Habrocestoides wulingoides, Peng Xian-jin & Xie Li-ping, 1995

Peng Xian-jin & Xie Li-ping, 1995, Spiders of the genus Habrocestoides from China (Araneae: Salticidae), Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 10, pp. 57-64 : 57

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Habrocestoides wulingoides


Habrocestoides wulingoides , sp. nov. (Figs. 44-47) Material: Holotype female, Zhangjiajie, Dayong , Hunan, 26 August 1984, leg. Liu Ming-yao. Etymology: The epigyne and vulva of this new species are very similar to that of H. wulingensis , hence the species name. Diagnosis: This new species resembles H. wulingensis sp. nov., but can be distinguished from the latter by: (l) abdominal pattern with black inclined striae in two lateral areas and white arc striae in median area (Fig. 44), but without large white patches found in H. wulingensis ; (2) folding of copulatory canal more complicated (Figs. 46,47); (3) accessory gland covered by a lamella (arrowed in Fig. 47), not present in H. wulingensis . Female holotype: TL 5.0, CL 2.5, CW 2.2, AEW 1.7, PEW 1.5, EFL 1.0, AL 2.5, AW 2.0. Carapace brown, with sparse brown and white hairs, brownish black on margin and eye field; fovea and radial furrows distinct; anterior four eyes in straight line and equidistant, diameter of AME twice that of ALE, ALE = PLE, PME at midpoint between AME and PLE. Stemum light brown, with sparse brown hairs. Clypeus brown, low, height about one-third radius of AME; with long, sparse, white and brown hairs. Chelicerae brown; two promarginal teeth, one retromar- ginal; a long longitudinal black stria on paturon close to promarginal teeth. Endites and labium brown, with dense fine hairs on distal ends. Pedipalp with long white hairs, like brush. Legs brown, no dark annuli, with sparse brown hairs and long spines. Legs I and II without lateral spines, femur I with three distal dorsal spines, femur II with two, tibia I with three pairs of ventral spines, metatarsi I and II with two pairs, tibia II with five ventral spines. Formula: 4, 3, 1, 2. Measurements: L eg Fe Pa + Ti Mt Ta Total I II III IV 1.4 1.25 1.5 1.55 1.5 1.35 1.5 1.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 4.1 3.8 4.4 4.75 Abdomen oval, with sparse brown hairs, dorsum greyish brown, with dark pattern (Fig. 44); ventrally greyish brown, two discrete longitudinal black bands, merging posteriorly; black inclined striae in two lateral areas. Epigyne and vulva (Figs. 45-47): folding of copulatory canal the most complicated among the genus; accessory gland covered with a large lamella (arrowed in Fig. 47). Male: Unknown. Distribution: China (Hunan).


USA, Florida, Gainesville, University of Florida, Florida Museum of Natural History, Allyn Museum













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