same data except 2.III.1967 ; 1 ♂, same data except 3.III.1967 ( CNCI) ; 1 ♀, same data except I.1968 ; 1 ♂, same data except II.1968 ( AEIC) ; 1 ♀, same data except 20.II.1968 ; 1 ♀, same data except XII.1968 ( CNCI) . 1 ♀ from BOLIVIA, Cochabamba, Vila Tunari , 11.IX.2001, Malaise, HHeider, “tropical forest” ( CNCI) . 1 ♀ from BOLIVIA, Beni, Rio Itenez opposite Costa Marques (Brazil), 1–3.IX.1964, Bouseman & Lussenhop . 1 ♂ from URUGUAY, Tacuarembó, 40 km NW Tacuarembó , 2–9.II.1963, JKBouseman . 1 ♀ from URUGUAY, Cerro Largo, Sierra de Vaz, Rio Tacuari , 20 km SE Melo, 23–26.III.1963, JKBouseman . 1 ♀ from URUGUAY, Rio Negro, 15 km S Paysandu , 27.XII.1962 – 6.I.1963, RGVanGelder ( AMNH) .

Distribution. Widely distributed at South America, from northern Panama to Uruguay, including also Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, Peru, Bolivia and several records throughout Brazil ( Fig. 370 View FIGURES 369–376 ). The records correspond to various environments, climates and vegetation types, but most specimens were collected in sites from 80– 500 m. That may indicate that Messatoporus transversostriatus is typical of lowlands and midlands.

Dalla Torre, C. G. (1902) Catalogus Hymenopterorum. Volumen III. Trigonalidae, Megalyridae, Stephenidae, Ichneumonidae, Agriotypidae, Evaniidae, Pelecinidae. Guilelmi Engelmann. Lipsiae. 1901, 1 - 544. 1902, 545 - 1141.

Schmiedeknecht, O. (1908) Hymenoptera. Fam. Ichneumonidae. Subfamilie Cryptinae. Genera Insectorum, 75, 165 pp.

Townes, H. K. & Townes, M. (1966) A catalogue and reclassification of the Neotropic Ichneumonidae. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 8, 1 - 367.

Yu, D. S. & Horstmann, K. (1997) A catalogue of world Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 58, 1558 pp.

Yu, D. S., Achterberg, C. & Horstmann, K. (2005) Interactive Catalogue of World Ichneumonoidea Taxonomy, biology, morphology and distribution Compact Disc (Master version). Taxapad. Vancouver, Canada.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 66–70. Lateral view. 66, M. titans*. 67, M. transversostriatus. 68, M. amplithorax. 69, M. interceptus. 70, M. allomeros*.

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FIGURES 133–137. Lateral view of specimens of M. transversostriatus showing intra–specific color variation.

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FIGURES 139–152. Head, frontal view. 139, M. nigriscutus*. 140, M. transversostriatus. 141, M. maculiscus. 142, M. laevilatus. 143, M. elektor*. 144, M. versicolor*. 52. 145, M. opacus*. 146, M. semialbiventris*. 147, M. lunatus*. 148, M. bimaculatus*. 149, M. andinus*. 150, M. bennetti*. 151, M. teutonicus*. 152, M. paeneater*.

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FIGURES 180–188. Propodeum, dorsal view. 180, M. concavivenus*. 181, M. teutonicus. 182, M. semialbiventris*. 183, M. orientalis*. 184, M. euryoikos. 185, M. transversostriatus. 186, M. titans*. 187, M. amplithorax. 188, M. lordos.

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FIGURES 242–259. Wings. 242–253, Fore wing. 242, M. convexus. 243, M. teutonicus. 244, M. anepomius*. 245, M. andinus. 246, M. apertus. 247, M. paraguayensis. 248, M. jalapa. 249, M. euryoikos. 250, M. copiosus. 251, M. lissonotus. 252, M. unidentatus. 253, M. transversostriatus. 254–259, Hind wing. 254, M. amplithorax. 255, M. andinus. 256, M. teutonicus. 257, M. euryoikos. 258, M. copiosus. 259, M. ellipsicavus.

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FIGURES 369–376. Distribution maps for species of Messatoporus. 369 M. townesi. 370, M. transversostriatus. 371, M. unidentatus. 372, M. unimaculatus. 373, M. variegatus. 374, M. versicolor. 375, M. xanthogaster. 376, M. zonatus.

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FIGURES 260–271. 260–261, Gena, lateral. 260, M. longicaudis*. 261, M. compressicornis. 262–264, Antenna. 262, M. tibiator. 263, M. compresscornis. 264, M. antennator, male. 265–266, Hind t4. 265, M. paeneater*. 266, M. nigriscutus*. 267–271, Metasoma and ovipositor. 267, M. opacus*. 268, M. discoidalis. 269, M. longicaudis*. 270, M. convexus. 271, M. townesi.


Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo


American Entomological Institute


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Institute for Breeding Research, Tokyo University of Agriculture


Canadian National Collection Insects


American Museum of Natural History











