Cryptorhopalum schneppi, Háva & U.S, 2021

Háva, Jiří & U. S, 2021, Cryptorhopalum schneppi nov. sp., a new species from Florida (Coleoptera, Dermestidae, Megatominae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (1), pp. 497-501 : 498-499

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Felipe (2024-08-01 18:34:56, last updated 2024-11-29 01:32:23)

scientific name

Cryptorhopalum schneppi

sp. nov.

Cryptorhopalum schneppi nov.sp. ( Figs 1-4 View Figs )

T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype (♀) labelled: " Florida: Pinellas Co., Ft. De Soto , May 8, 2016, beaten from brown/dead Sabal palmetto frond, Kyle E. Schnepp lgt. ", ( FSCA).

D e s c r i p t i o n: Female measurements (in mm): TL 2.9, EW 1.7. Dorsal integument orange-brown and black ( Fig. 1 View Figs ), setation decumbent, yellow, grey and brown. Ventral integument brown ( Fig. 2 View Figs ), setation decumbent, grey. Head shiny brown and finely punctated, covered with intermixed yellow and grey decumbent setation. Palpi light brown. Median frontal ocellus present. Eyes large with hardly visible short microseta. Antennae brown, with yellow setation, consisting of 11 antennomeres, antennal club with 3 antennomeres ( Fig. 4 View Figs ). Antennal fossa closed. Pronotum integument orange-brown with black spots and long, intermixed yellow and grey setation ( Fig. 3 View Figs ). Elytral integument in anterior 1/2 orange-brown with intermixed brown and yellow setae, and transverse narrow fascia from grey setation, apical part black with brown and yellow individual setae, much more densely and finely punctated as the pronotum. Scutellum orange-brown, small, triangular and without punctation and setation. Epipleuron short, dark brown, with some yellow decumbent setation. Metasternum coarsely punctate with grey decumbent pubescence. Abdominal visible ventrites shiny, brown, densely and coarsely punctated, with grey decumbent setation. Legs: tarsi light brown, tibiae brown, femora brown, sparsely covered with very short and fine decumbent, intermixed grey and yellow setae.

Male: Unknown.

D i f f e r e n t i a l d i a g n o s i s: The new species belongs to the C. quadripunctatum species group. The new species differs by the characters mentioned in the following key.

Revised key to adult females of the C. quadripunctatum species group (Keys to the U.S. fauna modified from BEAL 1985, 1995)

1 Impressed or glabrous maculae apparently absent on 5 th visible abdominal sternum............ ............................................................. C. aspilon BEAL, 1985 and C. distichia BEAL, 1985

- Maculae present on 5 th visible abdominal sternum (may be large and glabrous, covered with setae and marked by fine carina around margin or small, shallow, somewhat pitlike) .....................................................................................................................................2

2 Maculae of 5 th visible abdominal sternum without well-defined margins, glabrous except for an occasional seta or two, and with diameter larger than 1/2 length of segment at midline. Pronotum with dark brown setae on disc.............................................3

- Maculae of 5 th visible abdominal sternum with at least well-defined anterior margin formed either by fine, slightly raised carina or by macula being somewhat depressed. Pronotum with or without dark brown setae on disc ...........................................................5

3 Integument of elytra uniformly dark brown to black. Antennal club dark brown to black.... ........................................................................................................... C. poorei BEAL, 1975

- Elytral integument bicolorous .............................................................................................4

4 Integument of apical 1/4-1/3 of elytra light reddish or light yellowish-brown; pronotum and base of elytra chocolate brown to black. Antennal club reddish brown to light brick red .............................................................................. C. haemorrhoidale (LECONTE, 1824)

- Integument of anterior 1/2 orange-brown with intermixed brown and yellow setae, and transverse narrow fascia from grey setation, apical part black with brown and yellow individual setae...................................................................................... C. schneppi nov.sp.

5 Diameter of maculae of 5 th visible abdominal sternum 1/3-1/2 visible length of sternum at midline.............................................................................................................................6

- Diameter of maculae of 5 th visible abdominal sternum 2/10-3/10 visible length of sternum at midline.............................................................................................................10

6 All setae of pronotum golden to golden white.....................................................................7

- Setae of pronotal lobe and often many setae of disc white or very pale golden white.........8

7 Light-colored setation of elytron light golden. Integument of pronotum usually appreciably darker in color than integument of elytra at base .............. C. balteatum LECONTE, 1854

- Light-colored setation of elytron golden white. Color of integument of pronotum and base of elytra usually identical ....................................................... C. filitarse CASEY, 1900

8 Abdominal sternum 8 forms a long, slender, sclerotized, gradually-tapering, medially directed apodeme with small setae along the margins and a single, large seta at the apex.... ............................................................................................... C. anthrenoides CASEY, 1916

- Abdominal sternum 8 not forms a long, slender, sclerotized, gradually-tapering ...............9

9 White or light golden white setae present in at least narrow row along entire basal margin of pronotum on either side of lobe; pronotum often covered with mostly white and golden white setae. Elytra almost always with some scattered whitish setae between submedian and subapical bands, particularly near median suture ........................... ..................................................................................................... C. reversum CASEY, 1900

- Small or large area of basal margin of pronotum on either side of lobe almost always with golden brown setae; pronotum usually with large area of golden brown setae on disc. Elytra without whitish setae between submedian and subapical bands ......................... ..................................................................................................... C. pruddeni CASEY, 1900

10 Pronotum with all white and golden or golden-white setae; disc without dark brown or golden brown setae............................................................................ C. sapindi BEAL, 1985

- Pronotum with dark brown or golden brown setae on disc and on basal margin on either side of lobe ..............................................................................................................11

11 Abdominal visible sternum 5 with a distinct, surrounding, thread-like carina ...................... ............................................................................................................ C. woolfi BEAL, 1985

- Abdominal visible sternum 5 with large maculae and without a distinct, surrounding, thread-like carina............................................................................... C. brooksi BEAL, 1995

E t y m o l o g y. Patronymic, dedicated to collector of the new species, Kyle E. Schnepp (Gainesville, Florida, USA).

BEAL R. S. (1985): A taxonomic revision of the Nearctic species of Cryptorhopalum (Dermestidae: Coleoptera). - Transactions of the American Entom ological Society 111: 171 - 221.

BEAL R. S. (1995): Taxonomic notes and distributional data on Nearctic species of Cryptorhopalum (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) with description of a new Southwestern U. S. species. - Entomological News 106: 169 - 177.

Gallery Image

Figs. 1-4: Cryptorhopalum schneppi nov.sp. (holotype) ♀: (1) habitus dorsal aspect; (2) habitus ventral aspect; (3) pronotum; (4) antennae.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology